
Fume Automobile Exhaust Feel Fjuːm Strong Choked 汽车排的强烈臭气几乎使他窒息

Front fume
Pron [fjuːm]
Back 【FUME】
The strong fumes of the automobile exhaust nearly choked him.
fume n. 烟, 气体
automobile exhaust: 汽车排气
fumea cloud of fine particles suspended in a gas

To fume is to feel or express great anger. You would fume if your teacher accused you of cheating when you didn't.

As a verb, fume is usually used figuratively to mean "to feel very angry," whereas as a noun, it is used more as its Latin root fumus "smoke, steam, vapor." A strong-smelling gas, smoke or vapor is also called a fume. In cartoons, when a character is fuming, it is often drawn with fumes coming out of its ears. You may fume about the inconsiderate person who sits in the car with the engine running, spewing clouds of exhaust fumes.

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