
Gravel Rock Word ɡrævl Path House Covered 通往这房子的小径布满了碎石

Front gravel
Pron ['ɡrævl]
The path to the house was covered with gravel.
gravel n. 碎石
gravelrock fragments and pebbles

Gravel is very small, irregular pieces of rock and stone. Your gravel driveway might crunch under your boots as you walk to the mailbox.

Roads, paths, walkways, and yards are all sometimes paved with gravel, which is a relatively inexpensive material to use for marking areas and preventing the growth of weeds and other plants. Gravel is more rough and rocky than sand, and smaller than stones. The word gravel comes from the French word gravele, "gravel or sand," which in turn comes from grave, "seashore or sand." The ultimate Proto-Indo-European root may be ghreu, "to rub or grind."

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