
Sneer 嘲笑 Contempt Upper Lip Snɪr Girl Sneered

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The mean girl sneered at the poor girl's cheap clothes.
sneer v. 轻蔑, 嘲笑 反: admire
sneer at: 嘲笑
sneera facial expression of contempt or scorn; the upper lip curls

If your smile is contorted with contempt or your upper lip curled with distaste and disdain, you're probably sneering. And you should stop, because it isn't nice.

Many things can elicit a sneer: a terrible red carpet outfit, a disgusting plate of food, a stupid joke told for the third time. But sneers aren't just meant to show disgust. They're mean-spirited, mocking and often downright snooty. So now that you know the definition of sneer inside and out, resist the temptation to sneer at those who don't!

All forms of 'sneer' will appear on average once every 401 pages.

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