Advanced Arabic Vocabulary- Qisas An Nabiyeen
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- مارِد refractory defiant
- صَرَحَ clarify to
- مَرَّدَ strip to
- اِليان alien
- أَضَاعَ lose waste squander
- ضَاعَ ِـِ lost 1,ِِِ be
- عِبرِيّة n hebrew
- صَرْف n/src dismissal discharge
- غَمَسَ ـِ v dip dunk
- حَذِقَ ـَ master skilled 1
- مَرَدَ rebellious defiant to be
- مارِد ج مَرَدَة refractory defiant
- غُنْم booty loot
- سَبَغَ long wide loose ِ
- دَرَّعَ arm to
- سَرَدَ ـُ cite narrate 1
- جَابَ ـُ travel cruise wander
- جَرَّبَ experiment attempt try
- حَصُنَ chaste fortified to be
- جَرِبَ ـَ itch scab to
- آدَاب ethics morals manners
- أَدَب ج آدَاب literature politeness civility
- أَوَى ـِ to lodge harbor give refuge
- أَوَّبَ return to
- حَاذِق ج حُذَّاق skilled proficient
- حَبَا ـُ crawl creep, 2)give grant award bestow
- حَابَى prefer favor
- نَفَّذَ execute act penetrate pierce
- مَشارِيعَة show pageant plan 1
- عِمْلاق ج عَمَالِقَة colossal giant
- عُمْرانِيَّة civilized
- عَاصِف ة ج عَوَاصِفُ ـات stormy blowy
- أَمِير ة ج أُمَرَاءُ prince emir leader
- شَرَعَ ـَ legislate prescribe 1
- عَصَفَ ـِ blow rage 1
- آبَ return ُ to
- غَنَم ج أَغْنَام sheep
- وَجِفَ excited agitated to be
- مِحْراب ج محاريب mihrab niche mosque
- غَنِمَ ـَ capture loot gain
- تَجَلَّى view to appear come
- مَرِحَ happy to be
- غَاصَ غُصْ ـُ plunge dive sink
- غُدُوّ leaving مصدر
- رَوَاح going departing
- وَزَغَ restrain ِ to
- قِدْر ج قُدُور pot
- تَمْثِيل ج تَماثِيل statue depiction
- ذَكَاء ج أذكِاء intelligent
- قَضِيَّة ج قضايا case lawsuit issue affair
- عَمِيق ج عِمَاق عُمُق deep profound
- دَقِيق ج أَدِقَّاءُ careful accurate minute thin fine
- عُنْقُود ج عَنَاقِيدُ cluster grapes
- عَمُقَ ـُ deepen deep 1
- قَطَرَ ـُ drop 2)to drip dribble
- غَدَا ـُ turn leave to
- جَلا ـُ shine polish clear
- رَهِبَ ـَ fear dread afraid
- أَبَهَ pay attention ِ to
- كَرْم ج كُرُوم vine grapevine vineyard
- مَتَعَ fathah carry to away
- دَبَّرَ to arrange plan, to
- يَقِظَ awake to be
- طِيْن mud clay
- مَلْجَأ ج مَلاجِئ shelter asylum,
- جَفَحَ incline to
- خَفَضَ ـِ to shorten lessen
- كَنَفَ guard surround to ِ
- بَدَّدَ squander scatter diffuse 1
- حَنَّ عَلى ـِ pity mercy
- نَبَغَ fathah sight 1 appear
- رَبَطَ ـُ bind connect attach
- جِنَاح ج أَجْنِحَة wing stand stall
- مَرِحَ rejoice fun happy to
- خَفْض dropping lowering
- كَنَف ج أَكْنَاف washroom
- لِين laxity lenity leniency softness
- حَنَان kindness sympathy
- خُصّ ج أَخْصَاص hut shanty
- نُبُوغ distinction genius 1 2
- بَكَّرَ early premature to do
- أَبْطَلَ talk vain cancel abolish,
- شَيْب gray hair age مصدر
- وَقَدَ ignite ِ to
- لَجَّ stubborn ِ to be
- وَهَِنَ weak to be
- سِنّ ج أَسْنَان tooth age aging
- لَوْن ج أَلْوَان color category
- تَصَرَّفَ act behave to
- تَصَرُّف ج ـات action behavior
- عُضْو ج أَعْضَاء organ limb
- نَذْر vow
- تَقَبَّلَ accept admit to
- مَصْلَحَة ج مَصَالِحُ benefit utility
- ضَرَعَ ـَ humiliate oneself 1
- مواشٍ livestock
- تَضَرَّعَ beg invoke إلى 2)to humiliate
- رَغَا ـُ foam lath 1
- إِبْل ج) camels
- خَارَ ـُ moo cow 1
- ثغا ـُ bleat blat 1
- سَخْلَة ج سِخَال lamb
- مَتَّعَ make enjoy to one
- اِسْتَنْزَلَ step call to down
- جَنَحَ ـَ bend, incline 1
- فَرَغَ ـَ empty unpack evacuate
- قُرْعَة ballot vote
- جَرَدَ stock/inventory peel strip to
- سَهَمَ grave ُ to look
- ساهَمَ participate to
- مُدْحَض refutable questionable
- تَجَرَّدَ remove strip to 1
- شَقَّ ـُ split excavate 1
- اِلْتَقَمَ devour swallow to
- هَشَمَ destroy ِ to
- بَدَّدَ spread, waste to 1
- Call اِسْتَنْزَلَ step to down
- دَحَضَ ـَ refute void to
- مُغاضِب angry
- ضَرَعَ ـَ submissive, beg humiliate oneself
- مواشٍ livestock
- تَضَرَّعَ beg supplicate إلى humiliate
- رَغَا ـُ foam lather
- خَارَ ـُ moo bellow 1
- ثغا ـُ bleat sheep 1
- سَخْلَة ج سِخَال lamb
- مَتَّعَ enjoy make to
- جَنَحَ ـَ incline lean to
- آدَاب 1) ethics morals manners 2) literature civility courtesy أَدَب]singular
- فَرَعَ fathah surpass to
- قُرْعَة vote lot ballot 1
- مَتَعَ carry to away
- جَرَدَ ـُ 1)to peel inventory
- سَهَمَ grave ُ to look
- ساهَمَ participate to
- مُدْحَض questionable refutable
- تَجَرَّدَ removed undressed, unbiased to
- شَقَّ ـُ split excavate cleave rip,
- اِلْتَقَمَ devour swallow to
- هَشَمَ k destroy to
- مَرَدَ rebellious defiant to be
- دَحَضَ ـَ refute, invalid void
- مَلْجَأ ج مَلاجِئ shelter asylum،
- خَفَضَ ـِ shorten drop lessen
- كَنَفَ guard surround to 1
- حَنَّ ـِ pity mercy 1
- حَنَّ على ـِ mercy/sympathy 1
- نَبَغَ f sight to appear
- رَبَطَ ـُ tie up.
- جِنَاح ج أَجْنِحَة wing compartment division
- خَفْض dropping lowering
- كَنْف side flank #1
- لِين softness 1
- حنان sympathy
- خُصّ ج أَخْصَاص cottage hut shanty
- نُبُوغ genius distinction
- بَكَّرَ early prematurely to do
- أَبْطَلَ 1)to vain talk 2)cancel abolish invalidate
- شَيْب gray haired
- طِين clay mud
- لَجَّ على ـَ urge insist stubborn
- وَهِنَ ـَ weak languish feeble
- سِنّ ج أَسْنَان tooth age aging point tip
- لَوْن ج أَلْوَان color tint kind category
- تَصَرُّف ج ـات action behavior demeanor administration
- عُضْو ج أَعْضَاء organ limb
- نَذْر vow #2
- تَقَبَّلَ accept admit
- مَصْلَحَة ج مَصَالِحُ benefit, use
- مُصْلَحَة acting righteously
- لانَ ِـِ soft 1 to
- أَلانَ soften to
- تَجَاوَبَ reply back echo to
- إِلًى آلاء blessings benefits
- جَمَاد ج ـات solid body inanimate ground soil
- مَنْطِق logic utterance phonation 1
- قَوِيّ ج أَقْوِيَاءُ strong powerful intense
- اِنْقاد 1)to led surrender yield
- تَجْرِبَة ج تَجَارِبُ test experiment trial
- صَنْعَة skill work
- دِرْع ج دُرُوع armor armament
- سَابِغ ج سَوَابِغُ abundant ample full complete long
- سَرْد enumeration, listing presentation quotation
- لَبُوس clothing
- أَحْصَنَ fortify entrench
- سَبَغَ long wide ُ to
- دَرَّعَ arm to
- سَرَدَ ـُ narrate pierce
- جَابَ ـُ explore, travel to
- جَرَّبَ test to
- حَصُنَ chaste protected to be
- جَرِبَ ـَ itch scabby
- أَوَى ِـِ 1) take refuge 1
- أَوَّبَ return to
- حَاذِق ج حُذَّاق clever skilled skillful
- حَبَا ـُ crawl creep give grant award
- حابى favor show respect to
- نَفَّذَ pierce penetrate to
- مَشارِيعَة show pageant plan 1
- عِمْلاق ج عَمَالِقَة colossal giant
- عُمْرانِيَّة civilized
- عَاصِف ة ج عَوَاصِفُ ـات) stormy blowy gusty
- شَرَعَ ـَ 1) legislate start في
- عَصَفَ ـِ blow rage storm
- آبَ return ُ to
- حَذِقَ ـَ skilled 1
- غُنْم غَنْم taking booty
- غَنَم ج أَغْنَام sheep
- وَجِفَ excited agitated to be
- غَنِمَ ـَ capture loot gain
- تَجَلَّى view clear 1 appear
- مَرِحَ ـَ be happy rejoice
- غَاصَ غُصْ ـُ plunge dive into, submerge
- غُدُوّ leaving
- رَوَاح departure rest 1 2
- وَزَغَ k restrain to
- قِدْر ج قُدُور pot kettle
- تَمْثِيل representing representation depiction 1
- ذَكَاء intellect intelligence
- قَضِيَّة ج قضايا case cause, lawsuit probe
- عَمِيق أعمق ج عِمَاق عُمُق deep profound
- دَقِيق ج أَدِقَّاءُ careful accurate minute thin fine
- عُنْقُود ج عَنَاقِيدُ cluster bunch grapes
- قَطَرَ ـُ drop drip 1
- غَدَا ـُ leave turn to
- جَلا ـُ shine polish become clear
- رَهِبَ ـَ fear dread afraid
- أَبَهَ f pay attention to
- كَرْم ج كُرُوم grapevines
- مَتَعَ f carry to away
- دَبَّرَ arrange plot plan
- يَقِظَ awaken to be
- سامَ impose offer sale wrong
- هُزْل lean thin م
- مُسَاوَمَة bargaining wrangling haggling
- نَالَ ـَ obtain acquire 1
- نال give gift ُ to
- مَنَال acquirement achievement
- خَاضِع ج خُضَّع dependent submissive humble
- بَعْثَة أيضاً بِعْثَة ج بَعَثَات mission expedition
- أَقْبَلَ approach draw near
- تَحَقَّقَ true actualize, prove true
- قُدُوم arrival coming
- دَلَّ على ـُ show
- أَدَلَّ make free to
- وَكَلَ ِـِ assign entrust
- وَكَّلَ authorize delegate
- مَلَأ أَمْلاء crowd
- مَوْكِب (ج مَوَاكِبُ convoy procession show
- أقربُ closest nearest nearer
- اِخْتَبَرَ search explore test to
- ثَبَات stability constancy, steadiness fortitude firmness
- َاِلتَبَس obscure to be
- مَاشٍ أيضاً الْمَاشِي ج مُشَاة walking, pedestrian
- مُؤَكَّد assured established certain
- مُؤَكِّد affirmative confirmatory
- أَكَّدَ assure declare affirm confirm
- تَوَهَّمَ presume imagine/fancy to 1
- اِنْخَدَعَ deceived to be
- وَهَمَ ِـِ imagine 1
- وَهِمَ make mistake to a
- مُظَاهَرَة ج ـات demonstration manifestation
- مَظاهِر appearance outward being
- سَاق ج سُوق سِيقَان trunk stalk stem shin
- أَدْرَكَ 1) understand know, reach gain
- دَرَّكَ continue to
- غِطَاء ج أَغْطِيَة covering shroud
- إِلْف/أَلْف آلاف familiarity
- وَرَّطَ involve difficulty entangle 1
- دَهَاء/دِهاء shrewdness smartness م
- سَالَ ِـِ flow trickle 1
- مَاجَ ـُ surge wave excited
- خَاضَ ـُ wade cross river)
- دَهِيَ smart to be
- خَبَأَ hidden to be
- صَرُحَ pure to be
- صَرْح ج صُرُوح tower,castle mansion
- مُمَرَّد stripping م
- قارُورَة ج قوارير long bottle
- اِبْتَدَرَ إلى rush hasten anticipate
- تَفَقَّرَ seek examine to
- أَحَاطَ بـ surround encompass encircle
- خَبْء hidden that which is
- صَدَّ ـُ stop, repel prevent
- فَقَدَ miss fail find to
- بَدَرَ بَدَرَ إلى ـُ unexpectedly hurry rush
- قَرَّ ـِ settle live agree acknowledge
- عِفْرِيت (ج عَفَارِيت goblin devil sly
- تَعَفْرَتَ behave devil to like
- عَزَّ fortified powerful ِ become
- عَزِيز ج أَعِزَّاءُ honored valuable
- طَرْف look glance twinkling
- نَكَّرَ disguise to
- لُجَّة ج لُجّ لَجَج abyss sea depth
- عَلا ـُ exalt rise ascend overcome
- أفْتَى issue fatwa a
- قَشِفَ live misery to in
- غَمَرَ ـُ overflow engulf flood
- مَهَلَ slow to be
- حَذَّرَ warn advise alert
- مَهْل slowness
- حُجَّة ج حُجَج 1) proof argument, authority authoritative source
- لَهَا ـُ play amuse sport
- مَخْروف pierced one who is
- كَلَّفَ assign charge, commission entrust to obligate
- أُسْلُوب (ج أَسَالِيبُ method mode manner, style language
- تَأَدَّبَ behave polite to be
- مُتَأَدِّب well-bred cultured
- أَدَبَ well-mannered culture decency 1
- عَنَاء work hard toil pains hardship
- شَبِعَ ـَ satisfy satiate 1
- إِلْحاح urge urgency
- Cling تَشَبَّثَ بـ شَبَّثَ make
- جِيل ج أَجْيَال generation age race
- عِيد ج أَعْيَاد holiday festival carnival
- ـ تَفَاقَمَ worsen, critical worse
- كَفَّ ـُ stop check, desist على
- كَفَّ عَنْ desist to from
- قَانُون ج قَوَانِينُ law regulation rule established principles
- ثَوْرِيّ ة rebellious revolutionary
- نِظَام ج نُظُم أَنْظِمَة system approach, order arrangement
- خَضَعَ ـَ surrender submit, yield
- بَال attention care بَالَ ـُ urinate
- حُلْم ج أَحْلام dream
- شافَهَ speak to
- شَباب شَابّ ج شُبَّان شَبَاب شَابَّات youth young
- اِسْتَهْوَى attract charm fascinate
- فَوْضَوِيّ anarchist chaotic
- ثَائِر ج ثُوَّار rebel, revolting eruptive
- تَخَلُّص من free rid remove
- كَأْس ج كُؤُوس كَأْسَات cup glass goblet
- عِدَاء عَدَاء ج ـات ـ animosity ـ antagonism unfriendliness hostility
- حاول attempt to try
- تَفِهَ insignificant to be little
- تَافِهَة ج تَوَافِهُ insignificant worthless unimportant
- اِسْتَيْقَنَ ascertain make to sure
- شِبْه ج أَشْبَاهذ شَبَه شَبَّهَ بـ similar quasi
- تَدَافَعَ push off, struggle to
- شِرَارَة ج شَرَر شِرَار spark ignition
- شَبِثَ cling key شَبَث spider
- سِيَاسَة polical politics
- مَصْبُوغ colored dyed
- هَيَّجَ excite irritate i ncite kindle
- خَلَطَ ـِ mix mingle
- True تَحَقَّقَ actualize prove to
- غَرَض ج أَغْرَاض purpose aim destination target
- إِدَارَة ج ـات administration administering
- اِشْتَدَّ intense aggravated harsh be
- مِشْنَقة مَشنَقَة ج مشانق place execution
- صَبَغَ color pigment dye
- اِتَّفَقَ happen agree في على chance covenant treaty
- سَفَاهَة foolishness stupidity
- وَصْف ج أَوْصَاف portrait description
- ما دُمْتُ long i as
- شَقِيّ ج أَشْقِيَاء miserable unhappy
- صِرَاع fight conflict wrestle
- اِبْتَعَدَ عن avoid stay
- زَعِيم ج زُعَمَاءُ leader chief
- عَيْب ج عُيُوب fault deficiency
- غَضاضَة freshness
- تَنَازُل عن abandonment abandoning lower oneself condescend
- رِئَاسَة headship presidency
- زَعَامَة leadership generalship
- غَضَّ ـُ lower gaze cast fresh
- ذَرَعَ measure to
- جِنَائِيّ criminal penal
- جَنْب ج جُنُوب side flank
- اِلْتَبَسَ unclear obscured to be
- اِمْتِياز ج ـات excellence distinction
- اِمْتِياز ج ـات excellence distinction
- سَرَعَ throw سَرَّعََ speed to
- نَذِير ج نُذُر warning dedicated god
- مُتْرَف luxurious opulent
- تَرِفَ live ease/wealth to in
- شَقِيَ unhappy to be
- شقا unhappy miserable ُ to
- تَفَاخُر تَفَاخَرَ boast pride
- كَدَّ ـُ hard work
- جَبِين ج أَجْبُن أَجْبِنَة جُبُن forehead
- عَرَق sweat perspiration
- وَصَفَ صِفْ ـِ describe qualify
- طُول ج أَطْوَال length
- جَحَدَ ـَ deny disown disbelieve
- تَطَاوَلَ lengthen extend long become
- جاه superiority high rank honor
- مَنْصِب ج مَنَاصِبُ office position post
- قَاصِر ة ج ـون ـات defective insufficient unable
- حَرْف ج حِرَف edge
- مِهْنَة ج مِهَن occupation business
- مَهُنَ مَهَنَ low miserable humble
- صَيَّاد ة ج ـون ـات hunter shooter
- اِلْتَفَّ turn coil wind
- سِيَاحَة traveling tourism
- خَرُوف ج خِرَاف lamb sheep
- جَوْلَة ج جَوْلات travel journey tour round
- رَجَاء hope expectation wish
- سَدَّ ـُ block close plug
- اجتزأ content to be
- رَمَقَ ـُ stare gaze regard
- جَلْد ج أَجْلاد patient constant tolerant
- تَقَشُّف abstinence asceticism austerity
- زَهَاد َة insignificance meagerness
- جَلَدَ ـِ whip beat lash
- جَلَّدَ جَلِدَ freeze to
- جَلُدَ tough to be
- رَجا رَجِيَ loose relaxed to
- نابِل noble to be
- نَبُلَ ـُ noble 1
- رِوَاق ج أَرْوِقَة 1) hallway lobby curtain tent
- ضَجَّ ـِ scream make noise
- ضَجِيج noise uproar cry
- صَاحَ صِحْ ـِ shout cry scream
- بَرَاءَة innocence clearance discharge
- تَنَصَّلَ من deny disown disavow free withdraw
- صِيَاح noise cry call
- عويل lamentation wail
- عَالَ ـُ support provide oppress
- نَفَّذَ execute act perform carry penetrate
- واقَفَ stop to
- بُعْد ج أَبْعَاد distance farness remoteness
- بَهَتَ ـَ amaze astound
- مُتَحَمِّس ardent enthusiast, fervent zealous
- بَهِتَ ـَ amazed astounded pale
- بُهْتَان/بُهت lie falsehood defamation
- مُطْلَق free unlimited categorical infinite absolute unambiguous
- طَلَقَ cheerful divorce to 1
- فَرَّطَ neglect abandon
- فَرَطَ slip lost escape inadvertantly
- تَفْرِيط negligence
- أَفْرَطَ في overdo exceed go
- اِعْتَقَدَ deem think believe
- عَقَدَ k bind knot to
- بَعْثَة أيضاً بِعْثَة ج بَعَثَات delegation mission expedition
- وَدَّعَ goodbye farewell say see
- تَعَمَّمَ wear turban to a
- أَعَمَّ spread universally to
- خَصَّصَ specialize particularize specify
- ذَابَ ـُ dissolve melt liquefy
- غَرِيب ة ج غُرَبَاءُ ـات peculiar bizarre astonishing
- سَائِغ agreeable permissible
- سَاغَ ـُ allowed easy swallow
- هَاجَ َِـِ flare stirred/agitate to
- صَلِيب ج صُلْبَان cross hard firm
- صَلْب crucifixion
- صَلُبَ crucify to
- مَحْكَمَة محاكم court
- لَحَّ close to be
- شَاغِل ج شَوَاغِل worrying occupying
- تَرَدَّدَ fluctuate hesitate waver, reverberate recur
- أصدر send export to 1
- مُتَهَكِّم sarcastic cynical
- تَنَدَّرَ مُتَنَدِّر jest mock to
- اِحْتَشَدَ collect assemble
- ذَرَعَ measure power 1 2
- أَزْعَجَ زَعَجَ f trouble upset
- اِسْتَراحَ rest relax calm to
- حَرِيص ج حَرَائِصُ greedy avaricious
- حِرْص desire aspiration greed avarice
- كَفَّ ـُ stop desist عن
- عَادَة ج عَوَاءِدُ عَادَات habit custom habitude manner
- مُتَمَدِّن civilized cultured sophisticated
- هَاتِف ج هَوَاتِف shouter crier phone
- تَمَدَّنَ civilized to be
- حاشِد crowded congested
- حَشَدَ ـُ assemble gather
- حَرَصَ ِـِ greedy, 2)adherence
- تَهَكَّمَ بـ تَهَكُّم mock
- تَنَدَّرَ تَنَدُّر joke jest
- صَدَرَ ـُ issued published proceed stay
- تَدَخَّلَ interfere meddle intervene step
- أَضْنَى weaken make thin
- مَشَى اِمْشِ ِـِ walk 1
- مشي walk walking
- ضَنِيَ lean to be
- Fellow زَمِيل ة ج زُمَلاء worker colleague
- عُود ج أَعْوَاد stick rod cane
- مُبَادَرَة ج ـات initiative action alleviated
- مَوْكِب ج مَوَاكِبُ convoy procession escort
- مُرْهِق مُرْهَق ـ sacrificing exhausting tired exhausted
- أَرْهَقَ exhaust burden overweary
- أَفَكَ lie to tell a
- بَشِع بَشَّعَ ugly deformed
- اِسْتَبْشَعَ find ugly to as
- كَنِيسَة ج كَنَائِسُ church temple synagogue
- أصرح make clear to
- مُهَيْمِن مُهَيْمَن dominant prevalent controlled dominated
- تَذَوَّقَ taste relish delight in
- رَهْبَنَة monasticism
- خُضُوع submission subjection yielding
- رَهِبَ ـَ fear dread afraid
- أَكْمَه (ج كُمْه blind born
- أَبْرَص leprous leper
- مَهْد ج مُهُود cradle bed
- كَهْل ج كُهُول كُهُولَة elderly middle-aged
- رَائِع أروع ج رَوَائِعُ ـون ـات excellent outstanding
- تَبَرَّأَ من deny renounce, disavow disown free
- غَامِض ج غَوَامِضُ ـون ـات mysterious dim incomprehensible
- ثَنِيَة repeating doubling
- سَافِر ة ج سَوَافِرُ unveiled unconcealed barefaced writer
- دَافِع ة ج دَوَافِعُ ـون ـات impelling impulsion
- غَاصَ غُصْ ـُ plunge dive into, ـbe immersed
- ذَقَن/ذِقْن ج أَذْقَان ذُقُون chin
- نَحَتَ ـُ carve sculpture
- مَعْبَد ج مَعَابِد temple
- هَيْكَل ج هَيَاكِلُ temple altar
- عَرِيق ancient old
- خُرَافَة ج خُرَافَات fable
- خَرِف خَرِفَ ـَ demented senile
- اِمْتَزَجَ مَزَجَ ـُ mix blend
- ـ تَنَصَّرَ christian seek become
- اِحْتَضَنَ hug embrace
- تَبَنَّ build erect to
- رسْمِيّ formal official authoritative
- دَنَى close to be near
- رُوَيْداً slowly gently
- صَارَ ِـِ happen 1
- فَقَّدَ lose fail find فَقَدَ ِـِ miss
- أَصَالَة authenticity originality, -establish
- تَجَلَّى clear view 1 to
- بَسَاطَة modesty plainness simplicity
- طَعَّمَ inoculate vaccinate
- نَشَأَ ـَ begin arise promote originate
- سَيْر ـ course traffic walk ـ strap سَيْر ج سُيُور
- مَأْسَاة ج مَآسٍ catastrophe tragedy
- قَصْد meaning intent sake moderation temperance intention purpose
- مُسَيْطِر dominant dominating prevailing
- هَبَّ ـُ blow breeze rush move suddenly
- هَزَّ ـُ shake vibrate
- كَوْن ج أَكْوَان existence being, universe cosmos,
- نَدْوَة ج نَدَوَات council, symposium seminar
- شَمَخَ ـَ rise 1 to
- نَهْج approach method road
- نَجْب ـ نَجُبَ noble kind
- نجيب highbred
- حَرِيص ج حَرَائِصُ greedy avaricious
- دباب crawling creeping animal like
- عُهْدَة care custody responsibility
- مَطْبُوع ة ج ـون ـات printed typed
- خَجِل shy ashamed blushing
- خُرَافَة ج خُرَافَات fables superstitions
- تَوَافَقَ تَوَافُق conform agree harmonize
- بَسْط extension stretching delight
- رَجَا ـُ hope request 1
- رَجَاء hope expectation wish
- أَتْحَفَ present to
- تُحْفَة ج تُحَف showpiece masterwork gift present
- شائِق interesting exciting
- شاقَ delight ُ to please
- شَوْق ج أَشْوَاق longing yearning interest
- أَقَرَّ أَقَرَّ بـ confirm endorse to establish settle
- pay دَفَعَ اِدْفَعْ ـَ push back refute confute,
- فَأر ج فِئْرَان mouse rat
- سَقِيم ج سُقَمَاءُ سِقَام sick diseased sickly
- فَأْس ج فُؤُوس ax pickax
- عُنُق ج أَعْنَاق neck
- دَهِشَ ـَ amazed astounded be
- أَهَانَ insult humiliate abase
- هَانَ ـُ despicable 1
- هَانَ ـُ despicable easy to
- حَرَّقَ burn set afire to
- تَحَيَّرَ confused helpless confuse baffle حَيَّرَ
- حَارَ ـَ confused 1
- بَاقٍ أيضاً الباقِي 1) survivor, 2) enduring lasting permanent remaining
- غَيْمَة (ج غَيْم غُيُوم cloud
- غامَ cloudy ِ to be
- سَقَى اِسْقِ ـِ irrigate water give drink
- بَلِيد ج بُلَدَاءُ stupid heavy, dull sluggish
- عُشْب ج أَعْشَاب grass herbage pasture
- اِضْطَجَعَ recline lie one's side
- كَبْش ج كِبَاش battering ram male sheep
- طَبِيعَة ج طَبَائِعُ quality nature character disposition
- غَلَبَ ِـِ overcome, prevail defeat conquer
- طَرَحَ ـَ throw discard, cast
- وَفْد ج وُفُود ـ delegation deputation ـ arrival coming
- وَفَدَ ِـِ arrive 1 at
- عَزَمَ على ِـِ decide determine resolve عَزْم resolution determination
- رَتَعَ ـَ graze pasture
- غَابَة ج غَابَات wood forest jungle
- صَبَغَ color pigment
- اِسْتَبَقَ predict ahead forestall compete
- شَقَّ ـُ split excavate cleave rip
- مَوْضُوع ج مَوَاضِيعُ ـات 1) issue topic subject 2) put
- مُوحِش lonely dreary lonesome
- أوحشَ deserted make lonely to
- بَحَثَ ـَ search quest, seeking research, study
- دَلَّى أَدْلى hang suspend lower
- نَزَعَ ِـِ pull extract
- خِيَانَة 1) cheating 2) betrayal treachery 3) violation infringement
- خَفِيَ اِخْفَ ـَ hide concealed
- رَاوَدَ concern occupy seduce 1
- رَادَ ـُ explore, walk
- شَكَا (اُشْكُ ـُ complain 1
- ج بَرّ بُرُور بَرّ أَبْرار ـ ground land ـ honest
- حُرّ ة ج أَحْرَار حُرَّات liberated free pure
- جَوَاد ج أَجْوَاد generous freehanded liberal
- جَهَرَ ـَ ـ declare announce light
- اِسْتَعْجَلَ rush hurry expedite
- فُرْصَة ج فُرَص opportunity chance
- أَعْجَف lean
- يَابِس أيبس ج يُبَّس يابِسَة ـdry rigid waterless
- سُنْبُلَة ج سُّنْبُل سَنَابل سُنْبُلاَت ـear(corn spike
- مُشْفِق sympathy one with
- أَشْفَقَ pity to have
- تَدْبِير ج تَدَابِير arrangement planning
- حَصَدَ ـُ crop gather mow harvest,
- قَحْط قَحِط aridity lack famine
- حَزِنَ ـَ grieve sadden mourn
- خَزَنَ ـُ store stock warehouse
- خَصِبَ ـَ be fertile,
- اِشْتَاقَ to crave yearn
- فَتَّشَ examine scrutinize 1 2
- ضَائِع ج ضِيَاع ـون ـات wasted lost poor
- اِنْتَفَعَ benefit make use of
- اِسْتَحَى ashamed shy be to
- اِسْتَرَاحَ relax rest to calm,
- مَجَاعَة starvation famine
- أَنْكَرَ deny negate disown, 1
- فَضَحَ shame expose unmask 1
- ثَمَن ج أَثْمَان price cost ثُمُن eighth ثَمُنَ
- عَاهَدَ عَهِدَ عَهِدَ إلى promise vow covenant ـentrust
- مُتَفَرِّق separated divided
- حَبَسَ ِـِ lock occlude, jail,
- اِلْتَفَتَ اِلْتَفَتَ إلى ـ rotate turn ـ pay attention
- فَقَدَ ِـِ فَقْد lose miss
- بَعِير ج بُعْرَان camel
- فَجَعَ ـَ distress afflict 1
- خِفْيَةً covertly secretly, 2) secret mystery ج خَفَايَا)
- مَخْفِيّ hidden
- مُمْتَحِن مُمْتَحَن ـ tester examiner, ـ examined examinee tested
- لامَ لُمْ ـُ blame censure reproach
- قَنَطَ ـُ despair give 1
- هَاجَ ـِ flare wild roused stirred,
- مَنَّ على ـُ award grant, bless with, give
- تَجَدَّدَ regenerate renewed be
- آثَرَ على choose prefer put higher
- رَائِحَة ج رَوَائِحُ smell odor scent
- فَطَرَ ـُ create make split
- أَلْحَقَ join add suffix append attach
- لَحِقَ ـَ ـ بـ adhere follow, catch overtake,
- قَرْيَة (ج قُرًى town village
- طَرَدَ ـُ ـ expel banish, ـ push
- Revenge اِنْتَقَمَ retaliate pay vengeance
- فِكْرَة ج فِكَر idea thought
- شَتَمَ ـِ curse abuse swear
- حِيلَة ج حِيَل trick fraud deception, stratagem
- جَوَاد ج أَجْوَاد جِيَاد ـgenerous ـhorse
- جَهَرَ ـَ declare announce
- سَمّ أيضاً سُمّ ج سُمُوم poison venom
- سَمَّى call name, term to
- مَضَى ِـِ مَضَى في leave 2) pass time ـ go
- اِلْتَمَسَ اِلْتَمَسَ من search ـappeal request
- حَبَسَ ِـِ lock occlude up 2) jail imprison
- نَسْل ج أَنْسَال generation offspring
- عُذْر ج أَعْذَار excuse alibi justification
- نَالَ ـَ obtain 1 take
- أَرْذَل ج أَرَاذِل despicable vile
- رَذْل discarding rejection
- طَرَدَ ـُ expel banish oust
- جَرَّبَ experiment attempt try
- صَاحَ صِحْ ِـِ shout cry scream
- رَقَصَ ـُ dance 1
- اِعْتَذَرَ apologize excuse oneself
- هَبَّ ـُ 1) move suddenly blow start moving
- قَلَعَ ـَ pull pluck tear
- هَدَمَ ِـِ tear bulldoze
- رَمْل ج رِمَال sand
- اِعْتَنَقَ adopt embrace
- جِدار/جُدْران جُدُر wall
- اِسْتَغاثَ call for help
- خَرَاب destruction devastating
- بُومَة ج بُوم owl
- عِمَارَة ج عَمَائِرُ عِمَارَات building
- عَمَرَ ـُ populate make inhabited
- فَاقَ فُقْ ـُ excel outmatch outreach
- صِنَاعَة ج صَنَائِعُ ـات 1) industry manufacture art skill
- نَقَشَ ـُ inscribe carve engrave to color paint
- نَقْش ج نُقُوش picture drawing carving sculpture
- بَدِيع wonderful superb
- بَدِيعَة/بدائع marvel
- شَمْع wax شَمْعَة ج شَمْع candle
- زَهْرَة ج زُهُور أَزْهَار, flower blossom زَهَرَ ـَ
- جَادَ ـُ good 1
- عُمْر ج أَعْمَار age life lifetime
- أَهَانَ insult offend affront abase
- هَانَ ـُ 1) be contemptible easy
- خَادِم (ج خَدَم خَدَمَة خُدَّام servant attendant
- جَاوَزَ pass exceed go beyond
- جَازَ ـُ 1) be probable, allowed
- بِسَاط ج بُسُط أَبْسِطَة carpet mat
- شُغْل ج أَشْغال occupation work, labor hard labor
- نَجَّار ج ـون carpenter woodworker
- حَدَّاد blacksmith ironsmith
- جَرَّ ـُ draw pull drag tug,
- صَرَاحَة openness unreservedness boldness
- ثَوْر ج ثِيرَان, bull bovine
- نَبَعَ ـُ flow proceed 1
- اِرْتَقَى climb ascend
- رَقِيَ ـَ 1) advance forward climb
- رَبْوَة ج رُبًى hill mound
- حَالَ ـُ change alter 1
- أَمْسَكَ prevent backhold
- غَارَ ـَ غَارَ ـُ jealous sink settle
- Equal اِسْتَوَى سَوَاء ج سُوًى alike equal level
- اِنْتَشَرَ spread prevail
- مَرْعًى ج مَرَاعٍ pasture grass grazing land
- مَنْظَر ج مَنَاظِرُ view landscape sight scene
- بُسْتَان ج بَسَاتِينُ garden orchard
- غَبِيّ (ج أَغْبِيَاء ـات stupid foolish
- Evil وَبَال consequences deeds unhealthiness، unwholesomeness
- Wild وَحْش ج وُحُوش وَحْش ـ monster animal beast
- صَلاح goodness validity
- على حَتَّمَ حَتَمَ ِـِ impose necessitate
- عَظْم ج عِظَام bone
- ذَلَّ ِـِ low humble submit yield
- حَافَ ِـِ wrong aggrieve ـto oppress
- أفْقَدَ deprive
- سَقَطَ ـُ drop fall, 1
- رِقَّة delicateness fineness thinness
- دِقَّة accuracy precision accurateness exactness, delicateness touchiness fineness
- وَرَقَة ج وَرَقَات page, leaf
- ضَاعَ ِـِ lost 1,ِ
- جَراءة daringness
- سَحَابَة ج سُحُب سَحَاب cloud
- أَعْجَبَ appeal to astonish 1
- دِعَايَة propaganda publicity advertizing
- مَالَ مِلْ ِـِ slant tilt incline
- وَعَظَ ِـِ preach sermonize 1
- خَابَ ِـِ fail 2) be disappointed
- فَخَرَ ـَ boast pride 1
- نَتَجَ من ِـِ نَتِيجَة ج نَتَائِجُ=result effect outcome
- دَهِشَ ـَ wonder amazed astounded
- عَلَفَ
- عَلَفَ feed to
- مَاءَ مستقبل يموء ـُ meow
- مَشِيئَة ج ـات 1) pleasure wish, will
- ـُ نَفَرَ من ـِ نَفَرَ ـِ ـ abhor disincline
- نَوْبَة (ج نُوَب نَوْبَات fit bout, seizure attack
- شَقِيّ ج أَشْقِيَاء miserable unhappy scoundrel
- نَحَرَ نَحْر butchering slaughtering ُ
- تَمَتَّعَ تَمَتُّع enjoy
- ضَجِرَ bored weary get be
- حَلَفَ ِـِ حَلَف swear oath
- هَدَّمَ destroy demolish wipe tear
- مُعَطَّل broken inoperative
- مُوحِش lonely dreary
- رَعَى ـَ encourage foster after pasture browse
- طَابَ ِـِ appeal good sweet
- مَجِيد (ج أَمْجَاد glorious illustrious
- ماجِد glorious
- مَجَدَ glorious ُ to be
- دَفَنَ ِـِ bury conceal tomb
- عَزَّى عزّ persuade 2) comfort condole console
- عَزَى ascribe refer to
- سادة أيضاً سَادَه unsweetened, plain
- دَفَنَ ِـِ bury conceal tomb
- دفين hidden buried latent
- أَزَاحَ أزح remove displace
- زاحَ ِ to go away
- أغاثَ to help
- أَجارَ grant shelter to
- جَارَ على ـُ ـ oppress wrong ـ deviate
- قُدُوم arrival coming advent
- بَهِيمَة (ج بَهَائِمُ beast brute
- شَبِعَ sated satisfied be
- خُلْق أيضاً خُلُق ج أَخْلاق character temper nature
- خَلْق ـ creation creating generation ـ creatures people
- سائِر footer walker
- اِمْتازَ surpass transcend
- اِحْتَقَرَ scorn despise
- اِسْتَحَقَّ deserve earn entitled be
- قُوت ج أَقْوَات food nourishment
- فَتَّشَ inspect search examine supervise ـto investigate
- ذِئْب ج ذِئَاب wolf
- عَقْرَب ج عَقَارِبُء scorpion
- عَسِير difficult hard troublesome
- تَعْزِيَة ج تَعَازٍ التعازي comfort condolence
- رثَاء bewailing lamenting
- نَعْجَة ج نَعَجَات نِعَاج female sheep ewe
- نَعْجَة ج نَعَجَات نِعَاج female sheep ewe
- عَلَف ج أعلاف feed forage fodder
- رَقَابَة censorship control surveillance watching
- مِرْصاد ambush
- رَصَدَ ـُ observe, lie wait await
- اِخْتَطَفَ kidnap abduct, hijack snatch forcibly
- حَنُون affectionate kindhearted kind loving
- أَرْضَعَ breastfeed suckle nurse breast-feed
- تَنَفَّسَ تَنَفُّس ـ breathing respiration ـto rest pause
- جَزِعَ ـَ worry anxious
- تَنَزَّهَ walk stroll take a
- قَبَّلَ قُبْلَة ج قُبَل قُبْلََات kiss
- خَشَبَة ج خَشَبَات piece wood
- ضَمَّ ـُ add adjoin tail attach
- قَرّ قُرّ cold
- اِلْتَقَطَ collect capture gather receive
- مَدَحَ ـَ praise celebrate
- جَائِزَة (ج جَوَائِزُ جائِز award prize ـ allowed admissible
- أَسَرَّ make happy to
- Animal دَابَّة ج دَوَابّ riding pack 2)livestock دواب
- غَاظَ ِـِ anger irritate exasperate enrage
- نَالَ ـَ obtain acquire 1
- لُطْف ج أَلْطَاف 1) gentleness tenderness, courtesy delicacy,
- مِيعَاد ج مَوَاعِيد time date appointment
- رَضَاعَة nursing suckling
- مَهَابَة awe dignity
- هَابَ ِـِ fear dread stand awe
- إِهَانَة ج ـات insult outrage indignity
- كَرِيم ج كِرَام كُرَمَاءُ 1)generous liberal benevolent, kind
- اِقْتَتَلَ fight to each other
- صَرَخَ ـُ shout cry scream yell
- ـ إيَاب إياب إلى return coming back repent
- أَنَابَ نَابَ ـُ ـ authorize delegate ـdeputize depute
- نابَ represent deputy to be
- ظَهير supporter helper
- تَرَقَّبَ ambush lurk expect anticipate
- رَقَبَ ـُ follow watch
- قَتِيل ج قَتْلَى fallen killed murdered fatal casualty
- خِصَام conflict controversy, quarrel argument
- اِسْتَحَى blush ashamed be
- وَقِح impudent audacious shameless, 1
- وَقَحَ shameless to be
- غَوَى stray path to from
- أَدَّبَ correct discipline
- مُلام blamable
- رَبِيب ج أَرِبَّة stepson stepchild foster child
- ج عُذْر أَعْذَار عُذْرَة عُذَر ـ excuse, ـvirginity
- تَشَاوَرَ تَشَاوُر ـ consult deliberate counsel
- شَوَّرَ make sign to a
- عَزَمَ على ِـِ decide determine
- بَادِيَة بادٍ أيضاً البادِي ج ـون ـات ـdesert
- Free حُرَّة مؤنّث ج حَرَائِر loose disengaged, liberated
- حَبَّذَ praise like, encourage commend
- شَقَاوَة misery distress
- سَطْوَة ج سَطَوَات burglary violence influence sway
- لَبِثَ ـَ remain delay to
- سَوَاء أو ج سُوًى ـ similar equal whether
- تِلْقَاءَ تُجَاهَ in front facing against opposite
- ذَادَ عن defend drive to
- شَفَقَة compassion humanity pity
- أنثى ج إِنَاث female
- جَارِيَة ج جَوَارٍ female slave, girl young girl
- ضِيَافَة ج مَضَايِفُ accommodation hospitality
- بَوَّأَ install nominate, lodge 1
- هُدُوء calm calmness restfulness,
- بَاءَ إلى ـُ return
- جَلَّ glorious grand be
- حَلَّ ـُ ـِ ـdisentangle unlash unwind, ـbe allowed
- ظهارة skin outside
- غِطَاء ج أَغْطِيَة case cover cap clothing
- طُول ج أَطْوَال طُولَ ـ length ـthroughout
- صِهْر ج أَصْهَار brother-in-law son-in-law in-law
- وَقَار dignity veneration 1 2
- صَدَاق ج صدق dowry
- جَرَّبَ experiment attempt 2 try
- خِيَار خَيْر ة ج أَخْيَار ـ option alternative
- سَئِمَ ـَ سَئِم tired sick
- أَجَل ج آجَال due date maturity term duration
- أَمَان agreement, safeguard protection safety
- فائِدَة ج فَوَائِدُ profit benefit utility
- هَشّ fragile crunchy crackly crisp breakable
- مَأْرَب ج مَآرِب purpose aim goal
- حَيَّة ج حَيَّات snake
- مَنَحَ ـَ give grant award
- حُبْسَة aphasia speech impediment
- اِنْطَلَقَ free liberated freed be start hurry dash
- حَدّ ج حُدُود end border barrier edge
- اِلْتَقَطَ collect pick to up
- مَنّ charity manna benignity honeydew
- مَنَّ على ـُ award grant bless give charity
- قَسَاوَة ruthlessness fierceness
- زَجْر preventing check discouragement prevention
- زَجْر زَجَرَ ـُ =discourage check preventing discouragement prevention
- كَفَلَ ِـِ كَفْل guarantee warrantee insure feed support
- أَطْلَقَ release liberate unlock
- لَفَتَ ِـِ attract entice bend turn
- نُوَاح نوّاح ـاسم الفاعل lamentation moan wailing
- نَاحَ ـُ wail mourn lament
- فِلْذَة ج فِلَذ أَفْلاذ فَلَذات piece fragment chunk
- أفلاذ كبدِها blood children their
- ج كَبِد أَكْبَاد كَبِد كُبُود ـliver ـ middle center
- فَنّ ج فُنُون art craftsmanship profession
- مُلَوَّن colored color colorful
- صَنَائِعُ صَنِيع ج صَنِيعَة (ج act deed
- عَطَاء ج عطاءات عَطَاء (ج أَعْطِيَة ـ bid
- صَادَ ِـِ hunt fish shoot
- Decline تَرَاجَعَ تَرَاجُع ـrecede retrogress retreat ـ backwardness recessionم
- هَتَفَ ِـِ shout exclaim cry
- هُتَاف crying exclamation shouting
- خَالَ ـَ suppose imagine
- خَالَ ـَ suppose imagine 1
- خَيَّلَ suggest make to it
- رِهَان bet wager competition
- ـ سَمُحَ ـُ سَمَحَ ـَ be generous benevolent
- شَجَّعَ fortify, encourage, 3)hearten cheer
- لَقِفَ grab seize to
- اِضْمَحَلَّ disappear decay vanish
- ذَابَ ـُ dissolve melt liquefy
- نَدىً ج أَنْدَاء dew moisture
- اِقْتَنَعَ اِقْتَنَعَ بـ ـ be convinced ـbe content satisfied
- هَزَمَ ِـِ هَزْم overcome defeat beat
- جُنَّة ج جُنَن shelter shield
- ضَيْر injury harm
- ضارّ harm damage ضَور starvation
- طَمَع ج أَطْماع طَمِعَ greed greediness craving ardent
- اِهْتَمَّ care worry distressed to
- ثَارَ ـُ ـdetonate storm erupt rampage ثَأَرَ ـَ
- Leave وَذَرَ to alone behind
- مُهِين مَهَانَة contemptible insulting injurious
- رَزَانَة calmness solemnity
- أَوْقَدَ light kindle
- مُخضِبة colored
- رَوَى irrigate to ِ
- وَثَبَ jump to
- ﻣَجاخَعَة famine
- نَبَعَ ـُ flow proceed stream
- مَنْبَع مَنَابِعُ) spring fountainhead tributary source water
- تَنَغَّصَ disturb to
- فَشَا ـُ spread 1 to
- خَاطِر ج خَوَاطِرُ idea thought concept
- خَجِل shy ashamed blushful
- خَجَّلَ shame embarrass
- جَازَ ـُ possible/allowed pass cross
- اِلتقفَ snatch to
- خَطَرَ له occur one's mind
- خَطَر ج أَخْطَار) risk danger peril hazard خَطِر
- بَلُدَ ـُ become dull lazy stupid
- ثَرًى ج أَثْرَاء) ground soil earth
- قَفَزَ ـِ jump bound
- رِهَان betting bet
- فِلْذَة ج فِلَذ أَفْلاذ piece fragment chunk piece
- غاضَ recede decrease ِِي to
- نَقَّ ِـِ تَنَقّ croak ي
- رعاف nosebleed
- خَيَّلَ make to
- شَجَّعَ encourage,
- أَنْجَدَ help relieve aid
- تَرَاجَعَ decline recede retreat
- حِيلَة ج حِيَل) deception ploy stratagem
- نَفَذَ ـُ be effective إلى v penetrate pierce
- صَنِيع ج صَنَائِعُ) act deed
- خُيَلاء haughtiness
- نَجَدَ to help
- نَحْو ج أَنْحَاء side direction
- قَرْع hitting tapping knock
- وُدّ love goodwill amiability
- سَمَحَ ـَ سَمُحَ ـُ allow permit authorize be
- بَذَلَ ـُ exert put effort
- بَطَل ة ج أَبْطَال hero champion
- فَوَّضَ empower commission depute
- نَسَب ج أَنْسَاب) descent lineage ancestry
- رَهَنَ ـَ mortgage pledge
- دَهِشَ ـَ amazed astounded be
- نَبَّهَ perceive remind awaken to
- اِضْمَحَلَّ disappear decay vanish
- طَفِقَ ـَ begin start
- هَتَفَ ـِ shout exclaim cry out,
- رَزَانَة sobriety seriousness
- نَكَثَ breach
- صَرَحَ scream to
- خَلَّى allow leave let alone
- تَعَرَّضَ encounter face
- عِتَاب reproach censure blame
- جُنَّة ج جُنَن) shelter shield
- ضَير harm
- اِهْتَمَّ care worry بـ v interested
- مَنَحَ ـَ give donate impart
- شَنْق hanging
- سَلَّطَ give mastery over
- تَلاطَمَ clash collide
- خَفَتَ ـُ fade soft
- شَطّ ج شُطُوط شُطَّان) shore
- شُؤْم misfortune evil omen
- اِسْتَوْلَى على capture seize appropriate
- مَدْفِن ج مَدَافِنُ cemetery graveyard
- تَسَلَّطَ على dominate
- اِلْتَفَتَ إلى pay attention
- غُبَار dust
- قَصَعَ squish gulp to
- سَطَعَ ـَ rise brighten glow
- اِسْتَغاثَ call for help
- طَابَ ـِ appeal sweet good
- اِنْطَبَقَ closed shut be
- خَنَقَ ـُ stifle suffocation strangle
- World عَالَم ج عَوَالِمُ
- مَغْمُور unknown obscure
- مُؤَسَّسَة ج ـات) establishment foundation institution
- مُنْكَر denied refuted unknown
- محلّيّة local indigenousness
- اِبْتَعَدَ عن leave avoid, stay
- خَلْق creation generation form شَكْل
- قَذِر obscene dirty untidy
- مِثَالِيّ abstract ideal perfect idealistic
- أَهْمَلَ ignore neglect careless to
- مَظْهَر ج مظاهر appearance shape
- رَأْي ج آرَاء view opinion
- اِمْتِياز ج ـات distinction excellence
- اِخْتِيَار ج ـات) choice option selection
- شَارَكَ share involved to be
- ثَقَافَة ج ـات culture
- مَبْلَغ ج مَبَالِغ amount sum
- حَفْل ج حفلات party crowd
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Ahlan wa Sahlan, second edition
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Deutsch - Aracbisch A1.1