NoteID | FDA0616 |
ArabicMSA | بُطُولَة / ات |
ArabicForTTS | بُطُوْلَةْ٬ بُطُولَات |
Root | بطل |
Example | بطولة العالم. لسوء الحظ هذه البطولة اكسبته ليلة في المستشفي. |
ExampleEN | World Championship. Unfortunately this tournament earned him a night in the hospital. |
Français | championnat, tournoi ; héroïsme |
English | heroism; starring role; championship, tournament |
Comment | championnat du monde Root:بطل 5 lemmas in dB with root بطل بطل on Wehr-Cowan & Kazimirski |
Mnemonic | inactivity ↔ heroism |
Part_of_speech | n. |
Unused3 | FDA0616 |
Tags: fda_1-999, fda_sports, larousse, pos_noun, sport, web
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