Barron’s GRE 4813 wordlist wıth pronunciatıon, english and r
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- Make abase ə'beis lower degrade humiliate humble oneself
- Abash ə'bæʃ embarrass смущать
- Abate ə'beit subside moderate уменьшать
- Abbreviate shorten сокращать
- Abdicate æbdikeit renounce give position responsibility отрекаться
- Aberrant æ'berənt abnormal deviant заблуждающийся
- Aberration deviation normal mental disorder аберрация
- Abet ə'bet assist wrong encourage подстрекать
- Abeyance ə'beiəns suspended action состояние неопределенности
- Abhor əb'hɔ detest hate ненавидят
- Abide ə'baid dwell comply put tolerate rules i
- Abject æbdʤekt condition wretched low lacking pride humble
- Abjure əb'dʤuə renounce oath отрекаться
- Ablution ə'blu:ʃn washing омовение
- Abnegation æbni'geiʃn renunciation self-sacrifice self-abnegation отказ
- Abode ə'boud dwelling place home жилище
- Abolish ə'bɔliʃ cancel put end отменять
- Abominable ə'bɔminəbl detestable extremely unpleasant отвратительный
- Abominate ə'bɔmineit loathe hate питать отвращение
- Aboriginal æbə'ridʤənl kind region primitive native indigenous n
- Abortive unsuccessful fruitless абортивный
- Abrasive ə'breisiv rubbing tending grind абразивный
- Abridge ə'bridʤ condense shorten сокращать
- Abrogate æbrougeit abolish аннулировать
- Abscission æb'siʤn cutting separation опадение
- Abscond əb'skɔnd depart secretly hide скрываться
- Absolute æbsəlu:t complete totally unlimited power relative honesty/ruler
- Absolve əb'zɔlv pardon offense освобождать
- Abstain əb'stein refrain withhold participation intentionally one's vote
- Abstemious æb'sti:mjəs sparing eating drinking temperate умеренный
- Abstinence restraint pleasant things esp eating drinking cf
- Abstract æbstrækt theoretical concrete nonrepresentational абстрактный
- Abstruse æb'stru:s obscure profound difficult understand заумный
- Abusive ə'bju:siv coarsely insulting physically harmful оскорбительный
- Abut ə'bʌt border adjoin примыкать
- Abysmal ə'bizməl bottomless ужасный
- Abyss ə'bis enormous chasm vast bottomless pit пропасть
- Academic ækə'demik related school practical directly академический
- Accede æk'si:d agree присоединяться
- Accelerate move faster ускорять
- Accessible æk'sesəbl easy approach obtainable доступный
- Accessory æk'sesəri additional object essential thing аксессуар
- Great approval acclaim ə'kleim applaud praise greet announce
- Acclimate ə'klaimətaiz adjust climate environment adapt акклиматизироваться
- Acclivity ə'kliviti sharp upslope hill op declivity подъем
- Accolade ækəleid award merit strong praise approval акколада
- Adjacent ə'dʤeizənt adjoining neighboring close смежный
- Accommodate oblige adjust bring harmony adapt make space
- Accomplice ə'kɔmplis partner crime сообщник
- Accord ə'kɔ:d agreement соглашение
- Accost ə'kɔst approach speak person приставать
- Accoutre ə'ku:tə equip n accoutrement снаряжать
- Increase growth accretion æ'kri:ʃn size gradual addition natural
- Accrue ə'kru gain accumulate time addition benefits scientific
- Acerbity ə'sə:biti bitterness speech temper adj acerbic bitter
- Acetic ə'si:tik vinegary уксусный
- Acidulous ə'sidjuləs slightly sour taste manner sharp caustic
- Acknowledge ək'nɔlidʤ recognize admit признавать
- Acme ækmi peak pinnacle highest point вершина
- Acne skin disease face акне
- Acoustics ə'ku:stiks science sound quality makes room easy
- Acquiesce ækwi'es assent agree passively comply protest уступать
- Acquittal ə'kwitl deliverance charge v acquit free accusation
- Acrid ækrid bitter taste smell sharp bitterly pungent
- Bitter acrimonious ækri'mounjəs stinging caustic words manner n
- Acrophobia ækrə'foubjə fear heights акрофобия
- Actuarial calculating pertaining insurance statistics актуарный
- Actuary æktjuəri advises insurance companies актуарий
- Actuate æktjueit motivate activate act приводить в действие
- Acuity ə'kju:iti sharpness mind senses sight hearing острота
- Acumen ə'kju:men mental keenness sharpness judgment ability judge
- Acute əkju:t senses sharp quickly perceptive keen penetrating
- Adage ædidʤ wise proverb пословица
- Adamant ædəmənt hard inflexible непреклонный
- Adapt ə'dæpt make suitable specific alter modify adjust
- Addendum addition appendix book added end speech добавление
- Addiction ə'dikʃn compulsive habitual наркомания
- Addle ædl make confused muddle drive crazy rotten
- Direct speech address speak deal discuss one's efforts
- Adept ædept expert skilled знаток
- Adhere əd'hiə stick fast devotd follower n adhesion
- Adherent əd'hiərənt supporter follower приверженец
- Adjoin примыкать be next to
- Adjourn ə'dʤə:n suspend time move place откладывать
- Adjunct attached holding inferior position адъюнкт
- Adjuration ædʤuə'reiʃn solemn urging v adjure entreat earnestly
- Adjutant ædʤutənt staff officer assisting commander assistant адъютант
- Admonish əd'mɔniʃ warn speak gentle disapproval reprove увещевать
- Adore ə'dɔ love deeply respect highly обожать
- Adorn ə'dɔ:n decorate украшать
- Adroit ə'drɔit skillful mind hand ловкий
- Adulation ædju'leiʃn flattery admiration deserved низкопоклонство
- Adulterate ə'dʌltərit make impure poorer quality adding inferior
- Advent ædvənt arrival пришествие
- Adventitious ædven'tiʃəs accidental casual happening chance случайный
- Adversary ædvəsəri opponent enemy противник
- Adverse ædvə:s opposing unfavorable hostile неблагоприятный
- Adversity əd'və:siti great hardship affliction misfortune calamitous event
- Advert əd'və:t refer объявление
- Advocacy ædvəkəsi support active pleading behalf пропаганда
- Advocate ædvəkit speak favor support idea plan urge
- Aegis i:dʤis shield protection defense эгида
- Орлиное гнездо aerie(aery,eyrie,eyry nest large bird prey eyry
- Cf aesthetic i:s'θetik artistic dealing capable appreciating beautiful
- Affable æfəbl easily approachable easy talk warmly friendly
- Affected ə'fektid artificial pretended пострадавших
- Affidavit æfi'deivit written statement made oath proof court
- Affiliation ə,fili'eiʃn joining associating присоединение
- Affinity ə'finiti feeling kinship similarity strong languages сродство
- Positive affirmation assertion confirmation solemn pledge refuses oath
- Affliction ə'flikʃn state distress trial suffering v afflict
- Affluence æfluəns abundance wealth богатство
- Affront ə'frʌnt insult offense intentional act disrespect v
- Life afterlife ɑ:ftəlaif death part one's загробная жизнь
- Agape ə'geip openmouthed разинув рот
- Agenda ə'dʤendə items business meeting повестка дня
- Mass agglomeration ə,glɔmə'reiʃn collection heap v agglomerate gather
- Ambidextrous æmbi'dekstə capable hand equal ease двуличный
- Aggrandize ə'grændaiz make greater increase power wealth rank
- Aggregate sum total adj v gather mass accumulate
- Aghast ə'gɑ:st filled great surprise fear horrified в
- Agility nimbleness ability move quickly ловкость
- Agitate ædʤiteit stir disturb агитировать
- Agnostic æg'nɔstik skeptical existence knowability god ultimate reality
- Agog ə'gɔg highly excited intensely curious в напряженном
- Agrarian ə'greəriən pertaining land cultivation reform аграрный
- Air airy eəri high lofty immaterial unreal воздушный
- Alacrity ə'lækriti cheerful promptness reluctance готовность
- Alchemy ælkimi medieval chemistry алхимия
- Alcove ælkouv nook recess альков
- Alias eiliæs assumed esp criminal mislead people adv
- Alienate eiljəneit make unfriendly hostile estrange separate change
- Alimentary æli'mentəri supplying nourishment алиментарный
- Alimony æliməni payments made regularly ex-spouse divorce алименты
- Allay ə'lei calm pacify смягчать
- Allege ə'ledʤ state proof without
- Allegiance ə'li:dʤəns loyalty верность
- Allegory æligəri story play picture characters symbols fable
- Alleviate ə'li:vieit relieve pain облегчать
- Alliteration ə,litə'reiʃn repetition beginning sound poetry аллитерация
- Allocate assign set purpose выделять
- Mixture pure alloy ælɔi metals added lowers purity
- Allude ə'lu:d refer indirectly n allusion indirect reference
- Allure ə'ljuə entice attract tempt привлекательность
- Alluvial ə'lu:vjəl pertaining soil deposits left running water
- Alms ɑ:mz money goods poor милостыня
- Aloft ə'lɔft upward high air в воздухе
- Aloof ə'lu:f open one's relationship people reserved adv
- Altercation ɔ:ltə:'keiʃn noisy quarrel ссора
- Altruistic æltru'istik unselfishly generous concerned n altiruism unselfish
- Amalgam combination things mixture metals mercury filling holes
- Amalgamate ə'mælgəmeit societies groups combine unite body объединяться
- Amass ə'mæs collect gradually large amount накапливать
- Amazon æməzən female warrior амазонка
- Arroyo gully narrow channel formed rainwater арройо
- Ambience environment atmosphere restraurant pleasant adj ambient completely
- Ambiguous æm'bigjuəs unclear doubtful meaning interpretation двусмысленный
- Ambivalence æmbi'veiləns state contradictory conflicting emotional attitudes opinions
- Amble æmbl walking easy unhurried pace v walk
- Ambrosia æm'brouzjə food gods амброзия
- Ambulatory æmbjulətəri walk амбулаторный able
- Attack ambush æmbuʃ act lying wait surprise sudden
- Ameliorate ə'mi:ljəreit improve улучшать
- Amenable ə'mi:nəbl obedient compliant readily managed responsive led
- Amend correct change generally вносить поправки
- Amenities convenient features helps make life pleasant social
- Amiable eimjəbl agreeable lovable warmly friendly любезный
- Amicable æmikəbl peaceful politely friendly quarrelsome settlement дружный
- Amiss ə'mis wrong faulty adv неправильно
- Amity æmiti friendship peaceful relationship nations дружба
- Amnesia æm'ni:zjə loss memory амнезия
- Amnesty æmnesti pardon allowed government political criminals амнистия
- Amok(amuck state rage run amok амок вне себя
- Amoral æ'mɔrəl nonmoral understanding wrong аморальный
- Amorous sexual love æmərəs moved loving advances влюбчивый
- Amorphous ə'mɔ:fəs formless lacking shape definition аморфный
- Amphibian æm'fibiən live land water n амфибия
- Amphitheater oval building tiers seats cf arena амфитеатр
- Ample æmpl abundant spacious large size opportunity/garden n
- Amplify increase size effect expand broaden clarify expanding
- Amputate æmpjuteit cut part body prune limb ампутировать
- Amulet æmjulit charm talisman object worn believed protect
- Anachronism ə'nækrənizm error involving time story misplaced adj
- Analgesia ænæl'dʤi:zjə condition unable feel pain обезболивание
- Analgesic ænæl'dʤesik causing insensitivity pain n анальгетик
- Analogous comparable similar аналогичный
- Analogy similarity parallelism comparing similar things аналогия
- Anarchist ænəkist person seeks overturn established government advocate
- Anarchy ænəki absence governing body state disorder анархия
- Curse anathema ə'næθimə solemn regarded v anathematize анафема
- Ancestry ænsistri family descent adj ancestral родословная
- Anchor æɳkə secure fasten firmly fixed place n
- Ancillary serving aid accessory auxiliary n вспомогательный
- Anecdote ænikdout short story amusing interesting event анекдот
- Anemia condition blood lacks red corpuscles adj anemic
- Anesthetic ænis'θetik substance removes sensation loss consciousness n
- Anguish æɳgwiʃ acute pain extreme suffering тоска
- Angular sharp-cornered angle rounded body bony lean gaunt
- Animadversion ænimæd'və:ʃn critical remark v animadvert comment critically
- Animated ænimeitid lively spirited анимационный
- Animosity æni'mɔsiti active enmity враждебность
- Animus æniməs hostile feeling intent animosity hostility disposition
- Annals ænlz records arranged yearly parts history летописи
- Anneal ə'ni:l reduce brittleness improve toughness heating cooling
- Large annex ə'neks attach add thing possession incorporate
- Annihilate ə'naiəleit destroy уничтожать
- Annotate ænouteit comment make explanatory notes комментировать
- Annuity yearly allowance аннуитет
- Annul ə'nʌl make void аннулировать
- Anodyne ænoudain drug relieves pain trouble;opiate adj statement
- Anoint ə'nɔint consecrate put oil religious ceremony помазать
- Anomalous abnormal irregular аномальный
- Anomaly ə'nɔməli irregularity аномалия
- Anonymity ænə'nimiti state nameless anonymousness adj anonymous анонимность
- Antagonism æn'tægənizm hostility active opposition v antagonize enemy
- Antecede precede предшествовать
- Antecedents preceding events influence ancestors early background прошлая
- Antediluvian æntidi'lu:vjən antiquated extremely ancient допотопный
- Anthem ænθəm song praise patriotism national гимн
- Anthology æn'θɔlədʤi book literary selections authors cf omnibus
- Anthropoid ænθrəpɔid manlike resembling human n антропоид
- Anthropologist ænθrə'pɔlədʤist student history science humankind антрополог
- Anthropomorphic ænθrəpə'mɔ:fik human form characteristics антропоморфический
- Anticlimax ænti'klaimæks letdown thought emotion unexciting ordinary disappointing
- Antidote æntidout remedy counteract poison disease economic troubles
- Antipathy æn'tipəθi aversion dislike opposition антипатия
- Antiquated æntikweitid obsolete old-fashioned outdated устарелый
- Made earlier period antique æn'ti:k usu valuable n
- Antiquity æn'tikwiti quality ancient times древность
- Antiseptic ænti'septik substance prevents infection wound adj антисептик
- Antithesis æn'tiθisis contrast direct opposite adj antithetic antithetical
- Antler æntlə bony growth head deer олений рог
- Anvil ænvil iron block hammering metals наковальня
- Apathy lack æpəθi caring indifference concern interest important
- Ape eip imitate mimic person's behavior manner обезьяна
- Aperture opening hole adjustable camera limits amount light
- Apex tip summit climax highest point вершина
- Aphasia æ'feizjə loss speech due injury illness афазия
- Aphorism æfərizm pithy maxim adj aphoristic афоризм
- Apiarist eipjərist person bees пчеловод
- Apiary eipjəri place bees пасека
- Apiculture eipikʌltʃə bee-keeping пчеловодство
- Aplomb æplʤ:ɳ poise composure difficult situations assurance self-confidence
- Apocalyptic ə,pɔkə'liptik prophetic pertaining revelations disaster n apocalypse
- Apocryphal ə'pɔkrifəl story widely believed untrue недостоверный
- Apogee highest point farthest earth op perigee апогей
- Apolitical æpə'litikəl aversion lack concern political affairs аполитичный
- Apologist ə'pɔlədʤist writes defense institution n apologia апологет
- Apoplexy æpəpleksi stroke loss consciousness caused blood brain
- Apostate ə'pɔstəsi abandons religious faith political beliefs n
- Apothecary ə'pɔθikəri druggist pharmacist аптекарь
- Apothegm(apophthegm pithy compact апофегма апофтегма
- Apotheosis ə,pɔθi'ousi:z elevation godhood ideal апофеоз
- Appall dismay shock deeply потрясать
- Apparent evident easily understood appearing improvement очевидный
- Apparition æpə'riʃn ghost phantom призрак
- Appease ə'pi:z pacify soothe crying baby n appeasement
- Appellation æpe'leiʃn title название name
- Append attach добавлять
- Application æpli'keiʃn diligent attention diligence v apply oneself
- Apposite æpəzit fitting уместный appropriate
- Appraise ə'preiz estimate n appraisal оценивать
- Ə'pri:ʃieit thankful increase worth conscious adj appreciable felt
- Apprehend æpri'hend arrest criminal dread perceive n apprehension
- Apprehensive æpri'hensiv fearful discerning опасающийся
- Apprise ə'praiz inform информировать
- Approbation æprə'beiʃn approval апробация
- Ə'proupriit acquire possession one's permission set purpose allocate
- Appurtenances subordinate possessions added important thing принадлежностями
- Apropos æprəpou reference remarks present situation adj adv
- Aptitude æptitju:d fitness talent способность
- Aquiline ækwilain curved hooked eagle nose орлиный
- Arable ærəbl fit growing crops land пашня
- Arbiter ɑ:bitə person power decide matter dispute judge
- Arbitrary ɑ:bitrəri unreasonable capricious random tyrannical ruler произвольный
- Arbitrate ɑ:bitreit act judge request sides арбитраж
- Arboreal ɑ:'bɔ:riəl living trees древесный
- Arboretum ɑ:bə'ri:təm place trees shrubs studied exhibited дендрарий
- Arcade ɑ:'keid covered passageway lined shops аркада
- Arcane esoteric secret mysterious initiated ritual process closed
- Arch chief archbishop архи first
- Archaeology ɑ:ki'ɔlədʤi study artifacts relics early mankind археология
- Archaic ɑ:'keiik antiquated longer belonging past n архаичный
- Archetype ɑ:kitaip prototype primitive pattern образец
- Archipelago ɑ:ki'peligou group closely located islands архипелаг
- Public archives ɑ:kitreiv records place архив
- Ardor heat passion zeal adj ardent пыл
- Arduous ɑ:djuəs hard strenuous work трудный
- Argot ɑ:gou slang speech spoken small group people
- Aria ɑ:riə operatic solo song sung person opera
- Arid ærid land dry barren unproductive засушливый
- Nobility aristocracy æris'tɔkrəsi hereditary privileged class government n
- Armada ɑ:'mɑ:də fleet warships армада
- Aromatic ærou'mætik fragrant sweet smell n aroma strong
- Arraign ə'rein charge court indict обвинять
- Array order marshal draw arrange clothe splendidly adorn
- Arrears debt money paid work задолженность
- Arrhythmic lacking rhythm regularity n arrhythmia аритмичный
- Arrogance ærəgəns pride haughtiness adj arrogant unpleasantly self-important
- Arsenal ɑ:sinl storage place military equipment арсенал
- Artery ɑ:təri blood-vessel cf vein артерия
- Artful ɑ:tful exhibiting art skill deceitful cunning cf
- Articulate ɑ:'tikjulit effective distinct expressing ideas clear sounds
- Artifacts object made human beings hand-made mass-produced артефакты
- Artifice ɑ:tifis deception trickery хитрость
- Artisan ɑ:ti'zæn manually skilled worker ремесленник
- Artless ɑ:tlis guile open honest бесхитростный
- Controlling influence ascendancy ə'sendənsi position cf ascendant господство
- Ascertain æsə'tein find make устанавливать
- Ascetic ə'setik practicing self-denial avoiding physical pleasures comforts
- Ascribe əs'kraib refer attribute assign приписывать
- Aseptic æ'septik preventing infection cleansing effect асептический
- Ashen æʃn ash-colored deadly pale пепельный
- Asinine æsinain stupid remarks ослиный
- Askance əs'kæns sideways indirect disapproval distruct косо
- Askew əs'kju crookedly slanted angle косо
- Asperity æs'periti sharpness roughness severity temper weather russian
- Aspersion əs'pə:ʃn slanderous remark cast клевета
- Aspirant əs'paiərənt seeker position status кандидат
- Aspire əs'paiə seek attain position status long president
- Assail ə'seil assault нападать
- Assay ə'sei analyze discover materials present evaluate soil
- Assent ə'sent agree accept n assessment согласие
- Assert ə'sə:t state strongly positively demand recognition rights
- Assiduous ə'sidjuəs diligent усердный
- Assimilate ə'simileit absorb food body digest understand knowledge
- Assuage ə'sweidʤ mak severe ease lessen pain satisfy
- Assumption taking granted possession power v assume предположение
- Assurance ə'ʃuərəns firm statement true promise pledge certainty
- Asteroid small planet астероид
- Astigmatism æs'tigmətizm eye defect prevents proper focus op
- Astral æstrəl relating stars астральный
- Astringent əs'trindʤənt binding causing contraction stopping bleeding harsh
- Astronomical æstrə'nɔmik enormously large extensive астрономический
- Astute əs'tju:t wise shrewd keen quickly one's advantage
- Asunder ə'sʌndə parts v sunder на части
- Asylum ə'sailəm place refuge shelter protection religious political
- Asymmetric æsi'metrik identical sides dividing central line асимметричный
- Atavism ætəvizm resemblance remote ancestors parents reversion earlier
- Atheistic eiθi'istik denying existence god n atheism атеистический
- Atone ə'toun make amends pay искупить
- Atrocity ə'trouʃəsnis brutal deed adj atrocious зверство
- Lack atrophy ætrəfi wasting v weaken lose flesh
- Attentive ə'tentiv alert watchful listening carefully paying attention
- Attenuate make thin weaken ослаблять
- Attest ə'test testify bear witness свидетельствовать
- Attire ə'taiə clothe n clothing array apparel наряд
- Attribute ætribju:t essential quality v ascribe explain атрибут
- Attrition ə'triʃn rubbing friction gradual decrease numbers strength
- Atypical ə'tipikəl normal typical атипичный
- Audacious ɔ:'deiʃəs daring bold n audacity смелый
- Audit examination accounts business official v аудит
- Augment increase add увеличивать to
- Sign augury ɔ:gjuri omen prophecy coming events v
- August ɔ:gəst ɔ:'gʌst impressive majestic август
- Aureole ɔ:'riələ sun's corona halo bright circle light
- Aurora auroral ɔ:'rɔ:rəl pertaining borealis cf australis утренний
- Success auspicious ɔ:s'piʃəs favoring giving signs future cf
- Austere ɔ:s'tiə forbiddingly stern ascetic comfort enjoyment severely
- Authenticate ɔ:'θentikeit prove genuine проверять подлинность
- Authoritarian ɔ:,θɔri'teəriən subordinating individual state completely dominating another's
- Authoritative ɔ:'θɔritətiv weight authority regarded providing knowledge trusted
- Autocratic ɔ:tə'krætik absolute unchecked power dictatorial n autocrat
- Automaton mechanism imitates actions humans machine works автомат
- Autonomous ɔ:'tɔnəməs self-governing n autonomy автономный
- Autopsy ɔ:təpsi examination dead body postmortem v вскрытие
- Auxiliary offering providing additional subsidiary n helper assistant
- Avalanche ævəlɑ:nʃ great mass falling snow ice лавина
- Avantgarde ævỵ:ɳ'gɑ:d group artists work based newest ideas
- Avarice ævəris greediness wealth жадность
- Avenge avenged ə'vendʤ vengence behalf death burning village
- Aver ə'və state confidently declare true утверждать
- Averse ə'və:s reluctant disinclined liking opposed cats/doing house
- Aversion ə'və:ʃn firm dislike отвращение
- Averted avert ə'və:t prevent avoid turn eyes thought
- Aviary eivjəri enclosure birds large cage вольер
- Avid ævid greedy extremely eager learner n avidity
- Avocation secondary minor occupation призвание
- Avow əvau declare openly n avowal признавать
- Avuncular ə'vʌɳkjulə uncle дядин of
- Awe ɔ solemn feeling respect mixed fear v
- Awful ɔ:ful terrible bad ужасный
- Awl ɔ:l pointed tool piercing шило
- Awry ə'rai distorted crooked bent plans неправильно
- Axiom self-evident truth requiring proof аксиома
- Azure æʤə sky blue лазурный
- Babble chatter idly foolishly make continuous sounds water
- Bacchanal bækənl noisy party lot drinking гуляка
- Bacchanalia bækə'neiljə ancient roman festival honor bacchus вакханалия
- Bacchanalian bækə'neiljən drunken вакханальный
- Backslide bæk'slaid revert bad habits n reverter отступать
- Backwards bækwədz forwards reciprocate invitation inviting n reciprocity
- Badger bædʤ pester annoy continually demands persuade children
- Badinage bædinɑ:ʤ teasing conversation banter joking talk подшучивание
- Baffle bæfl frustrate perplex перегородка
- Bait beit harass tease torment badger baiting n
- Baleful evil beilful malignant intent effect deadly malign
- Stop balk bɔ:k short faced obstacle refuse continue
- Ballast bæləst heavy substance add stability weight v
- Balm bɑ:m relieves pain oily liquid pleasant smell
- Balmy bɑ:mi soft mild air fragrant бальзамический
- Banal bə'nɑ:l hackneyed commonplace trite lacking originality clich\'ed
- Bandy discuss bændi lightly glibly frivolous manner exchange
- Bane bein posion ruin adj baneful harmful poisonous
- Bank heap piled-up mass embankment lateral tilting aircraft
- Bantering joking talk good-naturedly ridiculing n.v banter подтрунивания
- Bar bɑ railing courtroom legal profession vertical line
- Barb bɑ:b sharp projection fishhook arrow object openly
- Bard bɑ:d poet бард
- Barefaced beəfeist shameless noticeable blatant bold unconcealed covering
- Bargain bɑ:gin agreement groups people sale price advantageous
- Baroque bə'rouk highly ornate барокко
- Barrage bærɑ:ʤ barrier laid artillery fire overwhelming profusion
- Barrister bæristə counselor-at-law lawyer higher court law cf
- Barterer trader v barter trade exchange good money
- Base contemptible morally bad inferior quality motives/conduct metal
- Bask bɑ:sk luxuriate pleasure warmth греться
- Bastard illegitimate child ублюдок
- Bastion bæstiən stronghold source protection male chauvinism бастион
- Bate beit lessen force moderate restrain bated breath
- Battalion bə'tæljən army unit made companies батальон
- Bauble bɔ:bl trinket cheap jewel trifle безделушка
- Bawdy bɔ:di indecent obscene sex rude funny cf
- Bearing deportment connection подшипник
- Beatific bi:ə'tifik giving showing bliss blissful блаженный
- Beatitude bi:'ætitju:d blessedness state great happiness блаженство
- Bedizen bi'daizn dress vulgar finery наряжать
- Bedraggle bi'drægl wet adj bedraggled draggled запачкать
- Beeline bi:lain direct quick route прямая линия
- Befuddle bi'fʌdl confuse одурманивать thoroughly
- Beget bi'get father produce give rise порождать
- Begrudge bi'grʌdʤ envy give unwillingly grudge success завидовать
- Beguile bi'gail deceive mislead delude cheat pass time
- Behemoth bi'hi:mɔθ huge creature monstrous size power бегемот
- Beholden bi'houldən obligated indebted owing obliged gratitude признательный
- Подобает behoove(behove suited incumbent behooves
- Belabor harp dwell tediously explain excessively ridiculous degree
- Belated bi'leitid delayed запоздалый
- Beleaguer bi'li:gə besiege attack army harass beset осаждать
- Belie bi'lai contradict give false impression disguise poor
- Belittle bi'litl disparage depreciate умалять
- Bellicose belikous warlike воинственный
- Belligerent bi'lidʤərənt quarrelsome воинственный
- Bemoan bi'moun lament moan express sorrow disapproval оплакивать
- Bemused confused lost thought preoccupied ошеломленный
- Benediction beni'dikʃn blessing благословение
- Good benefactor benifæktə gift giver patron person money
- Beneficent bi'nefisənt kindly good благодетельный
- Beneficial beni'fiʃəl helpful advantageous выгодный
- Beneficiary beni'fiʃəri person entitled benefits proceeds insurance policy
- Benefit benifit advantage brings helpl profit money provided
- Benevolent bi'nevələnt generous charitable good доброжелательный
- Benign bi'nain kindly favorable malignant disease tumor доброкачественный
- Benison benizn blessing благословение
- Bent determined advancing business n natural talent inclination
- Bequeath bi'kwi:ð leave means hand n bequest завещать
- Berate bi'reit scold strongly ругать
- Bereaved deprived beloved death погибших
- State bereavement bi'ri:vmənt deprived valuable beloved bereaved bereft
- Bereft bi'vi:v deprived valuable lacking лишенный
- Berserk mad violent anger frenzied madly excited неистовый
- Beseech bi'si:tʃ beg plead умолять
- Beset bi'set harass trouble directions hem осаждать
- Besiege bi'si:dʤ surround armed forces harass requests annoy
- Besmirch bi'smə:tʃ soil defile make dirty пачкать
- Bestial bestjəl beastlike brutal inhuman cruel животный
- Bestow bi'stou confer даровать
- Betoken bi'toukən signify sign означать
- Betray bi'trei unfaithful reveal unconsciously unwillingly trembling hands
- Betroth bi'trouð engaged marry обручать
- Bevy bevi large group starlets собрание
- Beware bi'weə cautious остерегаться be
- Bewitch bi'witʃ cast spell captivate completely очаровывать
- Bicameral two-chambered legislative body двухпалатный
- Bicker bikə quarrel пререкаться
- Bid offer price command utter greeting n amount
- Biennial bai'eniəl years двухгодичный every
- Bifurcated divided branches forked раздвоенный
- Bigot bigət intolerant matters religion politics фанатик
- Bigotry bigətri stubborn intolerance фанатизм
- Bilious biljəs suffering indigestion sick bile irritable easily
- Bilk swindle cheat обманывать
- Billow bilou large wave water great swell surge
- Billowing swelling waves surging вздымающиеся
- Biting baitiɳ sharply painful body mind wind/remarks кусаться
- Bitter sharp bitə biting taste 敬 causing pain
- Bivouac bivuæk temporary encampment camp tents v бивак
- Bizarre bi'za fantastic violently contrasting noticeably odd strikingly
- Vote blackball applicant ostracize n negative черный шар
- Blanch blɑ:ntʃ bleach whiten make white pale бланшировать
- Bland blænd soothing mild food agreeable causing trouble
- Blandishment blændiʃmənt flattery уговаривание
- Blare bleə loud harsh roar screech dazzling blaze
- Bored blase pleasure dissipation uninterested пресыщенный
- Blasphemy blæsfimi irreverence sacrilege cursing bad language god
- Blatant bləitənt extremely offensively obvious loudly offensive lie
- Bleak bli:k cold cheerless frigid favorable depressing уклейка
- Blemish blemiʃ mar spoil beauty perfection n flaw
- Blight balit plant disease v infect ruin destroy
- Blighted suffering disease destroyed омрачена
- Bliss blis complete happiness adj blissful блаженство
- Blithe(blithesome gay joyous веселый жизнерадостный
- Bloated bloutid unpleasantly swollen puffed water air раздутый
- Blotch blɔtʃ spot blot cf blot+botch пятно
- Blowhard blouhɑ:d talkative boaster braggart хвастун
- Bludgeon blʌdʤən club heavy-headed weapon v дубинка
- Blue blu gloomy depressed синий
- Blues blu:z state depression melancholy style slow mournful
- Bluff blʌf pretense strength deception high cliff adj
- Blunder blʌndə error stupid mistake ошибка
- Blunt blʌnt dull edge abrupt frank speech manner
- Blurt blə:t utter impulsively nervousness excitement выпалить
- Red blush blʌʃ face embarrassment shame rosy n
- Bluster blʌstə blow heavy gusts threaten emptily bully
- Bode boud foreshadow portend сулить
- Bog bɔg soft wet land v hinder hindered
- Bogus bougəs counterfeit authentic intentionally false interview фиктивный
- Bohemian bou'hi:mjən unconventional artistic богемский
- Boisterous bɔistərəs violent rough noisy неистовый
- Bolster boulstə support reinforce поддерживать
- Bolt boult door bar fastening pin screw length
- Bombardment bɔm'bɑ:dmənt attack missiles bombs v bombard бомбардировка
- Bombast bɔmbæst grandiloquent pompous speech напыщенность
- Bombastic bɔm'bæstik pompous inflated language напыщенный
- Bookish bukiʃ fond books reading книжный
- Boon bu:n blessing benefit helpful благо
- Boor buə rude insensitive person грубый
- Boorish buəriʃ rude insensitive невоспитанный
- Boost lift pushing increase raise n push upward
- Botch bɔtʃ mismanage blow портить
- Bouillon bu:jʤ:ɳ clear beef meat soup бульон
- Bound leap limit spring confine constitute bounded canada
- Generous bountiful bauntiəs graciously showing bounty обильный
- Bourgeois buəʤwa middle class selfishly materialistic interested material
- Bout baut match short period great activity wrestling
- Bovine bouvain cowlike placid dull slow-thinking calm бычий
- Bowdlerize baudləraiz expurgate cf thomas bowdler выбрасывать все
- Brackish brækiʃ saline солоноватый somewhat
- Brag bræg boast хвастаться
- Braggadocio brægə'doutʃiou boasting бахвальство
- Braggart brægət boaster bragger хвастун
- Strands braid plait interweave lengths make weaving n
- Mark burned brand brænd trademark hide animal flesh
- Brandish brændiʃ wave weapon flourish размахивать
- Bravado brə'vɑ:dou swagger assumed air defiance false show
- Brave breiv face courageously storm храбрый
- Brawl brɔ:l noisy quarrel скандалить
- Brawn brɔ:n human muscle muscular strength sturdiness мускулы
- Brawny brɔ:ni muscular well-developed muscles мускулистый
- Brazen breizn insolent shame bold lie v face
- Breach bri:tʃ breaking contract duty fissure gap opening
- Breadth width extent ширина
- Produce breed young rear bring undesirable condition n
- Brevity conciseness shortness duration краткость
- Bridle braidl harness fitted horse's head restrain curb
- Brim full uppermost edge cup projecting rim hat
- Brindled brindl tawny grayish streaks spots animals тигровый
- Brink briɳk edge top cliff grand canyon край
- Brisk quick active marked liveliness vigor оживленный
- Bristle brisl short stiff hair v fur stand
- Bristling rising bristles showing irritation ощетинившийся
- Brittle britl hard easily broken difficult unstable situation
- Broach broutʃ introduce subject moot open протяжка
- Brocade brə'keid rich figured(patterned fabric парча
- Brochure brouʃjuə pamphlet брошюра
- Broil brɔil cook direct heat n жарить
- Bromide broumaid platitude chemical compound calm excitement бромид
- Brooch broutʃ ornamental clasp pin брошь
- Young brood bru:d sit order hatch deeply worry
- Brook bruk tolerate endure interference n small stream
- Browbeat braubi:t bully intimidate запугивать
- Browse brauz graze feed growing grass skim glance
- Bruise bru:z injure breaking skin n синяк
- Brunt brʌnt main impact shock attack blow argument
- Brusque brusk blunt abrupt curt wanting waste time
- Buccaneer bʌkə'niə pirate пират
- Bucolic bju:'kɔlik rustic pastoral буколический
- Food set people buffet bufei strike forcefully slap
- Buffoon bʌ'fu:n stupid person clown шут
- Buffoonery bʌ'fu:nəri clowning шутовство
- Bugaboo bʌgbeə bugbear object baseless terror пугало
- Bulge bʌldʤ protruding part swelling surface apple made
- Bulk size volume esp large main part work
- Bullion buljən gold silver form bars слиток
- Bully buli habitually cruel weaker people v хулиган
- Strong defense bulwark bulwək wall built earthwork person
- Bump hit knock force n удар
- Bungle bʌɳgl mismanage blunder botch blow spoil clumsy
- Buoyant bɔiənt float cheerful optimistic n buoyancy wood/water/american
- Bureaucracy bjuə'rɔkrəsi overregulated administrative system marked red tape
- Grow burgeon bə:dʤən rapidly send buds burgeoning computer
- Burlesque bə:'lesk give imitation ridicules imitate mockingly бурлеск
- Burnish bə:niʃ make shiny rubbing polish полировать
- Bust bʌst piece sculpture showing person's head shoulders
- Buttress bʌtris support prop n stationary structure wall
- Buxom full-bosomed plump jolly крепкая
- Cabal kə'bæl small group persons secretly united promote
- Cache kæʃ hiding place v кэш
- Cacophonous kæ'kɔfənəs discordant inharmonious n cacophony unpleasant mixture
- Cadaver corpse dead human body труп
- Cadaverous kə'dævərəs corpse pale трупный
- Cadence keidəns rhythmic rise fall words sounds beat
- Cadet kə'det student military school кадет
- Cajole kə'dʤoul persuade praise false promise coax wheedle
- Calamity kə'læmiti disaster misery бедствие
- Calculated deliberately planned рассчитанный likely
- Котел caldron(cauldron large kettle
- Caliber kælibə ability quality diameter inside round cylinder
- Calligraphy kə'ligrəfi beautiful writing excellent penmanship каллиграфия
- Callous kæləs hardened unfeeling sympathy sufferings unkind черствый
- Callow kælou youthful immature inexperienced неопытный
- Callus kæləs area thick hard skin мозоль
- Calorific kælə'rifik heat-producing n calorie тепловой
- Calumny kæləmni malicious misrepresentation slander клевета
- Camaraderie kæmə'rɑ:dəri good-fellowship cf comrade дух товарищества
- Cameo kæmiou shell jewel carved relief star's special
- Camp kæmp group sharing common opinion лагерь
- False canard kæ'nɑ:d unfounded rumor exaggerated report утка
- Candor kændə frankness open honesty adj candid откровенность
- Canine kænain related dogs doglike клык
- Canker kæɳkə ulcerous sore ulcer evil cf cancer
- Canny kæni shrewd money matters thrifty хитрый
- Kænt insincere speech expression piety jargon thieves special
- Cantankerous kən'tæɳkərəs ill-humored irritable сварливый
- Cantata kæn'tɑ:tə story set music sung chorus shorter
- Canter kæntə slow gallop v cf trot легкий
- Canto kæntou division long poem песнь
- Canvass kænvəs determine seek opinions votes region solicit
- Capacious kə'peiʃəs spacious емкий
- Capacity mental physical ability role position duty accommodate
- Fine capillary kə'piləri bore resembling hair slender attraction
- Capitulate kə'pitjuleit surrender give resistance капитулировать
- Caprice kə'pri:s whim sudden change mind real каприз
- Capricious kə'priʃəs unpredictable fickle капризный
- Capsize kæp'saiz boat turn опрокидывание
- Caption title chapter heading text illustration подпись
- Captious kæpʃəs faultfinding critical придирчивый
- Carafe kə'rɑ:f glass water bottle decanter графин
- Carapace kæræpeis shell covering back turtle tortoise crab
- Карат carat(karat unit weight precious stones measure purity
- Carcinogenic causing cancer n carcinogen канцерогенный
- Cardinal chief important n priest number shows quantity
- Cardiologist doctor specializing ailments heart кардиолог
- Careen kə'ri:n lurch sway side move irregular swinging
- Career kə'riə rush wildly full speed карьера
- Carefree keəfri free worries problems беззаботный
- Caricature kærikə'tjuə distortion burlesque карикатура
- Carillon kə'riljən set bells tower capable played подбор
- Carnage kɑ:nidʤ destruction life slaughter killing large numbers
- Carnal kɑ:nl fleshly sensual desires body плотский
- Carnivorous kɑ:'nivərəs meat-eating n carnivore cf herbivore плотоядный
- Carousal kə'rauzəl drunken revel v carouse пирушка
- Carping petty criticism fault-finding fretful complaining quibble придирчивый
- Carrion kæriən rotting flesh dead body cf vulture
- Cartographer kɑ:'tɔgrəfə map-maker картограф
- Cascade kæs'keid small waterfall каскад
- Caste kɑ:st hereditary classes hindu society social stratification
- Castigation kæsti'geiʃn punishment severe criticism disapproval наказание
- Castrate kæstreit remove sex organs male animal person
- Casual kæʤjuəl happening chance irregular occasional informal showing
- Clandestine klæn'destin secret тайный
- Casualty kæʤjuəlti fatal accident person killed wounded battle
- Cataclysm kætəklizm deluge upheaval earthquake violent sudden event
- Catalyst kætəlist agent brings chemical change remains unaffected
- Catapult kætəpʌlt slingshot hurling machine v fire катапульта
- Cataract kætərækt great waterfall eye abnormality causing gradual
- Catastrophe kə'tæstrəfi calamity disaster катастрофа
- Catcall kætkɔ:l shout disapproval displeasure made theater sports
- Religious instruction catechism book question-and-answer form question answer
- Categorical exceptions made doubt mind unqualified absolute категорический
- Cater keitə provide food drink satisfy desires bad
- Purging catharsis kə'θɑ:sis cleansing passage body weakening strong
- Cathartic kə'θɑ:tik purgative medicine bowels empty adj слабительное
- Catholic kæθəlik likings interests universal general broad including
- Caucus kɔ:kəs private meeting group people political party
- Caulk(calk make watertight blocking cracks ship конопатить негашеная
- Causal implying cause-and-effect relationship n causality причинный
- Caustic kɔ:stik burning corrosive burn chemical action sarcastically
- Cauterize kɔ:təraiz burn wound snakebite hot iron caustic
- Cavalcade kævə'keid procession riders horse-drawn carriages parade cf
- Cavalier kævə'liə casual offhand arrogant n knight кавалер
- Cavil kævil quibble make frivolous objections find fault
- Cede si:d yield title territory esp losing war
- Celerity si'leriti speed rapidity быстрота
- Celestial si'lestjəl heavenly небесный
- Celibate selibit abstaining sexual intercourse unmarried n celibacy
- Cemetery semitri place burying dead кладбище
- Censor sensə ancient rome overseer morals taking census
- Censorious sen'sɔ:riəsnis severely critical строгий
- Strong censure senʃə blame criticize express disapproval n
- Half centaur sentɔ mythical figure man horse кентавр
- Centigrade sentigreid denoting widely temperature scale basically celsius
- Centrifugal sen'trifjugel radiating departing center центробежный
- Centrifuge sentrifju:dʤ machine separates substances whirling центрифуга
- Centripetal sen'tripitl tending center центростремительный
- Centurion roman army officer commanding company soldiers центурион
- Cerebral seribrəl pertaining brain intellect intellectual emotional cf
- Cerebration seri'breiʃn thought working brain мозговая деятельность
- Ceremonious seri'mounjəs marked formality extremely formal polite cf
- Certitude sə:titju:d certainty уверенность
- Cessation se'seiʃn stoppage прекращение
- Cession seʃn yielding ceding цессия
- Rubbing chafe tʃeif warm make sore n притрагивающихся
- Chaff fʃɑ:f worthless products endeavor husk(outer seed cover
- Chaffing bantering joking опевальные
- Chagrin ʃægrin annoyance disappointment vexation caused humiliation injured
- Chalice tʃælis goblet consecrated cup чаша
- Chameleon kə'mi:ljən lizard color situations хамелеон
- Champion tʃæmpjən support militantly fight n person strongly
- Championship tʃæmpjənʃip position champion defense support competition held
- Chancellor tʃɑ:nsələ legal official high rank cf chancellery(chancellory
- Chant tʃɑ:nt tune(melody number words sung note v
- Chaotic kei'ɔtik utter disorder хаотический
- Chapel tʃæpəl small church prison college hospital часовня
- Chaperon ʃæpəroun older person accompanies supervises young unmarried
- Chaplain tʃæplin clergyman attached chapel капеллан
- Char tʃɑ make black burning reduce reduced carbon
- Charisma divine gift great popular charm appeal magnetism
- Charlatan ʃɑ:lətən quack pretender knowledge esp medicine шарлатан
- Charm tʃɑ:m quality pleasing amulet action formula thought
- Chary tʃeəri cautious unwilling risks sparing restrained giving
- Chase ornament metal surface indenting follow rapidly catch
- Chasm kæzm abyss deep crack пропасть
- Framework chassis working parts automobile components attached шасси
- Chaste tʃeist morally pure virginal abstaining illicit sexual
- Chasten tʃeisn discipline punish order correct cf castigate
- Chastise tʃæs'taiz punish beating criticize severely наказывать
- Chauvinist ʃouvinist blindly devoted patriot zealous adherent group
- Check stop motion curb restrain проверять
- Клетчатый checkered(chequered marked great fortune fortuene cf checked
- Cherubic tʃe'ru:bik angelic innocent-looking n cherub cf seraph
- Chicanery ʃi'kenəri trickery deception крючкотворство
- Chide tʃaid scold rebuke wrong упрекать
- Chimerical tʃimnikæp fantastically improbable highly unrealistic n chimera
- Small piece chip tʃip lose surface edge n
- Chisel tʃizl swindle cheat n wedgelike tool cutting
- Chivalrous ʃivəlrəs courteous faithful brave n chivalry рыцарский
- Choice tʃɔis delicate fine quality выбор
- Choir kwaiə group people sing esp religious services
- Choleric kɔkərik hot-tempered bad-tempered irritable easily angered cf
- Task chore tʃɔ daily domestic cleaning cooking shopping
- Dances choreography art representing written symbols arrangement хореография
- Chortle tʃɔ:tl chuckle delight n сдавленный смех
- Chorus kɔ:rəs phrase repeated song poem хор
- Chronic krɔnik long established disease хронический
- Chronicle krɔnikl report record chronological order хроника
- Chuckle tʃʌkl laugh quietly хихиканье
- Churlish boorish rude n churl boor yahoo грубый
- Cf ciliated silieitid minute hairs cilium eyelash реснитчатый
- Cipher nonentity worthless person thing secret code v
- Circlet sə:klit small ring band gold silver jewel
- Place circuit sə:kit closed circular line area circumference
- Circuitous sə'kju:itəs roundabout окольный
- Circumlocution sə:kəmlə'kju:ʃn indirect roundabout expression uncecessarily large number
- Circumscribe sə:kəmskrɑib limit confine draw line ограничивать
- Circumspect sə:kəmspekt prudent cautious acting careful thought осмотрительный
- Circumvent sə:kəm'vent outwit defeat behaving cleverly outsmart baffle
- Cistern sistən reservoir water tank цистерна
- Citadel sitədl fortress цитадель
- Cite sait quote commend cited bravery official record
- Civil sivl citizens military religious courteous polite married
- Clairvoyant kleə'vɔiənt foresight fortuneteller n clairvoyance ясновидящий
- Clamber klæmbə climb crawling difficulties scramble карабкаться
- Clamor loud continous noise continuous demand complaint made
- Clangor loud resounding noise sound repeated clanging бренчать
- Sound clap explosive klæp strike palms hands sudden
- Clapper klæpə striker tongue bell трещотка
- Clarion klæriən shrill trumpetlike sound kind trumpet times
- Clasp klɑ:sp hold firmly arms застежка
- Claustrophobia fear locked клаустрофобия of
- Clavicle klævikl collarbone ключица
- Cleave split sever cling remain faithful n cleavage
- Cleft kleft n split расщелина
- Clemency klemənsi disposition lenient deciding punishments mildness weather
- Clich\'e phrase dulled meaning repetition platitude adj clich\'ed
- Clientele body customers клиентура of
- Climactic klai'mæktik relating highest point n climax cf
- Clime klaim climate климат
- Clip cut shears fasten n clipped short extract
- Clipper sailing vessel built great speed клипер
- Clique kli:k small exclusive group people клика
- Cloister klɔistə monastery convent монастырь
- Clot klɔt half-solid lump formed liquid blood v
- Clout klaut great influence political social hard blow
- Clown klaun act stupidly play fool n клоун
- Cloying distasteful excessive excessively sweet sentimental v cloy
- Coagulate kou'ægjuleit congeal thicken clot n coagulant свертываться
- Coalesce kouə'les combine fuse n coalescence сливаться
- Coalition kouə'liʃn partnership league union separate political parties
- Coax kouks persuade flattery задобрить
- Coda koudə concluding section musical literary composition кода
- Coddle kɔdl treat gently indulge excessively pamper mollycoddle
- Codicil kɔdisil supplement body addition кодициль
- Codify kɔdisil arrange laws rules code classify n
- Coercion kou'ə:ʃn force object compelling v coerce принуждение
- Coeval kou'i:vəl living time existing period contemporary age
- Cog kɔg tooth projecting wheel зубец
- Cogent koudʤənt convincing убедительный
- Cogitate kɔdʤiteit ponder размышлять think
- Cognate common origin related linguistically allied blood similar
- Conflagration kɔnflə'greiʃn great fire пожарище
- Knowing mental cognitive perceiving related processes n cognition
- Knowledge cognizance kɔgnizəns adj cognizant aware знание
- Cohabit kou'hæbit live сожительствовать together
- Cohere kou'hiə stick сплотиться together
- Cohesion kou'hi:ʤn tendency сплоченность to
- Group cohorts people share common quality armed band
- Coiffure kwɑ:'fjuə hairstyle прическа
- Word coin kɔin make invent fabricate phrase n
- Cf coincidence kou'insidəns chance occurrence time seemingly connected
- Colander kʌlində utensil perforated bottom straining дуршлаг
- Collaborate kə'læbəreit work cooperate treasonably enemy сотрудничать
- Collage kə'lɑ:ʤ work art put fragments коллаж
- Order collate examine compare verify authenticity arrange sheets
- Collateral security loan adj secondary descended person sons
- Collation kɔ'leiʃn light meal collating сопоставление
- Collected kə'lektid composed calm self-possessed собранный
- Colloquial kə'loukwiəl pertaining conversational common speech informal n
- Colloquy kɔləkwi informal discussion conversation разговор
- Collusion kə'lu:ʤn conspiring fraudulent scheme cheat deceive v
- Colossal kə'lɔsail huge колоссальный
- Colossus kə'lɔses gigantic statue person thing great size
- Coma koumi deep prolonged unconsciousness caused disease poison
- Comatose koumətous coma extremely sleepy коматозный
- Combustible kəm'bʌstəbl easily burned n cf combustion горючий
- Comeback kʌmbæk retort quick clever reply return status
- Comely kʌmli attractive agreeable pleasing appearance миловидный
- Comestible kə'mestibl fit eaten съедобный
- Comeuppance kʌm'ʌpəns deserts well-deserved punishment misfortune rebuke возмездие
- Comity kɔmiti courtesy civility nations вежливость
- Military commandeer kɔmən'diə private property needing permission giving
- Commemorate kə'memə'reiʃn honor memory serve memorial 100th anniversary/those
- Commemorative kə'memərətiv remembering honoring memory stamp памятный
- Commensurate kə'menʃərit equal extent size соизмеримый
- Commiserate kə'mizəriet feel express pity sympathy сочувствовать
- Commodious kə'moudjəs spacious comfortable просторный
- Commonplace kɔmənpleis ordinary n common trite remark банальность
- Nation commonwealth kɔmənwelθ governed people republic содружество
- Communal kɔmjunl held common public group people commune
- Commune kɔmju:n small rural community members share work
- Compact agreement contract adj tightly packed firm concise
- Compartment kəm'pɑ:tmənt parts enclosed space divided отсек
- Compassion kəm'pæʃn sympathy suffering adj compassionate сострадание
- Compatible kəm'pætəbl harmonious harmony exist совместимый
- Compelling overpowering irresistible effect holding one's attention compels
- Compendium kəm'pendiəm comprehensive summary adj compendious компендиум
- Compensatory kəm'pensətiv making repaying компенсационный
- Compilation kɔmpi'leiʃn listing information tabular book form compiling
- Compile assemble gather accumulate make report book facts
- Complacency kəm'pleisns self-satisfaction smugness adj complacent самодовольство
- Complaisant kɔm'pleizənt obliging услужливый to
- Complement kɔmpliment complete consummate make perfect n дополнение
- Complementary serving complete дополнительный to
- Compliance conformity fulfilling requirements readiness yield disposition v
- Compliant readily acting accordance rule order wishes yielding
- Complicity kəm'plisiti participation involvement questionable act crime соучастие
- Component kəm'pounənt element ingredient компонент
- Comport kəm'pɔ:t bear one's behave oneself n comportment
- Compost kɔmpɔst mixture decaying organic matter fertilizer v
- Composure kəm'pouʤə mental calmness самообладание
- Compound parts kɔmpaund combine produce combining increase make
- Comprehend kɔmpri'hend include understand постигать
- Comprehensive kɔmpri'hensiv broad including lot inclusive комплексный
- Compress force space squeeze contract put fewer words
- Comprise kəm'praiz include consist включать
- Compromise adjust settle making mutual concessions endanger interests
- Compulsion kəm'pʌlʃn compelling strong desire difficult control irresistible
- Compulsive kəm'pʌlsiv resulting compulsion компульсивное
- Compulsory kəm'pʌlsəri obligatory обязательный that
- Compunction kəm'pʌɳkʃn remorse strong uneasiness caused guilt раскаяние
- Compute reckon calculate вычисление
- Concatenate link chain связывать as
- Concave hollow curved inwards op convex вогнутый
- Concede kən'si:d admit acknowledge true reluctantly yield grant
- Conceit kən'si:t vanity self-love high opinion one's extravagant
- Concentric common center концентрический having
- Conception kən'sepʃn beginning forming idea fertilization v conceive
- Concerted kən'sə:tid mutually agreed agreement effort cf concert
- Concession kən'seʃn act yielding conceding conceded point unwillingly
- Conciliatory kən'siliətəri reconciling soothing v conciliate reconcile soothe
- Concise kənsais compact краткий brief
- Conclave kɔnkleiv private secret meeting конклав
- Conclusive kən'klu:siv decisive ending debate окончательный
- Concoct kən'kɔkt prepare mixing combining make concert devise
- Concomitant accompanies deafnes frequent concommitant age adj existing
- Concord kɔɳkɔ:d harmony accord согласие
- Concordat kɔn'kɔ:dæt formal agreement конкордат
- Concur kən'kə agree coincide happen time совпадать
- Concurrent happening time agreement параллельный
- Condescend kɔndi'send derog bestow courtesies superior air descend
- Condign kən'dain adequate punishment severe deserved заслуженный
- Condiments seasonings spices приправы
- Condole kən'doul express condolences n sympathy experienced great
- Condone kən'doun overlook forgive give tacit approval excuse
- Conducive kən'dju:vis helpful contributive v conduce to/towards способствующий
- Conduit aqueduct passageway fluids трубопровод
- Confidant(confidante trusted friend tells one's secret доверенное доверенным
- Confide confidence person trusts confident доверять
- Confidence strong belief person kɔnfidəns self-assurance calm unworried
- Confidential kɔnfi'denʃl spoken written secret trusted private matters
- Confine kən'fain shut enclosed space restrict limits n
- Confiscate kɔnfiskeit seize possession private property official order
- Confluence flowing place rivers flow crowd gathering слияние
- Conformist kən'fɔ:mist person uncritically conforms customs group op
- Conformity kən'fɔ:miti harmony agreement established rules customs similarity
- Confound kən'faund confuse puzzle смешивать
- Congeal kən'dʤi:l freeze coagulate застывать
- Congenial kən'dʤi:njəl pleasant friendly agreement one's tastes nature
- Congenital kən'dʤenitl existing birth врожденный
- Conglomerate corporation made companies diversified fields mass material
- Conglomeration kən,glɔmə'reiʃn mass material sticking нагромождение
- Congruence kɔɳgruəns correspondence parts harmonious relationship cf congruity
- Congruent kɔɳgruənt agreement harmonious coinciding cf congruous конгруэнтный
- Cf conifer kounifə pine tree usu evergreen cone-bearing
- Conjecture surmise guess v догадка
- Conjugal kɔndʤɔint pertaining marriage супружеский
- Conjure kʌndʤə magic summon devil spirit magical power
- Ignorance connivance kə'naivəns pretense wrong assistance permission offend
- Connoisseur kɔni'sə person competent act judge art judgments
- Connotation kɔnou'teiʃn suggested implied meaning expression v connote
- Connubial kə'nju:bi'æliti pertaining marriage matrimonial state супружеский
- Consanguineous(consanguine common ancestor кровном родстве кровное родство
- Consanguinity kɔnsæɳ'gwiniti kinship relationship birth кровное родство
- Conscientious kɔnʃi'enʃəsnis scrupulous careful worker добросовестный
- Conscript kən'skrip draftee person forced military service v
- Consecrate kɔnsikrit kɔnsikreit dedicate sanctify declare sacred one's
- Consensus kən'sensəs general agreement opinion reached group консенсус
- Consequential kɔnsi'kwenʃl self-important significant consequent result air cf
- Conservatory(conservatoire school fine arts music drama glass-enclosed area
- Consign send person place sale deliver officially entrust
- Consistency absence contradictions uniformity degree thickness firmness thick
- Console kən'soul lessen sadness disappointment give comfort allay
- Cosmic kɔzmik pertaining universe vast космический
- Consolidation kən,sɔli'deiʃn unification process firmer stronger v consolidate
- Consonance kɔnsənəns harmony agreement созвучие
- Consonant kɔnsənənt harmonious agreement n согласный
- Consort kɔnsɔ:t associate company n husband wife ruler
- Conspiracy kən'spirəsi treacherous plot secret plan law people
- Conspire kən'spaiə part conspiracy events work combine conspired
- Consternation kɔnstə:'neiʃn great shock dismay ужас
- Constituency kən'stitjuənsi voters represented elected official district group
- Constituent supporter voter member constituency component составной
- Constitution kɔnsti'tju:ʃn constituting system laws composition physical makeup
- Constraint restraint compulsion repression feelings reticence v constrain
- Construe kən'stru explain interpret silence meaning agreed cf
- Consummate kən'sʌmit complete v непревзойденным
- Infection contagion kən'teidʤən contact adj contagious cf infectious
- Contaminate kən'tæmineit pollute загрязнять
- Contempt kən'tempt scorn disdain adj contemptuous cf contemptible
- Contend kən'tend struggle compete assert earnestly state strongly
- Contention kən'tenʃn assertion claim thesis struggling competition утверждение
- Contentious kən'tenʃəs quarrelsome controversial arguments спорный
- Contest kən'test dispute argue rightness compete win election
- Context writings preceding passage quoted circumstance event occurs
- Contiguous adjacent touching смежный to
- Sexual continence kɔntinəns self-restraint chastity abstinence voluntary control
- Contingent kən'tindʤənt dependent uncertain future conditional happening chance
- Contortions twistings distortions v contort twist violently shape
- Contraband kɔntrəbænd illegal trade smuggling smuggled goods adj
- Contravene kɔntrə'vi:n contradict oppose violate rule law custom
- Contrite kɔntrait penitent repentant n contrition кающийся
- Contrivance kən'traivəns contrived machine apparatus clever deceitful plan
- Contrive kən'traiv invent fabricate clever improvisation manage attract
- Contrived unnatural forced artificial spontaneous ending надуманный
- Controvert kɔntrəvə:t oppose arguments attempt refute contradict adj
- Dappled spotted пятнистый
- Contumacious kɔntju'meiʃəs stubborn disobedient resisting authority esp order
- Contusion kən'tju:ʤn bruise ушиб
- Conundrum kə'nʌndrəm riddle difficult problem загадка
- Convene kən'vi:n assemble call meet council созывать
- Convention social moral custom established practice formal meeting
- Conventional ordinary typical nuclear weapons обычный
- Converge approach tend meet сходиться
- Conversant kən'və:sənt familiar knowledge сведущий
- Converse opposite adj разговаривать
- Religion convert kən'və:t adopted opinion v change form
- Convex curving outward выпуклый
- Conveyance kən'veiəns vehicle transfer act conveying public передача
- Conviction kən'vikʃn judgment guilty crime strongly held belief
- Convivial kən'viviəl pleasantly merry festive joyous gay characterized
- Convoke kən'vouk call parliament n convocation созывать
- Convoluted kɔnvəlu:t coiled twisted involved complicated intricate complex
- Convulsion kən'vʌlʃn violent uncontrollable shaking movement caused illness
- Copious koupiəs plentiful обильный
- Coquette kou'ket flirt flirtatious woman attract admiration men
- Cordial kɔ:djəl warmly friendly gracious heartfelt сердечный
- Cordon kɔ:dn extended line men fortifications prevent access
- Cornice kɔ:nis projecting molding building columns pillars карниз
- Horn cornucopia kɔ:nju'koupjə horn-shaped container overflowing fruit grain
- Corollary kə'rɔləri natural consequence naturally вывод
- Coroner kɔrənə public official investigates death thought natural
- Bodily corporeal kɔ:'pɔ:riəl spiritual form material tangible телесный
- Corpulent kɔ:pjulənt fat n corpulence тучный
- Corpus kɔ:pəs collection writings information shakespear's works cf
- Corpuscle kɔ:pʌsl red white cell blood тельце
- Correlate kɔrileit correlated things v соотносить
- Correlation mutual relationship корреляция
- Corroborate kə'rɔbəreit confirm support strengthen подтверждать
- Corrode kə'roud destroy wear gradually chemical action long
- Corrosive kə'rousiv eating chemicals disease language fierce коррозийный
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