
书架 Shūjià Bookshelf N Bu B Hsk5 罗尼 我爱你

Chinese 书架
Pinyin shūjià
English bookshelf
Part n
Source BU-B HSK5
Ranking 15787
Example Chinese 罗尼 我爱你 但这是时光机 不是从宜家买来的书架
Example English Ronnie, I love you, but this is a time machine, not a bookcase from IKEA.
Example Pinyin luō ní wǒ ài nǐ dàn zhè shì shíguāngjī búshi cóng Yíjiā mǎi lái de shūjià
Example Source TV - The Flash 2014 - S01E23_0.17.01

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