
Yú 興於詩,立於禮。成於樂 句子 興於詩[Xīng Shī 立於禮[Lì Lǐ 成於樂[Chéng

text 興於詩,立於禮。成於樂。
header 句子
text-pinyin 興於詩[xīng yú shī], 立於禮[lì yú lǐ]。 成於樂[chéng yú yuè]。
englishtrans It is by the Odes that the mind is aroused. It is by the Rules of Propriety that the character is established. It is from Music that the finish is received.
notes Pattern: 於 = to, towards, in, for, more than
src Analects 8.8

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