正面 | 819.present 英 ['prez(ə)nt]美 ['prɛznt] ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
背面 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 释义: lawyer,n,律师,音“老爷”。有个被告叫律师老爷,忘了叫法官青天大老爷,法官非常生气。毕竞法官比律师说了算。vt. 提出;介绍;呈现;赠送vi. 举枪瞄准adj. 现在的;出席的n. 现在;礼物;瞄准 例句: 1. The carpet was a wedding present from the Prime Minister.这张地毯是首相送的结婚礼物。 present 存在的,在场的,现存的,当前的来自法语present,在场的,当前的,来自拉丁语praesentem,在场的,当前的,来自拉丁语praeesse,当前,在前,在场,在边上,来自prae,在前,在前面,esse,存在,成为,是,词源同is,essence,absent.-ent,现在分词后缀。present 提出,提交,展现,展示,出席,主持,颁奖,礼物来自古法语presenter,提出,介绍,引进,来自拉丁语praesentare,放置,置于前,展示,词 源同present.引申诸相关动词词义及名词词义礼物。 presentpresent: [13] The Latin adjective praesēns ‘at hand, now here’ originated as the present participle of praeesse ‘be before one’, a compound verb formed from the prefix prae- ‘in front’ and esse ‘be’. English acquired it via Old French present, the same route as was taken by its derivative praesentia on its way to English presence [14]. The use of the related noun present for ‘gift’ originated in Old French in the concept of ‘bringing something into someone’s presence’, and hence of giving it to them. The verb present [13] comes from the Latin derivative praesentāre.present (adj.)c. 1300, "existing at the time," from Old French present "evident, at hand, within reach;" as a noun, "the present time" (11c., Modern French présent) and directly from Latin praesentem (nominative praesens) "present, at hand, in sight; immediate; prompt, instant; contemporary," from present participle of præesse "be before (someone or something), be at hand," from prae- "before" (see pre-) + esse "to be" (see essence). Meaning "being there" is from mid-14c. in English. As a grammatical tense, recorded from late 14c.present (v.)c. 1300, "introduce (someone or something) formally or ceremonially;" also "make a formal presentation of; give as a gift or award; bestow," from Old French presenter (11c., Modern French présenter) and directly from Latin praesentare "to place before, show, exhibit," from stem of praesens (see present (adj.)). From late 14c. as "exhibit (something), offer for inspection, display;" also, in law, "make a formal complaint or charge of wrongdoing." From c. 1400 as"represent, portray." Related: Presented; presenting. present (n.1)"this point in time" (opposed to past and future), c. 1300, "the present time," also "act or fact of being present; portion of space around someone," from Old French present (n.) from Latin praesens "being there" (see present (adj.)). In old legalese, these presents means "these documents."present (n.2)c. 1200, "thing offered, what is offered or given as a gift," from Old French present and Medieval Latin presentia, from phrases such as French en present "(to offer) in the presence of," mettre en present "place before, give," from Late Latin inpraesent "face to face," from Latin in re praesenti "in the situation in question," from praesens "being there" (see present (adj.)), on the notion of "bringing something into someone's presence."" |
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