
Crown Top N Count 可数名词 N Part Ed King

英语单词 crown
英美音标 英 [kraʊn] 美 [kraʊn]
中文释义 n.王冠;王权;花冠;顶点;齿冠;克朗(丹麦、瑞典、捷克等国的货币单位)
vt.加冕;使 ... 成王;居 ... 之顶;镶齿冠;使圆满;<口>打…的头部
英语例句 (1) The crown was enchased with gold and silver.
(2) She refused the crown.
(3) I know she promised him a lilac crown.
(4) He cracked his crown on a microphone during a performance.
(5) Trees crowned the hill.
(6) He opened a bottle of wine to crown the feast.
中文例句 (1) 这顶王冠上镶嵌着金和银。
(2) 她拒不接受王位。
(3) 我知道,她曾允诺他一顶紫丁香的花冠。
(4) 他在一次表演中在麦克风上把齿冠打破了。
(5) 树木覆盖着小山。
(6) 他开了一瓶葡萄酒使宴会圆满结束。
vocabulary简明 A crown is a fancy, round ornament worn on the heads of kings and queens. To crown someone is to declare them a monarch or a champion. A crown is also a boring old top of something, like a tooth.
vocabulary扩展 Historically, a crown represented the country ruled by the monarch who wore it. In some cases, the person wearing a crown wasn't the king, but the head of a church, as most modern-day Catholic popes have done during certain ceremonies. Other kinds of crowns are the top of a hat or the top part of your head, and also the visible part of a tooth — or the artificial replacement made by a dentist.
[N-COUNT 可数名词]王冠;皇冠;冕;(戴在头上的)冠状物 A crown is a circular ornament, usually made of gold and jewels, which a king or queen wears on their head at official ceremonies. You can also use crown to refer to anything circular that is worn on someone's head.
  • ...a crown of flowers.


[N-PROPER 专有名词]王国政府;王国;(英国刑事案件中的)公诉人 The government of a country that has a king or queen is sometimes referred to as the Crown. In British criminal cases the prosecutor is the Crown .
  [the N]
  • She says the sovereignty of the Crown must be preserved.


  • ...a Minister of the Crown.


  • ...chief witness for the Crown.


[VERB 动词]为…加冕;立…为王(或女王) When a king or queen is crowned, a crown is placed on their head as part of a ceremony in which they are officially made king or queen.
  [be V-ed]
  [be V-ed n]
  [usu passive]
  • Elizabeth was crowned in Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953...


  • Two days later, Juan Carlos was crowned king.


  • ...the newly crowned King.


[VERB 动词]形成…的顶部;给…加顶 If one thing crowns another, it is on top of it.
  [V n]
  • Here another rugged castle crowns the cliffs and crags.


  • ...a very striking face, crowned by an abundance of hair.


[N-COUNT 可数名词]头顶(后部) Your crown is the top part of your head, at the back.
  [usu sing]
  • He laid his hand gently on the crown of her head.


[N-COUNT 可数名词]帽顶 The crown of a hat is the part which covers the top of your head.
  [usu sing]
    [N-COUNT 可数名词]5先令的英国硬币 A crown was a British coin worth five shillings.
      [N-COUNT 可数名词](受损牙齿的)人造冠 A crown is an artificial top piece fixed over a broken or decayed tooth.
        [N-COUNT 可数名词]冠军宝座;桂冠 In sport, winning an important competition is sometimes referred to as a crown .
          [oft n N]
        • ...his dream of a fourth Wimbledon crown.


        [VERB 动词]使圆满;使完美 An achievement or event that crowns something makes it perfect, successful, or complete.
          [V n]
        • It is an important moment, crowning the efforts of the Cup organisers...


        • The summit was crowned by the signing of the historic START treaty.


        • ...the crowning achievement of his career.


        [VERB 动词]使(事业)达到顶峰 If you crown your career with a success or achievement, you have a final success or achievement which is greater than all the others you have had.
          [V n with n]
          [Also V n by -ing]
          [WRITTEN 笔语]
        • He went on to crown a distinguished career in radio and television with his book 'The Price of Victory'.


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