英语单词 | service |
英美音标 | 英 ['sɜːvɪs] 美 ['sɜːrvɪs] |
中文释义 | n.服务;发球;服役;公务部门;礼拜仪式;(车辆、机器等定期的)维修 v.保养;维护;提供服务;支付(借款)利息 |
英语例句 | (1) The volunteers for community service are doing a good job. (2) We all complain about the poor service in the hotel coffee lounge. (3) You must run fast enough to return his service. (4) I'd like to know something about badminton game,first,can you tell me about the service? (5) His poor health disbarred him from further service in the army. (6) His military service was deferred. (7) His father had been in the diplomatic service. (8) I have a service passport to America. (9) Mass is a kind of Church service. (10) He suggested that my car should be serviced. (11) We have the machines serviced regularly. (12) And once in orbit,there's no inexpensive and simple way to service them. (13) The power station is serviced by road transport. (14) I had to service a lot of debts last year. |
中文例句 | (1) 社区服务的义工做得很出色。 (2) 我们都抱怨饭店咖啡休息室的劣质服务。 (3) 你必须要跑得很快才可能接起他的发球。 (4) 我想了解一下羽毛球比赛,能否先给我说说发球? (5) 因身体欠佳,他不能继续在军队服役。 (6) 他被允许缓期服役。 (7) 他的父亲曾在外交部门供职。 (8) 我有美国的公务护照。 (9) 弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。 (10) 他建议我把汽车送去保养。 (11) 我们请人定期维修机器。 (12) 一旦进入轨道,也没有一套简便和低耗的方式来对它们进行维护。 (13) 这座发电站的燃料是通过公路运送的。 (14) 去年我不得不为债务支付大量的利息。 |
vocabulary简明 | If you perform duties that help someone else, you're providing a service. If you make dinner for your neighbor's children while she's in the hospital, you're doing a good service. |
vocabulary扩展 | Service has many uses, all having to do with serving someone, or doing something for them. In a restaurant the waiter provides service, and if you do something nice for someone, you've done him a good service. If you're in someone's service that means you work for her. Service can also mean a verb meaning "to fix," like when the maintenance whiz services the photocopier, or the mechanic services your car. In church, a ceremony is also called a service. |
柯林斯解释 | For meaning 14, services is both the singular and the plural form. 义项14单复数同形。 1 [N-COUNT 可数名词]公共服务事业;公共服务系统 A service is something that the public needs, such as transport, communications facilities, hospitals, or energy supplies, which is provided in a planned and organized way by the government or an official body. [usu with supp]
2 [N-COUNT 可数名词]公共事业机构(或公司) You can sometimes refer to an organization or private company as a particular service when it provides something for the public or acts on behalf of the government. [oft in names]
3 [N-COUNT 可数名词](机构或公司提供的某一)服务 If an organization or company provides a particular service, they can do a particular job or a type of work for you.
4 [N-PLURAL 复数名词]服务业;服务性活动 Services are activities such as tourism, banking, and selling things which are part of a country's economy, but are not concerned with producing or manufacturing goods.
5 [N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词]服务内容;服务(质量);服务态度 The level or standard of service provided by an organization or company is the amount or quality of the work it can do for you.
6 [N-COUNT 可数名词](公共汽车或火车的)路线,行程车次,班车 A bus or train service is a route or regular journey that is part of a transport system. [usu n N]
7 [N-PLURAL 复数名词](提供技术或帮助的)服务 Your services are the things that you do or the skills that you use in your job, which other people find useful and are usually willing to pay you for. [with poss]
8 [N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词](为某组织或活动所做的)工作,服务,效劳 If you refer to someone's service or services to a particular organization or activity, you mean that they have done a lot of work for it or spent a lot of their time on it. [also N in pl]
9 [N-COUNT 可数名词]海陆空三军;军队;部队 The Services are the army, the navy, and the air force. [usu pl]
10 [N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词]兵役;作战 Service is the work done by people or equipment in the army, navy, or air force, for example during a war.
11 [N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词](饭店、酒店,商店提供的)服务 When you receive service in a restaurant, hotel, or shop, an employee asks you what you want or gives you what you have ordered.
12 [N-COUNT 可数名词]宗教礼仪;礼拜仪式 A service is a religious ceremony that takes place in a church. [also no det]
13 [N-COUNT 可数名词]整套餐具(或茶具) A dinner service or a tea service is a complete set of plates, cups, saucers, and other pieces of china. [usu n N]
14 [N-COUNT 可数名词](高速公路边可加油、购物或用餐的)服务站 A services is a place beside a motorway where you can buy petrol and other things, or have a meal. [BRIT 英]
in AM, use 美国英语用 rest area 15 [N-COUNT 可数名词](网球、羽毛球等的)发球权,开球局 In tennis, badminton, and some other sports, when it is your service, it is your turn to serve. [oft with poss]
16 [ADJ 形容词](大楼、建筑中的设施)员工专用的,后勤专用的 Service is used to describe the parts of a building or structure that are used by the staff who clean, repair, or look after it, and are not usually used by the public. [ADJ n]
17 [N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词]服侍;伺候 If someone is in service, they are working as a servant. [oft
18 [VERB 动词]维修,检修,维护(机器、车辆) If you have a vehicle or machine serviced, you arrange for someone to examine, adjust, and clean it so that it will keep working efficiently and safely. [ [ [Also V n] [usu sing]
19 [VERB 动词](国家、组织)支付(债息) If a country or organization services its debts, it pays the interest on them. [V n]
20 [VERB 动词]为…提供服务;满足…的需求 If someone or something services an organization, a project, or a group of people, they provide it with the things that it needs in order to function properly or effectively. [V n]
21 See also:active service ;Civil Service ;community service ;emergency services ;in-service ;National Health Service ;national service ;public service ;room service ; 22 [PHRASE 短语]随时可供…使用;随时为…提供帮助 To be at the service of a person or organization means to be available to help or be used by that person or organization. [PHR n]
23 [CONVENTION 惯用语]随时为您效劳;随时听您的吩咐 You can use 'at your service' after your name as a formal way of introducing yourself to someone and saying that you are willing to help them in any way you can. [formulae]
24 [PHRASE 短语]帮…一个忙;对…有益 If you do someone a service, you do something that helps or benefits them. [V inflects]
25 [PHRASE 短语](车辆、设备)在使用中,可以使用/(通常因发生故障而)未在使用 If a piece of equipment or type of vehicle is in service, it is being used or is able to be used. If it is out of service, it is not being used, usually because it is not working properly. [usu PHR after v]
26 [PHRASE 短语]有用;有帮助 If someone or something is of service to you, they help you or are useful to you. [v-link PHR]
27 to be pressed into service→see: press ; |
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