
Whistle Whistling   [V Wind Phrase 短语 D Inflects

英语单词 whistle
英美音标 英 ['wɪsl] 美 ['wɪsl]
中文释义 n.口哨;汽笛;警笛
英语例句 (1) The whistle goes at the end of the match.
(2) He gave a loud whistle of gladness.
(3) The whistle went and the man knocked off for lunch.
(4) The horse shied at the shrill whistle.
(5) The little boy rounded his lips to whistle.
(6) The referee whistled and the game began.
(7) He whistled to his friend to keep hidden.
(8) We used to hear the train whistle at night.
(9) A bullet whistled past his head.
(10) The wind whistled through a crack in the door.
中文例句 (1) 比赛结束时哨声响了。
(2) 他吹了一声响亮的口号表示高兴。
(3) 汽笛响了,工人们停工午餐。
(4) 那匹马听到刺耳的汽笛声,惊得往后倒退。
(5) 那个小男孩把双唇收圆好吹口哨。
(6) 裁判哨子一响,比赛开始了。
(7) 他吹口哨通知朋友继续隐蔽。
(8) 过去我们常会在晚上听到火车的汽笛声。
(9) 一颗子弹从他头顶上呼啸而过。
(10) 风从门的裂缝中呼呼地刮了进来。
vocabulary简明 A whistle is a small wind instrument, and you probably know people who are good at whistling without an instrument. Trains have whistles, and the wind whistles too. The world is full of whistles.
vocabulary扩展 Whistle is a word with several meanings, but they have in common a similar high-pitched, airy sound. This is different from most instruments. You can't tuba without a tuba, but you can whistle without a whistle. Sometimes people's teeth make a whistling sound by accident. Referees and traffic cops carry whistles to get people's attention. Other people whistle for many reasons: because they're impressed, see something they like, or just want to say, "Hey you!"
[VERB 动词]吹口哨;用口哨吹出(曲调) When you whistle or when you whistle a tune, you make a series of musical notes by forcing your breath out between your lips, or your teeth.
  [V n]
  • He whistled and sang snatches of songs...


  • He was whistling softly to himself...


  • As he washed he whistled a tune.


[VERB 动词]See also:
(吃惊、唤狗、赞叹等时)发出口哨声 When someone whistles, they make a sound by forcing their breath out between their lips or their teeth. People sometimes whistle when they are surprised or shocked, or to call a dog, or to show that they are impressed.
  [V prep]
  [oft supp N]
  • He whistled, surprised but not shocked...


  • Jenkins whistled through his teeth, impressed at last...


  • Women don't enjoy being whistled at.


  • Whistle is also a noun.
    • Jackson gave a low whistle.


[VERB 动词](火车)鸣汽笛;(水开时水壶)发出尖啸声 If something such as a train or a kettle whistles, it makes a loud, high sound.
  • Somewhere a train whistled...


  • ...the whistling car radio.


  • ...the whistling of the wind.


[VERB 动词](风、子弹等)呼啸而过 If something such as the wind or a bullet whistles somewhere, it moves there, making a loud, high sound.
  [V prep]
  • The wind was whistling through the building...


  • As I stood up a bullet whistled past my back.


[N-COUNT 可数名词](空气或液流通过狭窄孔洞时发出的)呼啸声;(物体在空气中快速移动时的)呼呼声 A whistle is a loud sound produced by air or steam being forced through a small opening, or by something moving quickly through the air.
  [oft N of n]
  • Hugh listened to the whistle of a train.


  • ...the whistle of the wind.


  • ...a shrill whistle from the boiling kettle.


[N-COUNT 可数名词]哨子 A whistle is a small metal tube which you blow in order to produce a loud sound and attract someone's attention.
  • On the platform, the guard blew his whistle...


  • The referee blew his whistle for a penalty.


[N-COUNT 可数名词]上下班的哨声 Some factories and other places where people work have a whistle which signals the beginning and the end of the working day.
  • Every night you could hear the whistles of the steel mill.


[N-COUNT 可数名词]See also:
tin whistle
口哨(一种乐器) A whistle is a simple musical instrument in the shape of a metal pipe with holes.
    [PHRASE 短语]See also:
    (尤指向当权者)告发,揭发 If you blow the whistle on someone, or on something secret or illegal, you tell another person, especially a person in authority, what is happening.
      [V inflects]
    • Companies should protect employees who blow the whistle on dishonest workmates and work practices.


    [PHRASE 短语]得不到;徒然想得到 If you say that someone can whistle for a particular thing, you mean that you are not willing or able to give it to them.
      [V inflects]
      [INFORMAL 非正式]
    • 'He wants a police escort.' — 'Well, he can whistle for that.'


    [PHRASE 短语]非常清洁 If you describe something as clean as a whistle, you mean that it is completely clean.
      [v-link PHR]
      [PHRASE 短语]无错的;问心无愧的 If you describe someone as clean as a whistle, you mean that they are not guilty of having done anything wrong.
        [v-link PHR]
      • 'His private life is as clean as a whistle,' says McSmith.


      [PHRASE 短语]借吹口哨壮胆;故作镇定 If you say that someone is whistling in the dark, you mean that they are trying to remain brave and convince themselves that the situation is not as bad as it seems.
        [V inflects]
      • Then I waited, trying not to feel as if I were whistling in the dark, but I experienced no easing of my fear and anxiety.


      [PHRASE 短语]喝一杯(酒) To wet your whistle means to have a drink.
        [V inflects]
        [OLD-FASHIONED 过时]
        [PHRASE 短语]徒然无功 If you describe someone as whistling in the wind, you mean that they are trying unsuccessfully to change something which cannot be changed.
          [V inflects]
        • The leader of the Liberal Democrats accused the Prime Minister of whistling in the wind to raise Conservative party morale.


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