
Sentences Words Part Deck Focus I Study Delete


Notes about this deck:

• In the back of the card, there is a gray button below the answer. Tap this button to open a dictionary-lookup menu.

• If some sentence is too easy for you, or repeated, or it teaches you nothing new... then delete that sentence! In the Computer version of Anki, you can delete the card by pressing Delete on your keyboard. You should delete cards that are too easy for you, or cards that teach you nothing new... otherwise the card-reviews will pile up to a big number.

• Speak training is a lot harder than read training, but it's also more productive: it increases fluency more.

• The sentences of the read training deck are sorted in a way, that they start out with very simple vocabulary.
They are repetitive on purpose, to reinforce beginner vocabulary.
• On the other hand, the sentences of the speak training deck are a lot more varied. They have a lot more variety.

• This deck contains idiomatic sentences. You may think the translation is wrong, but it's right. If you don't know what is an idiomatic sentence, see:



For example, when you say it's raining cats and dogs, you don't mean that literally. You mean that it's raining heavily. Thus, it's raining cats and dogs is an idiomatic sentence.

• You don't have to memorize everything in the back of the card. Focus on getting the overall answer right.
For example, if there are 4 sentences on the back of the card... focus on getting just the first sentence right.

• This deck works better on the Computer version of Anki.

• If you are using the Computer version of Anki, I highly recommend the add-on called Speed Focus Mode:


The first version of this add-on was commissioned by me, then it became a very popular add-on.


— What is the point of studying sentences?

Memorizing the meaning of individual words... is pretty much pointless. If you want actual fluency, you need to see a word in as many example sentences as possible. That makes the language start to flow in your head. That shows you how to use the word. How it is combined with the other words. And many other things.

We think that effort always converts into fluency. This is not true. If you memorize the meaning of individual words you won't get fluent and you will spend a ton of effort. But studying sentences is the real deal. Is the method of learning that actually converts effort to fluency.

Get some basic grammar, some basic vocabulary, then just dive into sentences and more sentences until you're fluent.


It is OK to memorize individual words if:
• You don't have enough vocabulary to focus your study on sentences, or
• You are a very advanced learner

Otherwise, it is better to just focus on learning and memorizing sentences — instead of memorizing individual words.


Some words are simple and straightforward:
• Tsuki means moon in Japanese, and nothing more.
• Playa means beach in Spanish, and nothing more.
• Montano means mountain in Italian, and nothing more.
These words are easy: you memorize the meaning, you master the word.

Other words are complex:
• The French word faire can mean 10 different things, depending on context.


• The German word machen can mean 20 different things, depending on context.

• The English word make can mean 30 different things, depending on context.

You will only master these words, when you see them in context!
You will only master these words, when you see them in example sentences.

Hence the need to study sentences.

— If this deck has so many cards, won't it take me a long time to finish it?
If you study one card every 7 seconds, then you can study 500 cards per hour. It's quicker than you think.

— How much should I study?
Try to study at least 20 minutes a day — or do 50 cards a day. You will see visible results.

— I'm having technical issues.
If you have technical issues, search your issue on Google (for example: audio doesn't work on Anki using MacOS) and see if you can find a solution to your problem. And if Google fails you, ask the developer of Anki:

— he usually replies within 24h. I should mention, that I have no affiliation with the developer of Anki.

This deck is divided in two parts.

This is Part 1.

Part 1 contains:
• decks with sentences of 2 words, 3 words, and 4 words. [total of cards: 3000]

Part 2 contains:
• decks with sentences of 5 words, 6 words, 7 words, 8 words, and 9 words. [total of cards: 4700]

You can get Part 2 by supporting me on Patreon:


I will eventually make Part 3.
Part 3 will contain a lot more sentences of all categories (2 to 9 words). You will be able to download Part 3 when it comes out, by supporting me on Patreon.

Contact: [email protected]

Personal website:


Neri © 2021 All rights reserved.

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