English C1
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- Elective open to choice; optional
- Sole practitioner works partners handles small cases
- Law practice lot lawyers working complex matters big
- Conventional wisdom noun generally believed prudence
- Fire you someone make them feel very enthusiastic or motivated to someone very
- Game-changing the potential to change significantly the outcome of
- Paradigm shift a radical change in underlying beliefs or theory
- To the or to leap move somewhere and
- Disheartening feature makes feel disappointed confident hopeful zniechęcający
- Undaunted and not to something be niezrażony the
- A conviction belief opinion by of that is
- View the of something z nadzieją na called
- Great lengths greta garbo hide reporters photographers you say that
- Litigation process of fighting or defending a case in a civil court law spór sądowy settlement
- Arbitration the judging of dispute people groups involved arbitraż
- Legal practise sole act working lawyer praktyka prawnicza
- Law clinic voluntary centre led universities offers legal
- Legal law assistance advice representation offered firms sole
- Command familiar znać posługiwać się czymś np językiem
- Bachelor arts licencjat of
- Master arts magister of
- A a equity of that the and is
- An a or or trust in someone else’s
- Superfluous unnecessary or longer needed something that
- Formation contracts act drafting creation
- Enforcement contract proccess carrying terms agreement parties wykonanie
- Consideration payment for service; recompense; fee świadczenie a
- Remedy a successful way of dealing with a problem zadośćuczynienie remedium
- Strict liability responsibility for damage loss regardless of intention or culpability
- Vicarious liability legal responsibility harm caused person
- Products liability legal responsibility manufacturers harm caused goods
- Ultrahazardous dangerous strict liability imposed
- Principles rationale explanation exposition opinion action hypothesis phenomenon
- Hearsay species testimony consists narration person matters told
- Impeach impeachment accusation public official act raising doubts
- Cross-examination interrogating questioning witness party called examined
- Examination chief made witness party calling
- Search seizure procedure legal systems authorities agents suspect
- Incriminating charging suggestive guilt blame; testimony evidence
- Electronic surveillance devices television monitors video cameras prevent
- Entrapment a in the or other someone into
- Acquaint familiarize accustom əˈkweɪnt we to acquaint with
- Legal citation reference decided cases books authority prove
- Homicide manslaughter murder intentional unintentional killing
- Murder intentional killing
- Unlawful manslaughter killing man negligence incidentally commission act
- Credibility quality capable credited believed worthy belief entitled
- Barrister practice practising actively works profession
- Sole trader person owns business partner shareholders
- In-house counsel lawyer advice legal case speaks court
- Crown prosecution service koronna służba prokuratorska
- Chambers sets suite rooms barristers clients interviewed
- College collegiate belonging relating students uczelniany
- Tenants members chambers share common expenses support service
- Ancillary adj describing supports main work
- Court counsel speaks behalf party legal advice defence
- Lay professional specialist not a
- Llb bachelor laws of
- Conversion student graduated non-law subject undertake order lawyer
- to gdl graduate diploma law uk an that
- Bvc bar vocational student barrister studied inns court
- Called bar qualify barrister to
- Term dine fixed number times inn student barrister
- Immunities exemptions penalties legal requirements
- Pupillage barrister's equivalent training contract solicitor undertakes chambers
- Shadow follow to someone
- Forensic accountant biegły księgowy
- Qc queen's counsel senior barrister work concentrates advocacy
- Conveyancing transfer ownership property of
- Draw form arrange make plans basic details
- The a you of placement that part of
- Specialism specialisation
- Secondment temporary transfer job post organization
- Degree formal obtain a get
- Merger joining separate companies organizations
- Acquisition the of something or it someone or
- Magistrate's court sąd pokoju
- County court sąd rejonowy 1.inst
- Instruct give essential information to
- Invoice document lists goods supplied services money owe
- Apprenticeship system learning learner works fixed period time
- Indulgence something that someone for they to towards
- Contingent determined sth conditional dependent train's scheduled departure
- Cram push force sth small space
- Stroll walk to
- Swarm great number things persons moving chmara rój
- Clad dressed covered
- Pigeonhole to decide that something belongs to a particular type or group, especially without knowing much someone
- Lounge suit an man’s of and garnitur pracy;
- Sober temperate serious
- Subsidised relating to a cost is partly paid for the government or an organization these families don't qualify for publicly subsidized housing
- To to lodge somewhere in else’s someone a
- Tedium state bored; quality boring żmudność marazm
- Compel force sb sth a schoolboy he compelled to wear shorts even in winter
- Pageantry rich spectaculary ceremony a
- Paralegal person trained undertake legal work qualified professional
- Backlog reserve supply source a
- Lowly inferior rank status in
- Deceptive misleading sth that very from it is
- Illustrious great renown famous distinguished
- Dilute make sth weaker,less effective rozcieńczać rozrzedzać
- Bencher senior barrister member inn
- Venue the place where a public event or meeting happens the hotel is an ideal venue for conferences and business meetings
- Stint a fixed or limited period of time spent doing a particular job or activity służba kadencja epizod just finished a of compulsory military service
- Aptitude natural ability skill apt
- Headlock trzymanie kogoś za szyję
- Demeanour person behaves postawa zachowanie się deminor
- Tatters damaged rapair in beyond
- Pc police constable
- Affray noisy quarrel brawl awantura burda
- Evasive intentionally vague ambigous equivocal elusive cunning dishonest
- Set attack violently upon
- Reeking giving unpleasant smell odor room reeked cigarette
- Collared seized deteined catched arrested
- Shove push force with
- Bash trash beat violently up
- Ward avoid hit figuratively), to someone something from
- Commodity be bought and sold, especially a basic food product or fuel is useful or necessary something that
- Lpc legal pracice students solisitors completing gdl
- Studious tending study read lot a quiet studious young man
- Dotcom a company that uses the internet to sell its products and services
- Finish complete they hired a smaller company to finish off the job you want to finish off these sandwiches
- Tangible important noticable can touch real things zauważalny dostrzegalny
- Sb propose join zaproponować komuś żeby się przyłączył
- Profitability the degree to is profitable the state of being profitable
- Initiative faint profitability opłacalność tej inicjatywy jest nikła
- Person position associate work slightly lower complete full
- Performance contract fulfillment contractual obligations
- Crime public administration illegal act bribery escaping prison
- Perjury lying oath under
- Disclose give information people secret
- Privilege disclose types evidence confidential client-lawyer discussion
- Bloody-minded deliberately refusing to accept that not completely right about not helpful to other people and annoys them stubborn narrow intolerant
- Acquired taste but begin to have tried it coś przypadło komuś do gustu
- Flout to deliberately refuse to obey a rule or custom skateboarders know they be prosecuted if the law
- Buzzword a word that very popular, especially a word relating to a particular activity or subject has
- Hot heels arriving or happening very close behind on the
- Condemn potępić skazywać uznawać winnym
- Unstinting generous very
- Philanthropic generous assistance poor in
- Welfare receiving assistance financial publicly privately funded agencies
- Destitute no money or possessions with
- Hard not having enough the schools are pretty hard up for teachers of
- Impoverished worse quality poor that
- Disease contract infected a to
- Purport to claim or something, especially when not possible or true rościć sobie pretensje podawać
- Con a dishonest plan or method for making someone give you money kant szwindel
- Scam a dishonest plan, especially for getting money
- Make silently sth happen a
- Wanted get wish she have
- Grant fulfil sb's give wish
- Express sth loud a wish
- Respect sb's wishes wants do
- Ignore sb's wishes do something
- Wishes reflect sb's show somebody's
- Sharing economy an economic system based on the idea that people and organizations can share the creation and of resources than buying and selling them
- Outer fringes najdalsze peryferia
- Grapple walka zmaganie zaczepiać chwytać
- Umbrella term a word that groups other words into a single common category
- Access economy economic model provider offers on-demand prodct
- Good collaborative consumption the shared service group model
- Generally she felt that the report was fair on the
- House share współwynajem domu mieszkania
- Foothold a position from can improve your status or more successful in an organization, profession or market punkt zaczepienia
- Rota a list of people’s names that shows when a particular job harmonogram grafik kolejność
- Cite examples przytaczać przykłady
- Illustration następnym przykładem tego jest
- Donor dawca darczyńca
- Revenue przychód przychody
- Pussyfoor to timidly cautiously to
- Roam walk area definite aim direction
- Maraude go place search things steal people attack
- Correctable capable corrected of being
- Dock on trial crime in
- Indiscriminately without considering who you harm or damage random widely blindly
- Nerve centre the place organization controlled
- Soporific making sleep to you
- Donkey work tedious repetitious work drudgery
- Pecking order any hierarchical people group hierarchia wartości
- Bling flashy ostentatious jewelry
- Moot a hypothetical case argued law students exercise
- hands-on practical applied opposed theoretical hands-on experience
- Bench call ceremony held hall during barrister awarded title master
- Alibi notice defence statement particulars
- judicial review type court proceeding judge lawfulness decision or
- Circumvent to avoid artful maneuvering przechytrzyć, obejść
- Marriage convenience marriage contracted reasons relationship family love
- Acquit free clear charge accusation
- Callee person called the who
- Qualifying session dining educational organized inns court
- Defendant pozwanny
- Trailblazer a trailblazer is person leader field, especially who thing pionier
- Grit has grit the determination and courage to continue doing something even though very difficult toughness
- Criticism greater things spur thing to do encourages ponaglać
- Gyre a circular or spiral movement or path ring, circle spiral wir
- Plural form crisis the of
- Nuisance act interferes person's enjoy land ˈnjuːsəns niedogodność
- Invasion privacy a wrongful intrusion into or exposure of one's private affairs humiliation
- Defamation the damaging of someone's good reputation by saying something bad and untrue about
- Jest skazany za bójkę conviction affray
- An ordering of questions so as to develop a particular argument line questioning of
- Oszczędzono mu wyroku więzienia was spared jail term
- Jej sukces w osiąganiu tak wiele jest niewątpliwy
- Odnalazł inspirację dla pracy na resztę jego życia
- Nie miała oporów przed stwierdzeniem że hesitation stating
- Sth potrzeba robienia czegoś necessity
- Talent mieć czegoś sth do
- Sth w celu robienia czegoś aim
- Mieć pasję zamiłowanie czegoś passion sth
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