Title | Understand |
Text | Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary un·der·stand \\ˌən-dər-ˈstand\\ verb (un·der·stood \\-ˈstu̇d\\ ; -stand·ing) ETYMOLOGY Middle English, from Old English understandan, from under + standan to stand
DATE before 12th century
transitive verb1. a. to grasp the meaning of understand Russian b. to grasp the reasonableness of his behavior is hard to understand c. to have thorough or technical acquaintance with or expertness in the practice of understand finance d. to be thoroughly familiar with the character and propensities of understands children 2. to accept as a fact or truth or regard as plausible without utter certainty we understand that he is returning from abroad 3. to interpret in one of a number of possible ways 4. to supply in thought as though expressed “to be married” is commonly understood after the word engaged intransitive verb 1. to have understanding : have the power of comprehension 2. to achieve a grasp of the nature, significance, or explanation of something 3. to believe or infer something to be the case 4. to show a sympathetic or tolerant attitude toward something • un·der·stand·abil·i·ty \\-ˌstan-də-ˈbi-lə-tē\\ noun • un·der·stand·able \\-ˈstan-də-bəl\\ adjective Synonyms. understand , comprehend , appreciate mean to have a clear or complete idea of. understand and comprehend are very often interchangeable. understand may, however, stress the fact of having attained a firm mental grasp of somethingorders that were fully understood and promptly obeyed comprehend may stress the process of coming to grips with something intellectuallyI have trouble comprehending your reasons for doing this appreciate implies a just evaluation or judgment of a thing's value or naturefailed to appreciate the risks involved English Etymology understand O.E. understandan "comprehend, grasp the idea of," probably lit. "stand in the midst of," from under + standan "to stand" (see stand). If this is the meaning, the under is not the usual word meaning "beneath," but from O.E. under, from PIE *nter- "between, among" (cf. Skt. antar "among, between," L. inter "between, among," Gk. entera "intestines;" see inter-). But the exact notion is unclear. Perhaps the ult. sense is "be close to," cf. Gk. epistamai "I know how, I know," lit. "I stand upon." Similar formations are found in O.Fris. (understonda), M.Dan. (understande), while other Gmc. languages use compounds meaning "stand before" (cf. Ger. verstehen, represented in O.E. by forstanden ). For this concept, most I.E. languages use fig. extensions of compounds that lit. mean "put together," or "separate," or "take, grasp." Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English understand ADV. clearly, well | fully, perfectly, quite I fully understand the reason for your decision. | not really Her behaviour wounded him in a way he did not really understand. | adequately | correctly, properly She realized that she had never properly understood him. | easily, readily The reasons for this decision are not easily understood. | instinctively, intuitively She intuitively understood his need to be alone. VERB + UNDERSTAND be able/unable to, can/could I can't understand what all the fuss is about. | try to | begin to | be easy to | be difficult to, be hard to It is difficult to understand why he reacted in that way. | help (to), help sb (to) PREP. about We understand little about this disease. PHRASES be commonly/generally/popularly understood What is generally understood by ‘democracy’? | be imperfectly/incompletely/poorly understood The effects of these chemicals on the body are still poorly understood. | be universally/widely understood Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary-牛津双解-OALD7 ☞ understand under·stand / 7QndE5stAnd; NAmE -dEr5s- / verb(under·stood, under·stood / -5stud / ) (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) MEANING 意思 1. to know or realize the meaning of words, a language, what sb says, etc. 懂;理解;领会: ▪ [VN] Can you understand French? 你懂法语吗? Do you understand the instructions? 你懂得这些指令的意思吗? She didn't understand the form she was signing. 她弄不懂她正在签署的表格。 ▪ [V] I'm not sure that I understand. Go over it again. 我不敢说我搞懂了。请再来一遍吧。 I don't want you doing that again. Do you understand? 我不许你再这样做。你听明白了吗? ▪ [V wh-] I don't understand what he's saying. 我不明白他在说些什么。 HOW STH WORKS / HAPPENS 运作;发生 2. to know or realize how or why sth happens, how it works or why it is important 了解;认识到;明了: ▪ [VN] Doctors still don't understand much about the disease. 医生对这种疾病还了解不多。 No one is answering the phone—I can't understand it. 没人接电话,我不知道是怎么回事。 ▪ [V wh-] I could never understand why she was fired. 我怎么也不明白她为何被解雇。 ▪ [VN -ing] I just can't understand him taking the money. 我真想不通他为什么会偷钱。 (formal) I just can't understand his taking the money. 我真想不通他为什么会偷钱。 ▪ [also V that V] KNOW SB 了解某人 3. to know sb's character, how they feel and why they behave in the way they do 了解;谅解;体谅: ▪ [VN] Nobody understands me. 没有人了解我。 He doesn't understand women at all. 他根本就不了解女性。 ▪ [V wh-] They understand what I have been through. 他们对我的遭遇很同情。 ▪ [V that] I quite understand that you need some time alone. 我很理解你需要独自静一会。 ▪ [VN -ing] I quite understand you needing some time alone. 我很理解你需要独自静一会。 ▪ [V] If you want to leave early, I'm sure he'll understand. 如果你想早些离开,我相信他会体谅的。 THINK / BELIEVE 认为;相信 4. (formal) to think or believe that sth is true because you have been told that it is 得知;据信;认为: ▪ [V (that)] I understand (that) you wish to see the manager. 我听说您想见经理。 Am I to understand that you refuse? 你是告诉我你拒绝了? ▪ [VN to inf] The Prime Minister is understood to have been extremely angry about the report. 据说首相对这份报告大为恼火。 ▪ [VN that] It is understood that the band are working on their next album. 据说这个乐队正在录制他们的下一张专辑。 BE AGREED 得到赞同 5. [VN (that)] [usually passive] to agree sth with sb without it needing to be said 默认;默许;不言而喻: I thought it was understood that my expenses would be paid. 我原以为对方已同意支付我的费用。 MISSING WORD 省略的字 6. [VN] [usually passive] to realize that a word in a phrase or sentence is not expressed and to supply it in your mind 领会;清楚;推断出: In the sentence 'I can't drive', the object 'a car' is understood. 在 I can't drive 一句中,可推测出宾语 a car 被省略了。 IDIOMS ▪ 7make yourself under'stood to make your meaning clear, especially in another language (尤指用另一种语言)把自己的意思说清楚: He doesn't speak much Japanese but he can make himself understood. 他不大会讲日语,不过尚能勉强表达意思。 ⇨ more at give v.
OLT understand verb ⇨ understand 1 (understand French/how sth works) ⇨ understand 2 (understand how sb feels) ⇨ agree 3 (I thought it was understood that I would be paid.) ⇨ conclude (Am I to understand that you refuse?) Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged un·der·stand \ˌəndə(r)ˈstand, -aa(ə)nd\ verb (un·der·stood \-tu̇d\ ; understood or archaic understanded ; understanding ; understands) Etymology: Middle English understanden, understonden, from Old English understandan, understondan, from under (I) + standan, stondan to stand — more at stand transitive verb 1. : to grasp the meaning of : comprehend: as a. : to apprehend the meaning or idea of by knowing what is conveyed by the words or signs used < understand Russian > < understand a message in code > < understand a wink > < a tongue not understanded of the people — Book of Com. Prayer > b. : to grasp the reasonable or logical character of : interpret or explain successfully to oneself < I can understand why he was disappointed > < his behavior is hard to understand > < must be made to understand the importance of this step > c. : to make out clearly the speech of < spoke in such a thick accent no one could understand him > d. : to have thorough or technical acquaintance with or expertness in the practice of < being well infomed about science is not the same thing as understanding science — J.B.Conant > < understand finance > < master builders had to understand both carpentry and stonework — G.B.Saul > e. : to be thoroughly familiar with the character or essential nature and propensities of < need someone who understands children > < liked him better when he came to understand him better > 2. a. : to know, consider, or accept as a fact, truth, or principle without further mention or explanation or without utter certainty < understood that customary procedures obtained > b. : to consider as a possible fact : infer or come to regard as plausible or probable without certain knowledge or proof : know through rumor or hearsay < we understand that he is returning from abroad next week > < was understood to be in favor of the plan > c. : to accept as established or laid down as a condition whether or not explicitly stated < am I to understand that your refusal is final > 3. : to regard in a particular way or with a particular meaning in mind : interpret in a single one of a number of possible ways < by the money price of goods … I understand always the quantity of pure gold or silver for which they are sold — Adam Smith > < by poetical colors the neoclassicist understands words, elegant phrases, figures of speech — Irving Babbitt > 4. : to supply in thought as if present : take as meant though not expressed < the phrase “to be married” is commonly understood after the word engaged > < understand the subject of an imperative > 5. archaic : to be familiar with : recognize from previous knowledge < abundance of kinds of creatures that we did not understand — Daniel Defoe > 6. obsolete : to know how to conduct (oneself) properly 7. obsolete : to prop up : support intransitive verb 1. : to have the use of the intellectual faculties : have the power of comprehension 2. : to achieve a mental grasp of the nature, significance, or casual explanation of something < the more he was educated, the less he understood — Henry Adams > < doubt if they really can understand about politics — Christopher Hollis > 3. : to show a sympathetic or tolerant or indulgent attitude toward something < she relied on him to understand and sympathize — John Galsworthy > Synonyms: comprehend , appreciate : understand and comprehend are very often interchangeable. For very wide and general concepts understand is more likely to be used than comprehend < understand Shakespeare's preeminence > < comprehend the dramatic action of Macbeth > < to understand the present institutions, we must therefore comprehend something of their history — J.B.Conant > understand is wider in its use, ranging from the mere physical act of sensory perception or very casual consideration to a full and profound realization of inner nature, rationale, or significance< the racket prevented my understanding the telephone operator > < when you throw an apple upward and let it fall … the mechanics of the thing … seem natural; you understand them without even using your intellect — Wolfgang Langewiesche > < those enlightened ones who in the clear beam of their purified vision beheld and understood the sorrows, the struggles, the vain angers and hatreds of imperfect mortality — Laurence Binyon > comprehend may focus attention on thought processes rather than their conclusions< with that terrible earnestness Woodrow Wilson was trying to comprehend the problem — W.A.White > comprehend may stand between sense or feel and understand in suggesting less reflection and analysis than the latter< dissimilar as her parents had appeared to be, there was a bond between them which Dorinda felt without comprehending — Ellen Glasgow > appreciate stresses full and just perception, especially of value, arrived at with insight and discrimination< I could not appreciate its excellence, having no background of previous displays to use for purposes of comparison — Robert Graves > < fully to appreciate the American experience … would require a rehearsal of the whole of American history — H.S.Commager > • - give one to understand - understand each other
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