
Unknown Unknown   Not Noun  A Unknown.  Person Adjective

Title Unknown
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
 \\-ˈnōn\\ adjective
 DATE  14th century
: not known or not well-known; also : having an unknown value
    an unknown quantity

 DATE  1597
1. one that is not known or not well-known; especially : a person who is little known (as to the public)
2. something that requires discovery, identification, or clarification: as
  a. a symbol (as x, y, or z) in a mathematical equation representing an unknown quantity
  b. a specimen (as of bacteria or mixed chemicals) required to be identified as an exercise in appropriate laboratory techniques
English Etymology
  unknown (adj.)
  c.1300, "strange, unfamiliar" (of persons, places), from un- (1) "not" + pp. of know. Cf. O.E. ungecnawen. In ref. to facts, attested from early 14c. The noun meaning "unknown person" is recorded from 1590s.
Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English
Oxford Collocations dictionary for students of English


place/thing that you know nothing about 

ADJ. great What the weather will be like on the day is, as always, the great unknown. 

PREP. into the ~ Motherhood was for her a journey into the unknown. 

PHRASES fear of the unknown 

sb who is not well known 

ADJ. complete The championship was won by a complete unknown. | virtual a cast of virtual unknowns 

Oxford Collocations dictionary for students of English


VERBS be | remain These sites remain largely unknown to the British public. 

ADV. absolutely, completely, entirely, quite, totally, utterly His whereabouts were quite unknown during this period. | almost, practically, virtually This drug was practically unknown in Britain. | largely | comparatively, relatively She was then still comparatively unknown. | as yet, currently, still | hitherto, previously a period of democratic development previously unknown in their country | apparently | otherwise He cites the works of two otherwise unknown authors, the originals of these works having been lost. 

PREP. to Gold was totally unknown to their civilization. 

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary-牛津双解-OALD7
un·known 7Qn5nEunNAmE -5noun / adjective1. ~ (to sb) not known or identified
   a species of insect previously unknown to science 
   He was trying, for some unknown reason, to count the stars.
   The man's identity remains unknown. 
2. (of people 人) not famous or well known
   an unknown actor 
   The author is virtually unknown outside Poland. 
3. never happening or existing
   The disease is as yet unknown in Europe (= there have been no cases there).
   It was not unknown for people to have to wait several hours (= it happened sometimes).
 an 7unknown 'quantity 
   a person or thing whose qualities or abilities are not yet known
 unknown to sb 
   without the person mentioned being aware of it
   Unknown to me, he had already signed the agreement. 
   他背着我已签了协议。 noun1. the unknown [sing.] places or things that are not known about
   a journey into the unknown 
   a fear of the unknown 
2. [C] a person who is not well known
   A young unknown played the leading role. 
3. [C] a fact or an influence that is not known
   There are so many unknowns in the proposal. 
4. [C] (mathematics 数) a quantity that does not have a known value
   X and Y in the equation are both unknowns. 
   等式中的 X 和 Y 都是未知数。 
unknown noun
⇨ strange 2
Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged
Search result show the entry is found in: 
unknown quantity
 , or 
unknown soldier

I. \“+\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English unknowen, unknawen, from un- (I) + knowen, knawen known — more at 

1. : not known: as
 a. : 

 b. : not apprehended : not ascertained
 c. : 

 d. : lacking an established or normal status : having no formal recognition
  unknown to the court >
2. obsolete : not knowing : 

• un·known·ness noun -es
II. noun
1. : one that is unknown: as
 a. : an unknown or unidentified person — usually used with the
  < the fair unknown >
 b. : a thing, state, or region that is unknown or imperfectly known or defined
  < left to seek his fortune in the western unknown >
  < this unknown may alter our plans >
2. : something requiring to be discovered, identified, or made clear; especially : a letter or other symbol in a mathematical equation representing a number that is to be found and often consisting of one of the last letters of the alphabet — see 
unknown quantity

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