
Clip Eslpod Means Things Coupons Rebates Verb Podcast

Id ESLPod_0434_WE_0542
Episode Id ESLPod 434
Episode Title Using Coupons and Rebates
Phrase to clip
Text The verb "to clip (something)," in this podcast, means to cut something, making it shorter or smaller, or separating it from a larger piece of something: "I clipped an interesting article from the newspaper." The phrase "to clip (something) to (something)" means to fasten two things together so that they are connected: "Please clip the papers together so that they don't get separated." As a noun, a "clip" is something that holds things together: "It's going to be windy, so you might want to use a hair clip." Or, "Your suit would look more professional if you used a tie clip." Finally, a "clip" can be a short part of a movie: "We saw some clips for the new movie and it looks like it will be really entertaining."
Topics Money | Shopping

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