
Mercy Phrase Means Eslpod Someone's Lost Furniture Delivered

Id ESLPod_0675_WE_1025
Episode Id ESLPod 675
Episode Title Having Furniture Delivered
Phrase to be at (someone's) mercy
Text In this podcast, the phrase "to be at (someone's) mercy" means to be in a situation where someone else has control over the outcome and to be dependent on that person's actions: "If we go to the park today, we'll be at the mercy of the weather." The word "mercy" refers to one's decision or choice to be kind and forgiving: "Do you think the judge will have mercy on him and give him only a few years in prison?" The phrase "to beg for mercy" means to desperately ask someone to be nice and kind, especially if one does not fully deserve it: "The man begged for mercy, but victim's family didn't think the deserved any." Finally, the phrase "it's a mercy" means one is fortunate that nothing worse happened: "It's a mercy we only lost $40,000 when housing prices fell. Other people lost much more."
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