
Phrase Eslpod Means Describes Person Dealing Corrupt Officials

Id ESLPod_0844_WE_1363
Episode Id ESLPod 844
Episode Title Dealing With Corrupt Officials
Phrase on the take
Text In this podcast, the phrase "on the take" means receiving bribes or taking payments in exchange for helping something else: "Iago made millions of dollars while he was on the take as a city employee." The phrase "(one's) take on (something)" means one's opinion about something: "What's your take on the new proposal?" A "double take" describes one looking at something or someone again because one is very surprised by what one has seen or heard: "When Kari said that, it gave us all a double take." Finally, the phrase "give-and-take" describes a compromise or a situation where each person does something that the other person wants and receives part of what he or she wants: "A strong marriage requires a lot of give-and-take."
Topics Business | Government + Law

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