
Phrase Eslpod Means Singing Christmas Carols Podcast Time

Id ESLPod_0854_WE_1382
Episode Id ESLPod 854
Episode Title Singing Christmas Carols
Phrase just this once
Text The phrase "just this once," in this podcast, means one time only, especially when talking about doing something differently from how one normally does it: "I'll help you clean your room just this once, but after today, you'll have to do it on your own." The phrase "at once" means immediately or right away: "Come in here at once!" The phrase "at once" can also mean simultaneously or at the same time: "How can you study and watch TV at once?" Finally, the phrase "once upon a time" is used to begin fairy tales and many children's stories: "Once upon a time, a beautiful princess lived in a castle...."
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