
Huống 況 キョウ まし.て、いわ.んや、おもむき Condition Situation Tình Trạng

Onyomi キョウ
Kunyomi まし.て、いわ.んや、おもむき
English condition, situation
Keyword but of course
Âm Hán Việt HUỐNG
Nghĩa tình huống, trạng huống
Examples 状況(じょうきょう): state of affairs (around you); situation; circumstances
不況(ふきょう): recession; depression; slump
好況(こうきょう): prosperous conditions; healthy economy
況して(まして): (1) still more; to say nothing of; not to mention (2) still less (with neg. verb)
JLPT Level 2
Jouyou Grade S
Frequency 490
Components 水: water
兄: elder brother; big brother
Number of Strokes 8
Kanji Radical
Radical Number 85
Radical Strokes 4
Radical Reading みず・したみず・さんずい
Traditional Form (không có)
Classification 形声 Hình thanh

Tags: jlpt.n2, grades, kanjifreq251-500

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