
Bull China Shop Behaving Recklessly Clumsily Place Situation

Word like a bull in a china shop
Description behaving recklessly and clumsily in a place or situation where you are likely to cause damage or injury

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Previous card: Foretell forecast predict foresee 这组词都有“预言,预示,预告”的意思,其区别是:foretell 一般的通俗用语,往往指根据客观因素做出的预告,强调预先要发生的事。forecast 指对未来事件的预报、推测或设想,侧重最终可能出现的结果。predict 较正常的正式用词,通常用于人。指根据事实或自然规律进行推断后作出预告,隐含有科学的准确性。foresee

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