
Contribute Fail Conversation Discussion To

Word have something to say for yourself = have nothing to say for yourself
Description Contribute (or fail to contribute) to a conversation or discussion.

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Next card: Pasto meal food-2 https://preview.duolingo.com/dictionary/italian/pasto/b1d35c8071328cc1193b9873d7962120 https://translate.google.com/?sl=it&tl=en&text=pasto%0a&op=translate

Previous card: Dumb mute 这组词都有“哑的,不能说话的”的意思,其区别是:dumb 可与mute换用,但dumb指根本没有说话能力或失去了说话能力。mute 多指因后天疾病而引起的聋哑,有时也指因故不说话

Up to card list: Idioms from site english-for-students.com