
Door Close Shut Exclude Opportunity Refuse South China

Word close the door on = close the door to = shut the door on = shut the door to
Description exclude the opportunity for

refuse to consider

1999 - South China Morning Post - Fergie did not close the door on the couple reconciling some day. exclude the opportunity for

refuse to consider

1999 - South China Morning Post - Fergie did not close the d

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Next card: Supposition assumption hypothesis presumption 这组词都有“假设,假想”的意思,其区别是:supposition 可与assumption换用,还可表某种试探性的主观看法或建议。assumption 侧重主观推测或主观设想。hypothesis 书面用词,指有待作进一步检验或证实的假设。presumption

Previous card: Presume suppose guess postulate assume 这组词都有“假设,猜想,推测”的意思,其区别是:presume 侧重以过去经验或根据现实的某些感觉把某事认定为是事实。suppose 常用词,意义较广泛,指缺乏确切事实,根据一些现象进行的推测,也可指为论证而提出合乎逻辑推理的某种假定,有时仅表示自己的意见。guess

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