
Easy Abc Extremely Straightforward 15th 17th Century Child's

Word easy as ABC
Description Extremely easy or straightforward

From the 15th to the 17th century, a child's first spelling and reading book was commonly called an ABC and this led to the development of its metaphorical use - the basic elements or rudiments of something. Extremely easy or straightforward

From the 15th to the 17th century, a child's first spelling and rea

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Previous card: Firm company corporation 这组词都有“公司”的意思,其区别是:firm 含义广泛,可指公司、商行或商号。规模可大可小,经营、管理的人员可多可少。company 多指生产或销售产品的公司、商号,也可指经办服务性项目的公司。corporation 多指一个人拥有或多人联办的大公司,也指在其它地区或国家拥有分公司的公司

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