
Eyes Full Eager Curiosity Amazement Informal Escape Breathtaking

Word eyes out on stalks
Description full of eager curiosity or amazement – informal

1999 - Escape - This breathtaking graphics accelerator takes 3D game play on PCI systems to a whole new dimension of excitement with imagery so realistic your eyes will be out on stalks. full of eager curiosity or amazement – informal

1999 - Escape - This breathtaking graphics a

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Next card: Parliament congress 这组词都有“国会,议会”的意思,其区别是:parliament 指英国或加拿大等国的议会,通常用大写形式。congress 指美国等国的国会,也可指代表大会

Previous card: Face encounter meet contact confront 这组词都有“遇见,会见,碰见”的意思,其区别是:face 侧重双方静止地面对面,或指指充满勇气、信心和决心正视人或事。encounter 通常指遇到困难或挫折,也指偶然或意外地相遇。meet

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