JLPT N2 Vocabulary - Kanji to English
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- あきれる amazed,to shocked be to
- アクセント accent
- あくび yawn
- 飽くまで end,to last,stubbornly the to
- 明け方 dawn
- 揚げる lift,to fry to
- 挙げる raise,to fly to
- あげる =やる to do for
- 憧れる long for,to yearn after,to admire
- 足跡 footprints
- 味わう taste,to savor,to relish to
- 預かる custody,to receive deposit,to charge
- Warm 暖まる up,to to get
- 暖める warm,to heat to
- あたりまえ usual,common,ordinary
- あひら
- あちらこちら here and there
- 厚かましい impudent,shameless,brazen
- 圧縮 compression,condensation,pressure
- 宛名 address,direction
- 甘やかす pamper,to spoil to
- 威張る proud,to swagger to be
- あてはまる applicable,to category),to fulfill to
- あてはめる apply,to adapt to
- 暴れる act violently,to rage,to struggle,to riotous
- 脂 fat,tallow,lard
- あぶる scorch to
- 花嫁 bride
- あふれる flood,to overflow,to brim to
- 雨戸 sliding storm door
- あいかわらず ever,as usual,the as same
- アイデア/アイディア idea
- あいまい vague,ambiguous
- 遭う meet,to encounter undesirable nuance
- 扇ぐ fan,to flap to
- 青白い pale,pallid
- あかんぼう baby
- 明き room,time spare,emptiness to
- 余る remain,to left over,to excess,to
- 編物 knitting,web
- 編む knit to
- 危うい dangerous,critical,grave
- 怪しい suspicious,dubious,doubtful
- 荒い rough,rude,wild
- 粗い coarse,rough
- あらすじ outline,summary
- 争う dispute,to argue,to variance,to compete
- 改めて time,again,over again,anew,formally another
- 改める change,to alter,to reform,to revise
- 著す write,to publish to
- 有難い grateful,thankful,welcome,appreciated,evoking gratitude
- 在る live,to to be
- あれこれ thing another,this that,this or
- あわただしい busy,hurried,confused,flurried
- あわてる confused to become
- 安易 easy-going
- 案外 unexpectedly
- アンテナ antenna
- 言い出す start talking,to speak,to tell,to propose,to suggest,to break
- 言い付ける tell,to someone),to order to
- 意義 meaning,significance
- 生き生き vividly,lively
- いきなり uk abruptly,suddenly,all sudden,without warning
- 育児 childcare,nursing,upbringing
- 幾分 somewhat
- 生け花 flower arrangement 1
- 以後 this,from on,hereafter,thereafter after now
- 以降 after,hereafter,thereafter on and
- イコール equal
- 勇ましい brave,valiant,gallant,courageous
- 衣食住 necessities life food clothing
- 意地悪 malicious,ill-tempered,unkind
- いちいち one,separately one by
- 一応 once,tentatively,in outline,for time the
- 一段と greater,more,further,still more
- 一流 class,top grade,foremost,top-notch first
- 佚 lost,peace,hide,mistake,beautiful,in turn be
- 一昨日 day yesterday before
- 一昨年 year before last
- 一斉 simultaneous,all at once
- 一旦 once,for moment,one morning,temporarily a
- 一定 fixed,settled,definite
- いっていらっしゃい
- いってらっしゃい
- いってまいります
- いつのまにか knows,unnoticed,unawares before one
- 移転 moving,transfer,demise
- 井戸 water well
- 緯度 latitude nav
- 従姉妹 cousin female
- 嫌がる hate,to dislike to
- いよいよ more,all more,increasingly,at last,beyond doubt
- 煎る parch,to fry to
- 炒る
- 入れ物 container,case,receptacle
- インキ ink
- インタビュー interview
- 引力 gravity
- ウーマン woman
- ウール wool
- ウエートレス waitress
- 植木 garden shrubs,trees,potted plant
- 飢える starve to
- 浮ぶ float,to rise surface,to mind
- 浮かべる float,to express,to sad glad
- 浮く float,to merry,to loose become
- 承る hum hear,to told,to to
- 受取 receipt
- 受け持つ charge to take be
- 薄暗い dim,gloomy
- 薄める dilute,to water to down
- 打合せ business meeting,previous arrangement,appointment
- 打ち消す deny,to negate,to contradict to
- 討つ attack,to avenge to
- うっかり carelessly,thoughtlessly,inadvertently
- 映す project,to reflect,to cast shadow
- 写る photographed,to projected be to
- 映る reflected,to harmonize with,to photo
- うどん noodles japanese
- 有無 no,existence,flag indicator comp),presence absence marker
- Fill 埋める bury,to up,to seat vacant position
- 敬う show respect,to honour to
- Turn 裏返す inside out,to to
- 裏口 backdoor,rear entrance
- 占う forecast,to predict to
- 恨み resentment
- 恨む curse,to feel bitter to
- 羨ましい envious,enviable
- 羨む envy to
- 売上 amount sold,proceeds
- 売り切れ sold-out
- 売り切れる sold to be out
- 売行き sales
- うろうろ loiteringly,aimless wandering
- 運河 canal,waterway
- うんと great deal,very a much
- 英文 sentence english in
- 英和 english-japanese e.g dictionary
- ええと see,well,er let me
- 液体 liquid,fluid
- エチケット etiquette
- 絵の具 colors,paints
- エプロン apron
- 偉い great,celebrated,eminent,terrible,awful,famous,remarkable,excellent
- 宴会 party,banquet
- 園芸 horticulture,gardening
- 演劇 play theatrical
- 円周 circumference
- 遠足 trip,hike,picnic
- 延長 extension,elongation,prolongation,lengthening
- 煙突 chimney
- Run 追い掛ける chase someone,to down,to pursue
- 追い越す pass e.g car),to outdistance,to outstrip
- オイル oil,engine oil,kerosene
- 応援 aid,assistance,help,reinforcement
- 王女 princess
- 応ずる answer,to respond,to meet,to satisfy,to accept
- 応接 reception
- 応対 receiving,dealing with
- 往復 col round trip,coming going,return ticket
- 欧米 europe america,the west and
- 応用 application,put practical to use
- オーケストラ orchestra
- おおざっぱ rough precise),broad,sketchy not
- 大通り main street
- オートメーション automation
- オーバーコート
- 大凡 about,roughly,as rule,approximately a
- お帰り return,welcome
- おかけください
- おかげさまで god,thanks to thanks you
- おかず side dish,accompaniment rice dishes
- 拝む worship,to beg,to make supplication
- お代わり helping,another cup second
- 補う compensate to for
- おきのどくに
- 屋外 outdoors
- おくさん hon wife,your wife,madam
- 送り仮名 part word written kana
- おげんきで
- 怠る neglect,to guard,to feeling be
- 押える stop,to restrain,to seize,to repress,to suppress,to press
- おさきに before,ahead,previously
- 納める obtain,to reap,to pay,to supply,to accept
- 治める govern,to manage,(2 subdue to
- 惜しい regrettable,disappointing,precious
- 御辞儀 bow
- 伯父さん middle-aged gentleman,uncle
- 小父さん middle-aged gentleman,uncle
- 叔父さん middle-aged gentleman,uncle
- Smartly おしゃれ dressed,someone dressed,fashion-conscious
- おじゃまします excuse disturbing me for
- 教わる taught to be
- おだいじに care take of yourself
- 落着く calm down,to settle to
- 御手洗 font purifying water entrance shrine
- お出掛け
- お手伝いさん maid
- おどかす threaten,to coerce to
- 落し物 lost property
- おととい day yesterday before
- おととし year before last
- おとなしい obedient,docile,quiet
- 驚かす surprise,to frighten,to create stir
- おねがいします please
- 各々 each,every,either,respectively,severally
- 伯母さん hon aunt
- 叔母さん aunt,(2 middle-aged lady 1
- おはよう abbr good morning
- お参り worship,shrine visit
- おまたせしました waiting sorry to have
- おまちください wait moment please a
- おまちどおさま waiting sorry to have
- おめでたい happy event,matter congratulation,auspicious event,pregnancy
- 思い掛けない unexpected,casual
- 思い込む impression that,to convinced be
- 思いっ切り
- 思い付く of,to hit to think
- 重たい heavy,massive,serious
- おやすみ holiday,absence,rest,(2 exp good night
- おやつ meal snack,afternoon refreshment 1
- 親指 thumb
- オルガン organ
- 卸す sell wholesale,grated vegetables to
- 恩恵 grace,favor,blessing,benefit
- 温室 greenhouse
- 温泉 spa,hot spring,onsen
- 温帯 temperate zone
- 御中 company,messrs and
- 女の人 woman
- 蚊 mosquito
- カーブ curve,(2 curve ball baseball
- 貝 shell,shellfish
- 開会 opening meeting of a
- 会館 meeting hall,assembly hall
- 改札 examination tickets of
- 解散 breakup,dissolution
- 海水浴 sea bathing,seawater bath
- 回数 number times,frequency of
- 回数券 book tickets of
- 改正 revision,amendment,alteration
- 快晴 good weather
- 解説 explanation,commentary
- 改造 remodeling,(2 modding comp 1
- 開通 opening,open
- 回転 rotation,revolution,turning
- 解答 answer,solution
- 回答 reply,answer
- 外部 outside,external the
- 解放 release,liberation,emancipation
- 開放 open,throw open,liberalization
- 海洋 ocean
- 概論 intro,outline,general remarks
- 帰す send back to
- 却って contrary,rather,all more,instead the on
- 代える exchange,to interchange,to substitute,to replace
- 反る warp,to warped,to curve to
- 家屋 house,building
- 係わる concern oneself in,to with,to affect,to influence,to stick
- 書留 writing down,putting record,recording,making note of,registration mail
- 書取 dictation
- 垣根 hedge
- 掻く scratch,to perspire to
- 嗅ぐ sniff,to smell to
- 架空 aerial,overhead,fiction,fanciful
- 各自 individual,each
- 拡充 expansion
- 学術 science,learning,scholarship
- 各地 place,various places every
- 拡張 expansion,extension,enlargement,escape esc
- 角度 angle
- 学年 year school,grade school in
- 学部 department university,undergraduate of a
- 格別 exceptional
- 確率 probability
- 学力 scholarship,knowledge,literary ability
- 掛け算 multiplication
- 可決 approval,adoption e.g motion bill),passage
- 火口 burner,origin fire a of
- 下降 downward,descent,fall,drop,subsidence
- 重なる piled up,lie top another,overlap
- Up,to 重ねる pile put another,to heap add,to repeat
- 飾り decoration
- 火山 volcano
- かしこまりました certainly
- 貸し出し lending,loaning
- 過失 error,blunder,accident
- 果実 fruit,nut,berry
- 貸間 room to let
- 貸家 house rent for
- 個所 passage,place,point,part
- 過剰 excess,over
- かじる chew,to bite at),to gnaw,to nibble
- 課税 taxation
- 下線 underline,underscore
- カセット cassette tape
- 加速 acceleration
- 加速度 acceleration
- 固い stubborn,firm viscous easily moved
- 堅い hard esp wood),steadfast,honorable,stuffy writing
- 片仮名 katakana
- 片付く put order,to dispose of,to solve
- 塊 lump,mass,clod,cluster
- 固まる harden,to solidify,to firm,to become
- 片道 one-way trip
- 傾く incline toward,to slant,to lurch
- 片寄る one-sided,to incline,to partial be
- Study 学科 subject,course of
- 学会 scientific society,academic meeting
- 楽器 musical instrument
- 学級 grade school in
- 担ぐ shoulder,to carry shoulder to
- 括弧 parenthesis,brackets
- 活字 printing type
- 活躍 activity
- 活力 vitality,energy
- 仮定 assumption,supposition,hypothesis
- 過程 process
- 課程 course,curriculum
- 仮名 n alias,pseudonym,pen name
- 仮名遣い kana orthography,syllabary spelling
- 鐘 bell,chime
- 加熱 heating
- 兼ねる hold position),to serve,to unable
- カバー cover book ex
- 過半数 majority
- 被せる cover to with something
- 釜 iron pot,kettle
- 紙屑 wastepaper
- 神様 god
- 剃刀 razor
- ガム chewing gum
- 貨物 cargo,freight
- かゆい itchy,itching
- 歌謡 song,ballad
- 殻 shell,husk,hull,chaff
- カラー collar,color,colour
- からかう ridicule,to tease,to banter with,to make fun
- 空っぽ empty,vacant,hollow
- かるた n playing cards pt carta
- 枯れる wither,to die plant),to blasted plant
- カロリー calorie
- かわいがる love,to affectionate to be
- 乾かす dry clothes etc.),to desiccate
- 渇く thirsty to be
- 為替 money order,exchange
- 瓦 roof tile
- 代る v5r,vi place of,to relieve,to substituted
- 間隔 space,interval,spc
- 換気 ventilation
- 感激 deep emotion,impression,inspiration
- 関西
- 鑑賞 appreciation
- 感ずる feel,to sense to
- 間接 indirection,indirectness
- 乾燥 dry,arid,insipid,dehydrated
- 感想 impressions,thoughts
- 観測 observation
- 寒帯 frigid zone
- 勘違い misunderstanding,wrong guess
- 官庁 government office,authorities
- 缶詰 packing cans),canning,canned goods,tin in
- 乾電池 dry cell,battery
- 関東 eastern half japan including tokyo
- 観念 idea,notion,conception,(2 sense e.g duty
- 乾杯 toast drink
- 看板 sign,signboard,doorplate,poster
- 看病 nursing patient a
- 冠 crown,diadem,first,best
- 漢和 chinese character-japanese e.g dictionary
- 気圧 atmospheric pressure
- 器械 instrument
- 着替え changing clothes,change clothes of
- 機関車 locomotive,engine
- 飢饉 famine
- 器具 utensil
- 期限 term,period
- 記号 symbol,code
- 刻む mince,to carve,to engrave to
- 儀式 ceremony,rite,ritual,service
- 基準 standard,basis,criteria,norm
- 規準 standard,basis,criteria,norm
- 起床 rising,getting bed out of
- 着せる put clothes to on
- 基礎 foundation,basis
- 気体 vapour,gas
- 基地 base
- きっかけ chance,start,cue,excuse
- ぎっしり tightly,fully
- 基盤 foundation,basis
- 客席 guest seating
- 客間 parlor,guest room
- ギャング gang
- キャンパス campus
- 休業 closed e.g store),business suspended,shutdown,holiday
- 休講 lecture cancelled
- 休息 rest,relief,relaxation
- 給与 allowance,grant,supply
- 休養 rest,break,recreation
- 清い clear,pure,noble
- 強化 strengthen,intensify,reinforce,solidify
- 境界 boundary
- 行事 event,function
- 恐縮 shame,very kind you,sorry trouble
- 教養 culture,education,refinement,cultivation
- 行列 line,procession,(2 matrix math 1
- 漁業 fishing industry
- 曲線 curve
- 規律 order,rules,law
- 斬る v5r behead,to murder to
- 気を付ける careful,to pay attention,to care
- 金魚 goldfish
- 区域 limits,boundary,domain,zone,sphere,territory
- 偶数 number even
- 空想 daydream,fantasy,fancy,vision
- 空中 sky,air
- クーラー cooler,air conditioner
- 釘 nail
- Off,to 区切る punctuate,to cut mark stop,to put end
- 櫛 comb
- くしゃみ sneeze
- 苦情 complaint,troubles,objection
- 苦心 pain,trouble
- 屑 waste,scrap
- 崩す destroy,to pull down,to make change money
- 薬指 ring finger
- 崩れる collapse,to crumble to
- 砕く break,to smash to
- 砕ける break,to broken to be
- くたびれる tired,to wear to get
- くだらない good-for-nothing,stupid,trivial,worthless
- 下る down,to descend to get
- 唇 lips
- 口紅 lipstick
- くっつく adhere to,to close to
- くっつける attach to
- くどい verbose,importunate,heavy taste
- 句読点 punctuation marks
- 配る distribute,to deliver to
- 工夫 labourer,worker
- 区分 division,section,classification
- 組合せ combination
- 組み立てる assemble,to set up,to construct
- 汲む draw water),to dip,to scoop,to pump
- 酌む serve sake to
- 悔しい regrettable,mortifying,vexing
- 悔やむ mourn to
- クリーニング cleaning,dry cleaning,laundry service
- くるむ engulfed in,to enveloped by,to wrap
- くれぐれも repeatedly,sincerely,earnestly
- 咥える
- 郡 country,district
- 稽古 practice,training,study
- 敬語 honorific,term respect of
- 蛍光灯 fluorescent lamp,person slow react
- 形式 form,formality,format,math expression
- 継続 continuation
- 毛糸 knitting wool
- 経度 longitude
- 系統 system,family line,geological formation
- 芸能 public entertainment,accomplishments,attainments
- 競馬 horse racing
- 警備 defense,guard,policing,security
- 形容詞 true adjective
- 形容動詞 adjectival noun,quasi-adjective
- 外科 surgical department
- 毛皮 fur,skin,pelt
- 激増 sudden increase
- 下車 alighting,getting off
- 下旬 month last third of
- 下水 drainage,sewage,ditch,gutter,sewerage
- 削る cut little,to percentage to
- 桁 column,beam,digit
- 下駄 geta japanese footwear),wooden clogs
- 血圧 blood pressure
- 血液 blood
- 月給 monthly salary
- 傑作 masterpiece,best work,boner,blunder
- 月末 end month of the
- 気配 indication,market trend,worry
- 下品 vulgarity,meanness,indecency,coarseness
- 煙い smoky
- 蹴る kick to
- けれど/けれども but,however
- 険しい inaccessible place,sharp eyes
- 見学 inspection,study observation,field trip by
- 謙虚 modesty,humility
- 原稿 manuscript,copy
- 原産 place origin,habitat of
- 原始 origin,primeval
- 研修 training
- 厳重 strict,rigour,severe,firm
- 謙遜 humble,humility,modesty
- 県庁 prefectural office
- 限度 limit,bounds
- 現に actually,really
- 顕微鏡 microscope
- 原理 principle,theory,fundamental truth
- 原料 raw materials
- 碁 board game capturing territory
- 恋しい dear,beloved,darling,(2 yearned 1 for
- 請う ask,to request to
- 工員 factory worker
- 強引 overbearing,coercive,pushy,forcible,high-handed
- 公害 public nuisance,pollution
- 高級 high class,high grade
- 公共 public,community,public service,society,communal
- 工芸 industrial arts
- 孝行 filial piety
- 交差 cross
- 講師 lecturer
- 工事 construction work
- 公式 formula,formality,official
- 口実 excuse
- こうして thus
- 校舎 school building
- 公衆 public the
- 香水 perfume
- 公正 justice,fairness,impartiality
- 功績 achievements,merit,meritorious service,meritorious deed
- 光線 beam,light ray
- 高層 upper
- 構造 structure,construction
- 交替 alternation,change,relief,relay,shift
- 耕地 arable land
- 交通機関 transportation facilities
- 校庭 campus
- 肯定 positive,affirmation
- 高度 altitude,height,advanced
- 高等 high class,high grade
- 合同 combination,incorporation,union,amalgamation
- 後輩 junior work school at
- 公表 official announcement,proclamation
- 鉱物 mineral
- 公務 official business,public business
- 項目 item
- 紅葉 japanese maple 1
- 合理 rational
- 交流 alternating current,intercourse,(cultural exchange,intermingling
- 合流 confluence,union,linking up,merge
- 効力 effect,efficacy,validity,potency
- Cross 超える exceed,to over,to to
- コース course
- コーラス chorus
- 焦がす burn,to scorch,to singe,to char
- 国王 king
- 国籍 nationality
- 国立 national
- ごくろうさま thank you very much
- 焦げる burn,to burned to be
- 凍える freeze,to chilled,to frozen be
- 心当たり knowledge of,happening having some
- 心得る informed,to knowledge to be
- 腰掛け seat,bench
- 腰掛ける sit to down
- 五十音 japanese syllabary the
- 胡椒 pepper
- こしらえる make,to manufacture to
- 超す cross,to pass,to tide to
- 擦る rub,to chafe,to file,to frost glass),to strike match
- ごぞんじですか
- 個体 individual an
- 御馳走 feast,treating someone
- ごちそうさま feast
- こちらこそ i it who should
- 小遣い personal expenses,pocket money,spending money,incidental expenses,allowance
- コック cook nl:),(2 tap,spigot,faucet,cock 1
- こっそり stealthily,secretly
- 古典 book,classics,classic old
- 琴 koto japanese harp
- Send 言付ける word,to message to
- 言葉遣い speech,expression,wording
- こないだ day,lately,recently the other
- 御無沙汰 writing contacting not or
- こぼす spill to
- こぼれる overflow,to spill to
- 塵芥 trash,rubbish
- ゴム gum,rubber,eraser
- 御免 pardon,declining something),dismissal,permission your
- ごめんください i may come in
- 小指 finger little
- こらえる bear,to stand,to endure,to put
- 娯楽 pleasure,amusement
- 御覧 hon look,inspection,try
- コレクション collection,(2 correction 1
- 転がす roll to
- 転がる roll,to tumble to
- 紺 navy blue,deep blue
- コンクール contest fr concours
- コンクリート concrete
- 混合 mixing,mixture
- コンセント consent,(2 concentric 1
- 献立 menu,program,schedule
- こんばんは good evening
- サークル circle,sports club i.e company
- 在学 enrolled school in
- 再三 again,repeatedly again and
- 祭日 national holiday,festival day
- 催促 request,demand,claim,urge action),press for
- 採点 marking,grading,looking over
- 災難 calamity,misfortune
- 裁縫 sewing
- 材木 lumber,timber
- サイレン siren
- 逆さ reverse,inversion,upside down
- 逆様 inversion,upside down
- 捜す search,to seek,to to look
- 遡る back,to upstream,to make retroactive
- 酒場 bar,bar-room
- さきおととい days yesterday two before
- 先程 time ago some
- 裂く tear,to split to
- 索引 index,indices
- 作者 author,authoress
- 削除 elimination,cancellation,deletion,erasure
- 作成 frame,draw up,make,producing
- 作製 manufacture
- 探る search,to for,to sound to
- 囁く whisper,to murmur to
- 刺さる stick,to stuck to be
- 匙 spoon
- 座敷 tatami room
- 差し支え hindrance,impediment
- 差し引き deduction,subtraction,balance,ebb flow,rise fall and
- 刺身 sliced raw fish
- 刺す pierce,to stab,to prick,to thrust
- 挿す insert,to put in,to graft,to wear belt
- 注す pour drink),to serve drinks
- 射す shine,to strike to
- 流石 clever,adept,good,expectations,as expect one would
- 撮影 photographing
- 雑音 noise jarring grating
- さっさと quickly
- 早速 once,immediately,without delay,promptly at
- 錆 rust colour
- 錆びる rust,to rusty to become
- 座布団 cushion japanese
- 冷ます cool,to dampen,to cool to
- 妨げる disturb,to prevent to
- 冷める cool,to wear off,to abate,to subside
- さようなら good-bye
- 再来月 month after next
- 再来週 week after next
- 再来年 year after next
- サラリーマン salary man,company employee
- 騒がしい noisy
- さわやか fresh,refreshing,invigorating
- 三角 triangle,triangular
- 算数 arithmetic
- 酸性 acidity
- 産地 producing area
- サンプル sample
- 山林 mountain forest,mountains forest and
- 仕上がる finished to be
- しあさって days tomorrow two after
- シーズン season sporting
- シーツ sheet
- 寺院 temple
- しいんと silent grave),(deathly quiet as
- 自衛 self-defense
- 塩辛い salty taste
- 司会 chairmanship
- 四角 square
- 四角い square
- 時間割 timetable,schedule
- 四季 seasons four
- 敷地 site
- 至急 urgent,pressing
- 敷く spread out,to lay to
- 茂る grow thick,to luxuriate,to luxurious
- 持参 bringing,taking,carrying
- 磁石 magnet
- 四捨五入 rounding fractions up
- 始終 continuously,from beginning end to
- 自習 self-study
- Down,to 静まる quieten calm subside
- 姿勢 attitude,posture
- 自然科学 natural science
- 時速 speed hour per
- 子孫 descendants,posterity,offspring
- 死体 corpse
- 下書き rough copy,draft
- 下町 shitamachi,lower parts town of
- 自治 self-government,autonomy
- 実感 feelings actual true
- 湿気 moisture,humidity,dampness
- しつこい insistent,obstinate
- 実習 practice,training
- 実績 achievements,actual results
- 湿度 level humidity of
- 執筆 writing
- 実物 real thing,original
- しっぽ tail animal
- 実用 practical use,utility
- 実力 merit,efficiency,arms,force
- 実例 example,illustration
- 失恋 disappointed love,broken heart,unrequited love,be lovelorn
- 指定 designation,specification,assignment,pointing at
- 私鉄 private railway
- 児童 children,juvenile
- 縛る tie,to bind to
- 地盤 ground the
- しびれる numb,to sleep i.e limb
- 紙幣 paper money,notes,bills
- しぼむ wither,to fade away),to shrivel,to wilt
- 絞る press,to wring,to squeeze to
- 縞 stripe
- 地味 plain,simple
- しみじみ keenly,deeply,heartily
- 氏名 full name,identity
- 締切 closing,cut-off,end,deadline,closed,no entrance
- 締め切る shut to up
- Wet,to 湿る damp be to
- ジャーナリスト journalist
- 社会科学 social science
- しゃがむ squat to
- 蛇口 faucet,tap
- 弱点 weak point,weakness
- 車庫 garage,car shed
- 車掌 train conductor
- 写生 sketching,drawing nature from
- 社説 editorial,leading article
- しゃっくり hiccough,hiccup
- シャッター shutter
- しゃぶる suck,to chew to
- 車輪 car wheel
- 洒落 joke,pun,witticism
- じゃんけん n rock-scissors-paper game
- 集会 meeting,assembly
- 住居 dwelling,house,residence,address
- 集金 money collection
- 集合 gathering,assembly,meeting,set math
- 習字 penmanship
- 修繕 repair,mending
- 重体 ill,serious condition,critical state seriously
- じゅうたん carpet
- 終点 terminus,last stop e.g train
- 重点 important point,lay stress on,colon,emphasis
- 就任 inauguration,assumption office of
- 周辺 circumference,outskirts,environs,(computer peripheral
- 重役 director,high executive
- 終了 end,close,termination
- 重量 weight,(2 heavyweight boxer 1
- 重力 gravity
- 熟語 idiom,idiomatic phrase,kanji compound
- 祝日 national holiday
- 縮小 reduction,curtailment
- 受験 taking examination an
- 主語 gram subject
- 出勤 work,at work going to
- 述語 predicate
- 出張 official tour,business trip
- 寿命 life span
- 主役 leading part,leading actor actress
- 受話器 telephone receiver
- 循環 circulation,rotation,cycle
- 巡査 police,policeman
- 順々 order,in turn in
- 順序 order,sequence,procedure
- 純情 pure heart,naivete,self-sacrificing devotion
- 純粋 pure,true,genuine,unmixed
- 消化 digestion
- 小学生 grade school student
- しょうがない
- 将棋 japanese chess
- 蒸気 steam,vapour
- 定規 measuring ruler
- 上級 advanced level,high grade,senior
- 商業 commerce,trade,business
- 消極的 passive
- 賞金 prize,monetary award
- 上下 high low,up down,unloading loading,praising blaming
- 障子 paper sliding door
- 商社 trading company,firm
- 乗車 taking train,entraining a
- 上旬 days month first 10
- 生ずる cause,to arise,to generated to
- 小数 fraction part of),decimal
- 商店 shop,business firm
- 焦点 focus,point
- 消毒 disinfection,sterilization
- 勝敗 victory defeat,issue battle or
- 蒸発 evaporation,unexplained disappearance
- 賞品 prize,trophy
- 勝負 victory defeat,match,contest,game,bout or
- 小便 col urine,piss
- 消防署 fire station
- 正味 net weight
- 正面 front,honesty the
- 消耗 exhaustion,consumption
- 醤油 soy sauce
- 省略 omission,abbreviation,abridgment
- 初級 elementary level
- 助教授 assistant professor
- 食塩 table salt
- 職人 worker,mechanic,artisan,craftsman
- 初旬 days month first 10
- 書籍 book,publication
- 食器 tableware
- ショップ shop a
- 書店 bookshop
- 書道 calligraphy
- 白髪 white grey hair,trendy hair bleaching
- 知合い acquaintance
- シリーズ series
- 私立 private establishment
- 資料 materials,data
- 汁 juice,sap,soup,broth
- 素人 amateur,novice
- 芯 core,heart,wick,marrow
- 新幹線 bullet train high speed),shinkansen
- 真空 vacuum,hollow,empty
- 信ずる believe,to in,to place trust
- 心身 mind body and
- 申請 application,request,petition
- 人造 man-made,synthetic,artificial
- 寝台 bed,couch
- 診断 diagnosis
- 侵入 penetration,invasion,raid,aggression,trespass
- 人文科学 social sciences,humanities
- 人命 human life
- 深夜 late night at
- 森林 forest,woods
- 親類 relation,kin
- 針路 course,direction,compass bearing
- 神話 myth,legend
- 酢 vinegar
- 水産 marine products,fisheries
- 炊事 cooking,culinary arts
- 水蒸気 water vapour,steam
- 水素 hydrogen
- 垂直 vertical,perpendicular
- 推定 presumption,assumption,estimation
- 水滴 drop water of
- 水筒 canteen,flask,water bottle
- 随筆 essays,miscellaneous writings
- 水分 moisture
- 水平 water level,horizon
- 水平線 horizon
- 水曜 wednesday
- ずうずうしい impudent,shameless
- ずうっと
- 末っ子 youngest child
- スカーフ scarf
- 図鑑 picture book
- 杉 japanese cedar
- 好き嫌い likes dislikes,taste and
- 好き好き matter taste of
- 透き通る be(come transparent to
- 隙間 crevice,crack,gap,opening
- スクール school
- すくなくとも at least
- 図形 figure
- スケジュール schedule
- 鈴 bell
- Cool 涼む oneself,to off,to enjoy evening
- スタート start
- スチュワーデス stewardess
- すっきり shapely,clear,neat
- すっぱい sour,acid
- ステージ stage,(2 performance 1
- 棄てる
- ストッキング stockings
- ストップ stop
- 素直 obedient,meek,docile,unaffected
- 頭脳 head,brains,intellect
- スピーカー speaker
- 図表 chart,diagram,graph
- スマート smart,stylish,slim
- 住まい dwelling,house,residence,address
- すまない phrase sorry
- 墨 ink
- 澄む clear e.g weather),to transparent
- 清む
- 相撲 sumo wrestling
- スライド slide
- ずらす put off,to delay to
- ずらり
- 掏摸 pickpocket
- 刷る print to
- 狡い sly,cunning
- すれちがう pass another,to disagree to
- 滑れる
- 寸法 measurement,size,dimension
- 姓 surname,family name
- 税関 customs house
- 製作 manufacture,production
- 制作 work film book
- 性質 nature,property,disposition
- 清書 clean copy
- 青少年 youth,young person
- 整数 integer
- 清掃 cleaning
- 生存 existence,being,survival
- 生長 growth,increment
- 政党 member political party of
- 生年月日 birth date
- 性能 ability,efficiency
- 整備 adjustment,completion,consolidation
- 成分 ingredient,component,composition
- 性別 distinction sex,sex,gender by
- 正方形 square
- 正門 main gate,main entrance
- 成立 coming existence,arrangements,establishment,completion into
- 西暦 christian era,anno domini a.d
- 背負う burdened with,to carry back shoulder
- 赤道 equator
- 折角 trouble,at great pains,long-awaited with
- 接近 closer,drawing nearer,approaching getting
- 石鹸 soap
- 接する contact with,to connect,to attend,to receive
- せっせと
- 接続 connection,union,join,link,(2 changing trains 1
- 瀬戸物 earthenware,crockery,china
- ぜひとも means sense taking answer
- 迫る draw near,to press to
- ゼミ n seminar
- せめて offense,method attack of
- 攻める attack,to assault to
- セメント cement
- 栓 stopper,cork,stopcock
- 前後 around,throughout,front back,before behind,before and
- 洗剤 detergent,washing material
- 全集 complete works
- 全身 body,full-length portrait the whole
- 扇子 folding fan
- 専制 despotism,autocracy
- 先々月 month before last
- 先々週
- 先祖 ancestor
- 先端 pointed end,tip,fine point
- センチ centimeter,centi-,10^-2
- 宣伝 propaganda,publicity
- 先頭 head,lead,vanguard,first
- 全般 whole,universal,wholly,general the
- 扇風機 electric fan
- 線路 line,track,roadbed
- 相違 difference,discrepancy,variation
- そういえば reminds which me
- 雑巾 house-cloth,dust cloth
- 増減 increase decrease,fluctuation and
- 倉庫 storehouse,warehouse,godown
- 相互 mutual,reciprocal
- 創作 production,literary creation,work
- 葬式 funeral
- そうして and,like that
- 造船 shipbuilding
- 騒々しい noisy,boisterous
- 増大 enlargement
- そうっと
- 送別 farewell,send-off
- 草履 zoori japanese footwear),sandals
- 総理大臣 prime minister
- 送料 postage,carriage
- 属する belong to,to under,to affiliated with,to subject
- 続々 successively,one after another
- 速達 express,special delivery
- 測定 measurement
- 測量 measurement,surveying
- 速力 speed
- 素質 character,qualities,genius
- 祖先 ancestor
- そそっかしい careless,thoughtless
- 卒直 frankness,candour,openheartedness
- 具える furnished to be with
- そのうえ addition,furthermore in
- そのころ
- そのため hence,for reason that
- そのほか otherwise
- 蕎麦 soba buckwheat noodles
- 剃る shave to
- それなのに
- 逸れる stray turn subject,to lost,to astray
- 揃う complete,to equal,to present,to gather
- 揃える put things order,to arrange,to make uniform,to ready
- 算盤 abacus
- 存じる hum to know
- 存ずる
- 損得 loss gain,advantage disadvantage and
- 田ぼ paddy field,farm
- だいいち first,foremost 1
- 退院 leaving hospital
- 大学院 graduate school
- 大工 carpenter
- 体系 system,organization
- 太鼓 drum,tambourine
- 対策 counter-plan,counter-measure
- 大して much,(not not so very
- 対照 contrast,antithesis,comparison
- 大小 size
- 体制 order,system,structure,set-up,organization
- 体積 capacity,volume
- 大層 much,exaggerated,very fine very
- 体操 gymnastics,physical exercises,calisthenics
- 大分 considerably,greatly,a lot
- 大木 large tree
- 題名 title
- 代名詞 pronoun
- タイア tire,tyre
- ダイヤグラム diagram
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Countries and nationalities (basic english)