
Pledge Japanese Vows Folded Origami 誓 セイ ちか.う

Onyomi セイ
Kunyomi ちか.う
English vow, swear, pledge
Examples 誓う(ちかう): to swear; to vow; to take an oath; to pledge
JLPT Level 1
Jouyou Grade S
Frequency 1567
Components 折: fold; break; fracture; bend; yield; submit
言: say
Number of Strokes 14
Kanji Radical
Radical Number 149
Radical Strokes 7
Radical Reading こと・げん・ごんべん・ことば
Traditional Form (none)
Classification 形声 Phonetic
Keyword vow
Koohii Story 1 This Japanese couple wrote the vows that they had made to each other onto a piece of paper and then folded it into an origami, and put it somewhere in their appartment. To everybody else it is an origami, but to them it is also a symbol of their vows. -- "the folded words are vows". Note : in this story and a few others I use the image of an origami for the primitive "fold".
Koohii Story 2 A Japanese wedding tradition is to present each other with origami cranes with their vows written on the BOTTOM.
RTK Index (new) 1214

Tags: jlpt.n1, grades, kanjifreq1501-2000

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