
Work Operation E.G Make Build Manufacturing Production Author

Onyomi サク、サ
Kunyomi つく.る、つく.り、-づく.り
Nanori くり, さか, さっ, づくり, とも, なお, はぎ, まさか
English make, production, prepare, build
Examples 作業(さぎょう): work; operation; manufacturing; fatigue duty
作品(さくひん): work (e.g. book, film, composition, etc.); opus; performance; production
作家(さっか): author; writer; novelist; artist
作戦(さくせん): (1) tactics; strategy (2) military or naval operations
制作(せいさく): (1) work (film, book) (2) production; creation
工作(こうさく): work; construction; handicraft; maneuvering; manoeuvering
作曲(さっきょく): composition; setting (of music)
製作(せいさく): manufacture; production
操作(そうさ): (1) operation; management; processing (2) manipulating to one's benefit (3) to operate (4) to manipulate; to fiddle (e.g. the books)
原作(げんさく): original work
作者(さくしゃ): author; authoress
作(さく): a work; a harvest
創作(そうさく): production; literary creation; work
作文(さくぶん): (1) writing (an essay, prose, etc.); composition (2) formal writing with little real meaning
作用(さよう): action; operation; effect; function
発作(ほっさ): fit; spasm; attack; seizure
名作(めいさく): masterpiece
動作(どうさ): action; movements; motions; bearing; behaviour; behavior; execution; actuation; operation; manners
傑作(けっさく): (1) masterpiece; best work (2) amusing blunder; funny mistake; boner
作物(さくもつ): produce (e.g. agricultural); crops
豊作(ほうさく): abundant harvest; bumper crop
作成(さくせい): drawing up (e.g. legal document, contract, will, etc.); preparing; writing; framing; making; producing; creating; creation
作り(つくり): (1) making; producing; manufacturing; building; construction; make; structure (2) appearance (i.e. attire, make-up) (3) build (i.e. physique) (4) sashimi (5) forced (smile, etc.)
荷作り(にづくり): packing; baling; crating
凶作(きょうさく): bad harvest; poor crop
耕作(こうさく): cultivation; farming
作製(さくせい): manufacture
作法(さほう): manners; etiquette; propriety
作物(さくぶつ): literary work
駄作(ださく): poor work; rubbish
JLPT Level 4
Jouyou Grade 2
Frequency 103
Components 人: person
乍: though; notwithstanding; while; during; both; all
Number of Strokes 7
Kanji Radical
Radical Number 9
Radical Strokes 2
Radical Reading ひと・にんべん・ひとやね
Traditional Form (none)
Classification 形声 Phonetic
Keyword make
Koohii Story 1 Mr T.´s favorite magazine is Make. He loves to make things. But he´s a purist: he only uses saws, no power tools.
Koohii Story 2 When the A-Team crash lands on a deserted island, Mr. T salvages a saw from the wreckage and says, "I don´t know about y´all foos, but I´m gonna make a raft.".
RTK Index (new) 1224

Tags: jlpt.n4, grade2, kanjifreq1-250

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