
Yesterday Days 昨 サク Previous 一昨年(おととし Year 昨日(きのう

Onyomi サク
English yesterday, previous
Examples 一昨年(おととし): year before last
昨日(きのう): yesterday
一昨日(おととい): day before yesterday
昨(さく): last (year); yesterday
一昨昨日(いっさくさくじつ): two days before yesterday; three days back (ago)
JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Grade 4
Frequency 226
Components 日: day; sun; Japan; counter for days
乍: though; notwithstanding; while; during; both; all
Number of Strokes 9
Kanji Radical
Radical Number 72
Radical Strokes 4
Radical Reading ひ・ひへん・にち・にちへん
Traditional Form (none)
Classification 形声 Phonetic
Keyword yesterday
Koohii Story 1 One can use a simple word play to remember this character - the day that I saw before today was yesterday.
Koohii Story 2 Yester-DAY, all my troubles seemed SAW far away...
RTK Index (new) 1222

Tags: jlpt.n3, grade4, kanjifreq1-250, kanji_time

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