
Affinity Pig Brink Edge Base Esp Connection People

Onyomi エン、-ネン
Kunyomi ふち、ふちど.る、ゆかり、よすが、へり、えにし
English affinity, relation, connection, edge, border, verge, brink
Examples 縁(ふち): rim; brim; edge; brink
縁談(えんだん): marriage proposal; engagement
縁側(えんがわ): (1) veranda; porch; balcony; open corridor (2) bone at the base of a fin; meat at the base of a fin (esp. of a flatfish)
縁(ゆかり): related to (some place); affinity; connection
縁(えん): (1) fate; destiny (esp. as a mysterious force that binds two people together) (2) relationship (e.g. between two people); bond; link; connection (3) family ties; affinity (4) opportunity; chance (to meet someone and start a relationship) (5) pratyaya (indirect conditions, as opposed to direct causes) (6) narrow open-air veranda
縁(へり): edge; tip; margin
JLPT Level 1
Jouyou Grade S
Frequency 1291
Components 糸: thread
彖: divination
Number of Strokes 15
Kanji Radical
Radical Number 120
Radical Strokes 6
Radical Reading いと・いとへん
Traditional Form
Classification 形声 Phonetic
Keyword affinity
Koohii Story 1 There once was a lonely little pig that constantly followed Spiderman, always nuzzling his leg and oinking tenderly. Spiderman finally caved in and decided to keep the little pig under one condition: the pig was to take a broom and sweep up all of Spiderman´s leftover threads after having fought crime. The pig felt such affinity for Spiderman, he happily accepted—and did a good job too.
Koohii Story 2 Certain people have an affinity for romantic partners who are handy with thread and a broom - it is of no consequence if they look like pigs. hmm...
RTK Index 1372

Tags: jlpt.n1, grades, kanjifreq1001-1500, kanji_physical.properties_shape.size

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