
Clerk 사무원은 Office 사무원 사무 Work Desk Job

Korean Word 사무원
English Word a clerk, an office clerk
KSW1 사무
ESW1 office work, desk job, clerical work
KS1 사무원은 급한 나머지 겹쳐서 타자를 쳤다.
ES1 The clerk was in a hurry and struck over.
KS2 관리자와 의견이 달랐던 사무원은 해고됐다.
ES2 The clerk who was in disagreement with the manager was fired.
KS3 사무원은 부지런히 재고 조사를 끝마쳤다.
ES3 The clerk completed the inventory review very diligently.
KS4 그 사무원은 즉시 '비행 의료 봉사' 센터에 전화했다.
ES4 The clerk called to the Flying Doctors Service center at once.

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