
Shut 닥치는 대로 닥치다1 Approach Draw 닥치다2 One's

Korean Word 닥치다1
English Word approach, draw near
KSW1 닥치다2
ESW1 shut up, keep one's mouth shut
KS1 괴물은 닥치는 대로 모든 걸 먹어치웠다.
ES1 The monster devoured everything in a haphazard way.
KS2 그는 닥치는 대로 퍼먹었다
ES2 He ate up greedily anything he could lay  hands on.
KS3 모스크바에 불어 닥친 커피 열풍은 마치 ‘카페인 충격’같습니다.
ES3 The coffee craze has hit Moscow like a jolt of caffeine.
KS4 그건 언제고 닥칠 일이었어.
ES4 It was just a matter of time before this happened.

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