
불리하다 Unfavorable Disadvantageous 불리 Disadvantage Drawback Handicap,  불리하다  Disadvantageous Adverse

Korean Word 불리하다
English Word unfavorable, disadvantageous
KSW1 불리
ESW1 disadvantage, a drawback, a handicap,  불리하다  disadvantageous, unfavorable, adverse
KS1 사세가 불리하다
ES1 The situation is unfavorable for me. or Things look bleak.
KS2 안타깝게도 형세는 우리에게 불리하다.
ES2 Unfortunately, the chances are against us.
KS3 그 증거는 명백히 원고에 불리하다
ES3 The evidence is clearly against the accuser.
KS4 어떤상황으로 봐도 불리하다.
ES4 It's bad enough in any circumstance.

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