
Dread Dreadful Dreaded Constant Leap Drɛd 他 ①~を恐れる

ID LEAP_1893
単語 dread
語形変化 dreadful
発音記号 drɛd
意味 [他] ①~を恐れる
[名] ②恐怖
例文 |彼女は、あつい眼鏡をかけているので、目が見えなくなるのを恐れている。
:She dreads going blind because she's wearing thick glasses.
:He dreaded having to spend Christmas in hospital.
:She dreaded having to tell him what had happened.
:They live in constant dread of floods.
:He is in constant dread of his father.
:He may dread to learn the results.

:He prophesied that a dreadful calamity would happen.

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