
Flame Burst Leap Fleɪm 名 炎 |ふたをして始めは強火、沸騰したら中火にして約7分間煮ます Put

ID LEAP_1712
単語 flame
発音記号 fleɪm
意味 [名] 炎
例文 |ふたをして始めは強火、沸騰したら中火にして約7分間煮ます。
:Put the lid on and start at high flame, when it boils set to medium flame and boil for about seven minutes.
:It depends on the strength of the flame, the pan used and the type of ingredients.
:The crashed plane burst into flames.
:There was an explosion, and before anyone could say Jack Robinson, the airplane burst into flame and fell.
:I also heard that it'd been awful around the Olympic Flame.
:The fireman could not extinguish the flames.

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