
Waskar Los Y Ayni De Empire Wayna Return

Hanan Runasimi Atawallpa
Ima simi s.(per)
English the thirteenth ruler of the Inka Empire (1532-1533); son of Wayna Qapaq and his Ecuadorian Queen. He waged war against his half brother, Waskar, and lost his Empire, defeated and murdered by the Spaniards. Because he and Waskar inherited an Empire and did not return one to their children, they broke the law of ayni, therefore becoming full of heavy energy and sinking to the underworld. Myth states that he and Waskar are in the underworld now teaching ayni to the beings there until they can return to this world.
Espanol el trece de los emperadores Inkas (1532-1533); hijo de Wayna Qhapaq y su reina ecuatoriana, hizo guerra contra su hermano consanguíneo Waskar y lo mató, fue vencido y asesinado por los conquistadores españoles. Los Q'eros creen que él y Waskar viven en Ukhu pacha (mundo subterráeo) y, porque violaron la ley del ayni (cooperación), ahora enseñan el ayni a las almas de los muertos hasta que vuelvan a este mundo

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