there | Camaras allá, allá, allá y allá. | Cameras are there, there, there and there. |
there | Uno irá aquí otro allá, allá y allá. | One'll go... out here, one there and there and there. |
there | Díganles allá. hola allá en Delaware. | Tell them back - hello there in Delaware. |
there | Ahí, allá, allá y por allá. | There, there, there and there. |
there | Kirill esta allá adentro... allá, allá. | Kirill is in there... there, there. |
there | "Estudiáis allá, vivís allá, celebráis allá," dice Dr. Troha. | "You study there, you live there, you celebrate there", Dr. Troha says. |
there | No encontraremos allá el día después. | We'll meet him there the following day. |
there | Consíguele una pelea a King allá. | I want you to get King a fight there. |
there | Tus amiguitas están causando conmoción por allá. | Your little friends were causing a commotion over there. |
there | Vio al haragán quedándose allá varias veces. | He saw the deadbeat staying there a bunch of times. |
there | No sé cómo encajará allá afuera. | I don't know how he's going to fit in out there. |
there | Llamaría cuando el dinero estuviera allá. | Dickie: Call when the money is there. |
over there | Está bien. Cojearé hacia allá. | All right, I'll hobble my way over there. |
over there | Seguro me vieron ir allá y se largaron. | I'm sure they just saw me walk over there and then they took off. |
over there | Sé que tuviste tiempos difíciles allá. | I know you had a rough time over there. |
over there | Iremos allá en avión y serán tuyos. | We go over there, we get on a plane, and it's yours. |
over there | Me pareció oír a alguien moverse allá. | I thought I heard somebody moving around over there. |
over there | Lo mataron allá durante la guerra. | He was killed over there during the war. |
back | Leonard allá, Dave de Contabilidad. | Leonard in the back and Dave from Accounting. |
back | Díganles allá. hola allá en Delaware. | Tell them back - hello there in Delaware. |
there, over there | Allá encima de las nubes se ve un avión. | You can see a plane over there above the clouds. |
back in, back then | Allá en la Edad Media, los juglares viajaban de castillo en castillo. | Back in the Middle Ages minstrels went from castle to castle. |