seek | Debemos buscar que coincidan con nosotros. | It is their concurrence that we must also seek. |
look for | No necesitamos buscar a los humanos. | We don't need to look for the humans. |
look for | Podemos buscar un espacio para mi exhibición. | We can look for a space for my exhibition. |
look for | Pero nos tomarí mucho tiempo buscar. | But tomarí long time to look for to us. |
look for | Tengo que salir a buscar otro. | I need to go out and look for another job. |
look for | Yo también suelo buscar enfoques originales. | I tend to look for original approaches myself. |
look for | Pero puedes buscar una puerta trasera. | But you might look for a back door. |
look for | Para buscar superviviente de Bingo crepúsculo. | In order to look for survivor of Bingo twilight. |
look for | Cómo buscar y qué buscar al elegir un cliente potencial. | How to search and what to look for when choosing a lead. |
search | Lo importante es que pueda buscar. | The important thing is that you can search. |
search | Vale, intentaré buscar librerías y cibercafés. | Okay I will try to search libraries and Internet cafes. |
search | Cómo buscar y qué buscar al elegir un cliente potencial. | How to search and what to look for when choosing a lead. |
look for, search for | Estoy buscando las llaves y no las encuentro. | I'm looking for the keys, and I can't find them. |
pick up | El taxi fue a buscarme al aeropuerto. | The taxi came to pick me up at the airport. |
look for | Los borrachos buscan pelea a la salida del bar. Uno diría que ese joven temerario busca un accidente. | The drunkards are looking for a fight outside the bar. You might say that that reckless boy is looking for an accident. |