candidate | Sé que tuvimos diferencias... pero realmente creo que soy un candidato fuerte. | I know me and this department may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but I really do believe that I'd make a strong candidate. |
candidate | No considerarías a un candidato sin revisarlo. | You wouldn't even consider a candidate without vetting him first. |
candidate | El siguiente candidato es Paul Metzler. | The - The next candidate for student body president is Paul Metzler. |
candidate | Es buen candidato para una Norwood. | He's a good candidate for a Norwood. |
candidate | No hemos escuchado al otro candidato. | We haven't heard from the other candidate. |
candidate | Creo que sería un gran candidato. | I think you would be a great candidate. |
candidate | Es ilegal entrenar a un candidato aparte. | It will be illegal to train any candidate separately. |
candidate | Debo decir que es tu candidato. | Well, I'll have to call him your candidate. |
candidate | Primero, nuestro ilustrísimo gobernador Gelino... candidato a la reelección. | First, our gloriouso Governor Gelino... again a candidate in this elections. |
candidate | Muéstreme otro candidato Maquis cualificado y lo consideraré. | Show me another qualified Maquis candidate and I'll consider him. |
candidate | Cada candidato tendría 15 minutos para responderlas. | Each candidate was to be given 15 minutes to respond to the questions. |
candidate | Sarkozy es entronizado candidato de la UMP. | Nicolas Sarkozy was invested as the UMP's candidate for the Presidency. |
candidate | Serás un excelente candidato, Chuck. | I think you'll make an excellent candidate, Chuck. |
candidate | Nunca tendremos otro candidato listo a tiempo. | We'll never get another candidate ready in time. |
candidate | Sren Ravn es nuestro nuevo candidato. | Good. Sren Ravn is our new candidate. |
candidate | Nueva política, todo candidato tomar el polígrafo. | New policy, every candidate has to take a polygraph. |
candidate | No habíamos podido encontrar un candidato adecuado todavía. | We haven't been able to find a suitable candidate yet. |
nominee | El comité concederá esa cortesía al candidato. | The committee will extend this courtesy to the nominee. |
nominee | Y Chef Ramsay añadido un candidato propio. | And Chef Ramsay added a nominee of his own. |
applicant | Te contraté porque eres el candidato mejor calificado. | I hired you because you're the most qualified applicant. |