place | Se descubrió que... deben colocar los dispositivos. | They figured out where... they should place the devices. |
place | Si usted pudiera decirnos dónde debemos colocar el material. | If you could tell us where do we have to place the stuff. |
place | No podré colocar los bloques desde adentro. | I can't place the blocks from the inside. |
place | Ellas fueron la inspiración para colocar las intravenosas adecuadamente. | Combat victims were the inspiration so they could place IVs properly. |
place | Los anillos rojos indican dónde colocar el recipiente. | The red rings tell you where to place the bowl. |
place | Niños: Es posible colocar niño extra. | Children: It is possible to place extra child. |
place | Elija cuándo desea colocar la operación. | Choose when you wish to place the trade. |
put | Estoy intentando colocar comida en casa. | I'm trying to put food on the table. |
put | Quizás debería colocar esto de nuevo. | Perhaps I'd better put this back on. |
put | Tardaríamos años en colocar estos cristales correctamente. | It could take years to figure out how to put these crystals back properly. |
put | Solo trata de colocar las piezas juntas. | He's just trying to put the pieces together. |
put | Siempre debes colocar las formas adentro. | You always have to put the shoetrees in. |
put | Nuestro objetivo es tratar de colocar algo... | For us, the whole goal is to try and put something in there... |
put | Podría colocar eso en engaño marital. | You could put that down to marital delusion. |
put | Quiero verte colocar la cerca solo. | I want to see you put that fence up by yourself. |
put, place | El niño colocó los juguetes en los estantes. | She placed her knick-knacks carefully on the mantelpiece. |
find [sb] a job | Juan colocó a su hijo en una fábrica. | John found his son a job in a factory. |
invest, put | Juan colocó su dinero en la Bolsa. | John put all of his money into the stock market. |
tidy up, clean up | Coloca bien los papeles en tu mesa que esto parece una pocilga. | Tidy up the paperwork on your desk, it looks like a bomb site. |
make high, give a high | El hachís te coloca muy rápido. | Hash makes you high really fast. |
project | Tengo que aprender a controlar mejor mi respiración para colocar la voz. | I need to learn to control my breathing in order to gather my breath. |