different | Además, existen grupos de distinto origen étnico. | This is in addition to the various groups from different ethnic origins. |
different | Sería distinto si trabajaras para mí. | It'd be different if you was dealing for me. |
different | Supongo que mañana cenaré algo distinto. | I guess I'll be dining a little different late tomorrow night. |
different | No sé cómo decirte, distinto. | I don't know how to tell you... different. |
different | Pero es distinto cuando eres mayor. | But it's different when you get older. |
different | Sheldon, acordamos hacer algo distinto esta noche. | Sheldon, we agreed we'd do something different tonight. |
different | Sería distinto si estuviera dirigiéndome a la comisaría. | It'd be different if I were heading to the police. |
different | Es distinto desde que volvió del espacio extraterrestre. | He's just different since he got back from Alien Space. |
different | Hice algo distinto con mi pelo. | I've done something different with my hair. |
different | Verás, tu papel es algo distinto. | [Chuckling] Well, your part's a little different. |
different | Cada una hace un sonido distinto. | Basically you hit them and each one makes a different sound. |
different | Jess Carney ahora podría estar distinto. | Jess Carney could look a lot different now. |
different | Pero ahora sigo un camino distinto. | But I'm on a different path now. |
different | Será distinto al diseñar algo específico para Ud. | As I said, it'll be different once we design something specifically for you. |
different | Hagamos algo distinto con las flores, entonces. | Let's try something different with the flowers, then. |
different | Si supieses inglés, sería distinto. | If you spoke English, everything would be different. |
different | Este mandato será muy distinto del primero. | My mandate will be very different from my last one. |
different | Dijo que quería probar algo distinto. | She said she wanted to try something different. |
different | Si fuera una moto, sería distinto. | If you fall off a motorcycle, the injuries look different. |
different | Debió ser distinto cuando mi abuelo. | It must have been different in my grandfather's time. |
different | El vino y la cerveza son bebidas de distinta naturaleza. | Wine and beer are different kinds of beverages. |
different | El jefe volvió por la tarde en un auto distinto. | The boss came back in the afternoon in a different car. |
clear | El orador se expresa adecuadamente con una voz distinta. | The speaker expresses himself properly with a clear voice. |
funny | Con esos zapatos caminas distinto. | You walk funny in those shoes. |