fault | Lo que pasó es mi culpa. | Everything that happened, it's my fault. |
fault | Estoy seguro de que todo esto es culpa tuya. | I don't know what this trouble is about, but I'm sure it must be your fault. |
fault | Porque creo que probablemente fue mi culpa. | 'Cause I think it probably was my fault. |
fault | Esto no es necesariamente culpa del Gobierno. | That was not necessarily the fault of the Lebanese Government. |
fault | Permítame juzgar quién tiene la culpa. | Permit me to judge who is at fault. |
fault | El accidente fue mi culpa también. | The accident was all my fault, too. |
fault | Moisés siempre nos culpa a nosotros. | Moses always tells us it's our fault. |
fault | Supongo que técnicamente es mi culpa. | I guess, technically, that was my fault. |
fault | Por mi culpa está allá atorado. | It's all my fault you're stuck back there. |
fault | Totonno, no es culpa mía. | It's not my fault, I was holding it for you. |
fault | Es básicamente mi culpa que esté muerta. | It's basically my fault that she's dead. |
fault | Porque supongo que es mi culpa. | Well, it is my fault... I guess. |
fault | Las cualidades que esperabas es mi culpa. | The qualities you lack, I expect it is my fault. |
fault | Por mi culpa Bauer y Almeida siguen sueltos. | It's my fault that Bauer and Almeida are still at large. |
fault | La culpa es mía, debería haberte dejado marchar. | David, it's all my fault. No. I should have let you go away. |
blame | La culpa de esa situación recae exclusivamente en Etiopía. | The blame for this state of affairs rests squarely on Ethiopia. |
blame | Paddy no tiene la culpa, de lo que puede pasar. | Paddy isn't to blame, he gets to move on, without the hindrance of a wife he no longer wants. |
blame | Tus problemas son solo culpa tuya. | You don't get to blame your problems on anyone but yourself. |
guilt | Hay sentimiento de culpa y favorece el desequilibrio. | It leads to feelings of guilt, which further burden the mind. |
guilt | Entonces lástima sí, culpa no. | So pity, yes, but guilt, no. |
fault | No ha sido culpa mía. | It wasn't my fault. |
guilt | Tengo que ofrecerte disculpas por mi comportamiento porque la culpa no me deja dormir. | I have to apologize for my behavior because guilt keeps me awake at night. |
offence | El acusado tendrá que pagar su culpa con la cárcel. | They let him off because it was his first offence. |
blame | El vigilante se quedó dormido y le echaron la culpa del robo. No le eches las culpas a tu hermano; sé que tú rompiste el jarrón. | The watchman had fallen asleep, and he was blamed for the robbery. |
my fault | Ya sé que las flores se han secado; mea culpa, se me olvidó regar. | I already know that the flowers dried out; my fault, I forgot to water them. |
it's his fault, it's her fault | Juan está castigado y por su culpa su hermano tuvo que quedarse en casa. | Juan is being punished and it's his fault his brother had to stay at home. |
it is your fault | ¡Hemos fracasado por tu culpa! | We have failed. It is your fault! |
be [sb]'s fault | Es culpa de Pedro que no haya más café. | It's Pedro's fault that there's no more coffee. |