gold | Habitualmente compran el oro importadores o refinerías. | The gold is usually purchased by importers or refineries. |
gold | Temo admitir la cantidad de oro y hemos descubierto. | I'm afraid to tell you how much gold, platinum, and rare ores we've uncovered. |
gold | Este muchacho tiene oro en los dientes. | Here's a boy's got some gold in his teeth. |
gold | Estoy dispuesto a darte mucho oro... | I'm prepared to give you lots of gold in... |
gold | El oro recolectado será usado para comprar dólares americanos... | The collected gold will be used to purchase U.S. dollars, and... |
gold | Tienen platos de oro con bestias dibujadas. | They have gold plates with beasts drawn on them. |
gold | Ellos no podrían entender este corazón de oro tuyo. | They just could not understand this heart of gold, which is yours. |
gold | Nuestros amigos nos entregarán mucho oro y muchos caballos. | Our friends will present us with a lot of gold and many horses. |
gold | El bashaw ofrece 70.000 piezas de oro español. | The Bashaw offers this: 70,000 pieces of Spanish gold. |
gold | Debe llenarte de oro y joyas. | She must lavish you with jewels and gold. |
gold | Empecemos por el pastillero de oro. | So let us begin with the little gold medicine box. |
gold | Quieren invertir, tenemos el oro. | You want to invest? We got the gold. |
gold | Hay algo en... descubrir oro. | You know there's something about finding gold. |
gold | Comenzaron a buscar oro en la colina. | All over the hillside they started digging for gold. |
gold | No esperen hallar pepitas de oro fundido. | Don't expect to find nuggets of molten gold. |
gold | Marcharse sin el oro no tiene sentido. | Don't make no sense, riding off without that gold. |
gold | Ganaría oro suficiente para llenarte las sandalias. | He'd win enough gold to fill your sandals. |
gold | Intentarás conseguir el oro sin mí. | You'll try takin' the gold without me. |
gold | No quiero compartir el oro contigo. | I don't want to divvy up the gold. |
gold | Quería llenártelas de diamantes y oro. | I want to fill it with diamonds and gold. |
gold | Llevaba un valioso anillo de oro blanco con diamantes. | She wore a valuable ring of white gold with diamonds. |
gold jewelry | Sacó el oro para elegir qué anillo ponerse para la cena. | She took out her gold jewelry to decide which ring to wear to dinner. |
gold coin, coin | Los palos de la baraja española son oros, bastos, copas y espadas. | The suits in a Spanish deck of cards are gold coins, clubs, swords and cups. |