serious | El desafío es grave y debemos afrontarlo con responsabilidad. | This is a serious challenge, and we must face it with all responsibility. |
serious | Ignorar esos acuerdos significaría un grave retroceso. | Ignoring such agreements would be a serious step backwards. |
serious | Cualquier indicio adicional de ocultamiento de documentos sería grave. | Any further sign of the concealment of documents would be serious. |
serious | Cometí un grave error perdonándole la vida. | I made a serious mistake to spare his life. |
serious | Tuve jaleillo arriba, nada muy grave. | I had a bit of trouble upstairs, nothing too serious. |
serious | Marty había tenido un infarto grave. | Marty, it turned out, had suffered a serious heart attack. |
serious | Eso es muy grave para el ferrocarril. | Well, say, that's mighty serious for the railroad. |
serious | Eso resulto hacer un grave error. | That I turn out to do a serious error. |
serious | Significa que podría ser muy grave. | It means that it could be very serious. |
serious | Uno tiene ahora una infección muy grave. | Sir, one has developed a very serious infection. |
serious | Conocemos las causas de esta grave recesión. | We are aware of the causes of this serious recession. |
severe | Las mediciones mostraron que unos 5.000 niños sufrían malnutrición aguda grave. | The measurements showed that about 5,000 children were suffering from severe acute malnutrition. |
severe | No debe administrarse a pacientes con deterioro hepático grave. | They should not be used in patients with severe liver problems. |
grave | Loveless, la situación es muy grave. | Dr. Loveless, our cause is in a grave situation. |
grave | Será un grave error judicial, Martín. | It will constitute a grave miscarriage of justice, as you now know, Martin. |
grave | Le recordó la grave enfermedad del Presidente. | He reminded her of the president's grave illness. |
grave | Somos conscientes de nuestra grave responsabilidad. | We all are conscious of our grave responsibility. |
grave | Estimamos que ello sería un grave error. | We believe that this would be a grave error. |
grave | Cometiste un grave error, Beatrice. | You've made a grave mistake, Beatrice. |
grave | Estamos en grave riesgo de parecer entrometidos. | I feel we're taking a grave risk of seeming inquisitive. |
serious | La situación es grave, hemos de actuar cuanto antes para solucionar este asunto. | The situation is serious, so we have to act immediately in order to solve it. |
felony | Como el secuestro se considera delito grave, el acusado podría pasar hasta 20 años en la cárcel. | Since kidnapping is considered a felony, the alleged perpetrator could spend up to 20 years in jail. |
serious misconduct | Debido a una falta grave, Carlos se quedó sin empleo y recibió una demanda. | Due to serious misconduct, Carlos lost his job and was sued. |