cry | Te estaba mirando cuando soltó aquel grito. | She was looking at you when she let out that cry. |
cry | Es un grito de ayuda si lo ves. | It was a cry for help, really, when you look at it truthfully. |
cry | Tu primer grito atravesó valientemente las rugientes olas. | Your first cry cut across bravely through the roaring sea. |
cry | Cuando vuela emite un grito ronco y desagradable. | When it flies it emits a hoarse and unpleasant cry. |
scream | Oímos su grito hace unos segundos. | We heard her scream a few seconds ago. |
scream | Seguí el sonido del grito hasta un cuarto. | So I followed the sound of the scream back to a bedroom. |
scream | Estaba entrando cuando escuché tu grito. | I was just running in the door when I heard you scream. |
scream | Escuché un grito y quise ayudar. | I heard a scream and wanted to help. |
scream | Pero cuando suenan las bombas, me estremezco y grito. | But when the bombs sound, I flinch and scream. |
scream | Oímos el grito y eso fue todo. | We heard the scream, and that was it. |
scream | No había pasado un minuto cuando escuché un grito y un golpe fuerte. | It couldn't have been a minute later when I heard the scream and then a crash. |
scream | Que es cuando escuchamos el grito y fuiste a investigar. | Which is when we heard the scream and you went to investigate. |
scream | He oído un grito y he venido a la habitación. | I heard her scream, I came into the room. |
shout | Péguenme un grito si necesitan algo. | Give me a shout if you need anything. |
shout | Pégame un grito cuando estés lista. | Give me a shout when you're ready. |
shout | Entonces escuchamos un grito del camarógrafo. | But then we heard a shout from the photographer. |
shout | Esperaba oír un grito en cualquier momento. | I expected to hear a shout at any moment. |
shout | Si empeora, te pegaré un grito. | If it gets worse, I'll give you a shout. |
shout | Un grito especial de todos lo mayores. | A special shout out to all my seniors. |
shout, yell | ¿Qué ha sido ese grito? | What was that shout (or: yell)? |
holler, shout | Dale un grito, que baje a cenar. | Give him a holler (or: shout), it's time to come down for dinner. |