
Guy Sujeto Subject El Fellow Ese De I

Index 1336
Question sujeto
Question sentences
El sujeto copiado es normalmente eliminado.
Hay que escoger bien el sujeto.
Answer subject; guy; fellow
Answer sentences and translations
subjectEl sujeto copiado es normalmente eliminado.Typically, the subject being copied is terminated.
subjectHay que escoger bien el sujeto.You need to choose your subject very well.
subjectY cuando finalizó su retrato, el sujeto desaparecería.And when he finished his portrait, the subject would disappear.
subjectEl sujeto intentará interceptar sus proyecciones vía persepción extrasensorial.The subject will attempt to intercept these projections via extrasensory perception.
guyNo estuvieses hablando del mismo sujeto.You're not talking about the same guy.
guyQuiero escuchar al otro sujeto decirlo.I want to hear the other guy say it.
guyEse sujeto estaría enfermo de todos modos.That guy was sick with or without the Intersect in your head.
guyAhí derribé a un sujeto hoy.That's where I reamed this guy today, man.
guyPareces un sujeto con muchos sujetos.You seem like a guy that's got a lot of guys.
guyNo siempre quiero ser ese sujeto.I don't always want to be that guy.
guyUn sujeto conducía sus negocios allá.A guy I knew used to do bigger deals there.
guyMuchas fotos de vigilancia del mismo sujeto.Eric: A lot of surveillance photos of the same guy.
guyEstaba con otro sujeto de traje.He was with another guy, in a dirty suit.
guyEste sujeto sufrirá una infección seria.This guy will be back with a staph infection.
guyAsí lo llamó el sujeto de Seguridad Nacional.That's what the guy at Homeland Security called it.
guyOtro sujeto rompió conmigo mientras estábamos en la ducha.One guy broke up with me while we were in the shower together.
fellowEse sujeto estaba robando y trató de matarme.That fellow out there was stealing, and he tried to shoot me.
fellowYa sé quién era ese sujeto.You know, it just come to me who that fellow was.
fellowEse sujeto tuvo suerte, inspector.That fellow got a lucky break, Inspector.

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