subject | El sujeto copiado es normalmente eliminado. | Typically, the subject being copied is terminated. |
subject | Hay que escoger bien el sujeto. | You need to choose your subject very well. |
subject | Y cuando finalizó su retrato, el sujeto desaparecería. | And when he finished his portrait, the subject would disappear. |
subject | El sujeto intentará interceptar sus proyecciones vía persepción extrasensorial. | The subject will attempt to intercept these projections via extrasensory perception. |
guy | No estuvieses hablando del mismo sujeto. | You're not talking about the same guy. |
guy | Quiero escuchar al otro sujeto decirlo. | I want to hear the other guy say it. |
guy | Ese sujeto estaría enfermo de todos modos. | That guy was sick with or without the Intersect in your head. |
guy | Ahí derribé a un sujeto hoy. | That's where I reamed this guy today, man. |
guy | Pareces un sujeto con muchos sujetos. | You seem like a guy that's got a lot of guys. |
guy | No siempre quiero ser ese sujeto. | I don't always want to be that guy. |
guy | Un sujeto conducía sus negocios allá. | A guy I knew used to do bigger deals there. |
guy | Muchas fotos de vigilancia del mismo sujeto. | Eric: A lot of surveillance photos of the same guy. |
guy | Estaba con otro sujeto de traje. | He was with another guy, in a dirty suit. |
guy | Este sujeto sufrirá una infección seria. | This guy will be back with a staph infection. |
guy | Así lo llamó el sujeto de Seguridad Nacional. | That's what the guy at Homeland Security called it. |
guy | Otro sujeto rompió conmigo mientras estábamos en la ducha. | One guy broke up with me while we were in the shower together. |
fellow | Ese sujeto estaba robando y trató de matarme. | That fellow out there was stealing, and he tried to shoot me. |
fellow | Ya sé quién era ese sujeto. | You know, it just come to me who that fellow was. |
fellow | Ese sujeto tuvo suerte, inspector. | That fellow got a lucky break, Inspector. |