horse | Habrá que montarlo en su caballo. | Then we'll have to tie you on your horse, Jim. |
horse | Pretende venderle el caballo y la calesa. | He's trying to sell him his horse and buggy, he is. |
horse | Un caballo Mercedes con una piscina arriba. | A Mercedes horse with a swimming pool on top. |
horse | Podemos caminar y descansar al caballo. | We can walk now and save the horse. |
horse | El caballo apenas podía abrirse paso. | The horse could hardly break through the drifts. |
horse | Te sirve volver enseguida al caballo. | You need to get right back on the horse. |
horse | Hay mucha confianza entre el caballo y la vaquera. | There's a lot of trust between the horse and the cowgirl tonight. |
horse | Los dueños del caballo son clientes habituales. | The guys who own the horse are his regular customers. |
horse | Esta mañana habló de comprar un caballo. | Well, this morning he was talking about buying a horse of his own. |
horse | Tendré su caballo ensillado, regresaremos. | I'll have your horse saddled, Sir... we're going back. |
horse | Te engancharé el caballo ahora mismo. | I'll hitch up the horse right away. |
horse | No queríamos mirarle el dentado al caballo regalado. | We didn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. |
horse | Es por el caballo que compró. | It has something to do with the horse you bought. |
horse | Deberías haber comprado un caballo samurái. | You should've pinched the samurai's horse. |
horse | Gracias, pero tengo mi caballo. | Thank you, but I've got my horse. |
horse | Ha alquilado el coche porque nuestro caballo murió. | He sent for the cart because our own horse died. |
horse | Necesitarás víveres frescos y un caballo rápido. | You'll need fresh rations and a fast horse. |
horse | Te compraré un caballo si quieres. | And I can get you a horse, if you would like. |
horse | Meti cayó de su caballo matándole... | Meti's fall from his horse killed him. |
horse | Encontrarás en mi establo un caballo blanco. | You'll find a white horse in my stables. |
horse | Mi caballo es un fino ejemplar pura sangre. | My horse is a prime example of a thoroughbred. |
knight | El caballo es la única pieza de ajedrez que puede saltar sobre piezas enemigas o propias. | His opponent took his knight in one sweeping move. |
horse, knight | El caballo corresponde al número 11 de la baraja española. | The horse (or: knight) represents 11 in a deck of Spanish playing cards. |
vault | El caballo es un aparato de salto que requiere velocidad y fuerza en los gimnastas femeninos y masculinos. | The vault is a jumping apparatus requiring speed and energy for both male and female gymnasts. |
horse | Una de las drogas más peligrosas es la heroína, conocida como "caballo" en la jerga callejera. | One of the most dangerous drugs is heroin, known as "horse" on the street. |