
Industrial De El En Sector Manufacturing Industry Para

Index 1330
Question industrial
Question sentences
En el sector industrial se seguían generando niveles inaceptables de contaminación.
Sería un nombre bello para un solvente industrial.
Answer industry; manufacturing
Answer sentences and translations
industrialEn el sector industrial se seguían generando niveles inaceptables de contaminación.In the industrial sector, unacceptable levels of pollution were still being generated.
industrialSería un nombre bello para un solvente industrial.That's a really pretty name for an industrial solvent.
industrialEnseñé arte industrial y ciencias sociales.I became an industrial arts and social studies teacher.
industrialDebería considerarse el establecimiento de un mecanismo financiero multilateral para el sector industrial.The establishment of a multilateral financing mechanism for the industrial sector also needed to be considered.
industrialLos proyectos de innovación industrial revisten enorme importancia social.The social importance of the projects aimed at innovative industrial development is critical.
industrialParecerá un accidente industrial, y saldrá libre.Make it look like an industrial accident, - and he walks.
industrialNuestra misma existencia es una barrera al modelo industrial.Our very existence is a barrier, a form of resistance to the industrial model.
industrialLos químicos alemanes hicieron colores artificiales a escala industrial.Artificial colours were made on an industrial scale by German chemists.
industrialFabrican algo que no es maquinaria industrial.I think he's manufacturing something other than industrial machinery at that plant.
industrialActúa como barrera entre superficies algún tipo de espray industrial.It acts as a barrier between surfaces, sort of like an industrial cooking spray.
industrialHacia el parque industrial, pero desviándonos antes.Towards the industrial park, but we turn off before.
industrialHubo una complicación cuando curamos la enfermedad industrial.There was a complication when we cured the industrial disease.
industrialHa trabajado como ingeniero industrial y consultor de grandes empresas manufactureras.He has worked as an industrial engineer and consultant to large manufacturing companies.
industrialTrabajó en diversas empresas del sector industrial.He worked in several companies in the industrial sector.
industrialMi mamá mezclaba azul de azufre con jabón industrial.My own Big Momma used to mix up sulfur blue with industrial cleanser.
industrialMira el primer sabotaje industrial óptimo.You're looking at the ultimate form of industrial sabotage here.
industryDecidieron desarrollar sus propios estándares informáticos llamados: arquitectura estándar industrial extendida.They decided to develop their own computer standards, called extended industry standard architecture.
industryEn general, cuesta mucho implicar al industrial.In general, very difficult to involve the industry suppliers.
manufacturingNuestra base industrial fue destruida en unos años.Our manufacturing base was destroyed, literally over the course of a few years.

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