industrial | En el sector industrial se seguían generando niveles inaceptables de contaminación. | In the industrial sector, unacceptable levels of pollution were still being generated. |
industrial | Sería un nombre bello para un solvente industrial. | That's a really pretty name for an industrial solvent. |
industrial | Enseñé arte industrial y ciencias sociales. | I became an industrial arts and social studies teacher. |
industrial | Debería considerarse el establecimiento de un mecanismo financiero multilateral para el sector industrial. | The establishment of a multilateral financing mechanism for the industrial sector also needed to be considered. |
industrial | Los proyectos de innovación industrial revisten enorme importancia social. | The social importance of the projects aimed at innovative industrial development is critical. |
industrial | Parecerá un accidente industrial, y saldrá libre. | Make it look like an industrial accident, - and he walks. |
industrial | Nuestra misma existencia es una barrera al modelo industrial. | Our very existence is a barrier, a form of resistance to the industrial model. |
industrial | Los químicos alemanes hicieron colores artificiales a escala industrial. | Artificial colours were made on an industrial scale by German chemists. |
industrial | Fabrican algo que no es maquinaria industrial. | I think he's manufacturing something other than industrial machinery at that plant. |
industrial | Actúa como barrera entre superficies algún tipo de espray industrial. | It acts as a barrier between surfaces, sort of like an industrial cooking spray. |
industrial | Hacia el parque industrial, pero desviándonos antes. | Towards the industrial park, but we turn off before. |
industrial | Hubo una complicación cuando curamos la enfermedad industrial. | There was a complication when we cured the industrial disease. |
industrial | Ha trabajado como ingeniero industrial y consultor de grandes empresas manufactureras. | He has worked as an industrial engineer and consultant to large manufacturing companies. |
industrial | Trabajó en diversas empresas del sector industrial. | He worked in several companies in the industrial sector. |
industrial | Mi mamá mezclaba azul de azufre con jabón industrial. | My own Big Momma used to mix up sulfur blue with industrial cleanser. |
industrial | Mira el primer sabotaje industrial óptimo. | You're looking at the ultimate form of industrial sabotage here. |
industry | Decidieron desarrollar sus propios estándares informáticos llamados: arquitectura estándar industrial extendida. | They decided to develop their own computer standards, called extended industry standard architecture. |
industry | En general, cuesta mucho implicar al industrial. | In general, very difficult to involve the industry suppliers. |
manufacturing | Nuestra base industrial fue destruida en unos años. | Our manufacturing base was destroyed, literally over the course of a few years. |