
Juicio Trial El Judgment De En Y Es

Index 1081
Question juicio
Question sentences
El juicio de Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo prosigue.
El juicio deberá continuar en mayo.
Answer trial; judgment; view
Answer sentences and translations
trialEl juicio de Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo prosigue.The trial of Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo is still ongoing.
trialEl juicio deberá continuar en mayo.The trial is scheduled to continue in May.
trialLamento que no vieras un juicio.I'm sorry you didn't see a trial.
trialEsta gente ha estado siguiendo el juicio.These are people who have been monitoring this trial.
trialEstaré en Gainesville, cubriendo un juicio.I'll be in Gainesville, covering that trial.
trialQuieres un juicio, querido Lord Lannister.(Lysa) You want a trial, my Lord Lannister.
trialLuego Buckley pedirá un juicio pronto.After that, Buckley will push for a fast trial.
trialPosteriormente el juicio se aplazó para reunir nuevas pruebas.The trial was then postponed for the purpose of collecting additional evidence.
trialTodos comprenden que atravesaste un juicio.Everyone understands that you've been through a trial.
trialTiene juicio pendiente y no pudo... salir de EE.UU.He would like to come, but with his trial coming up, it's hard to leave the country.
trialEs exasperante tener que esperar el juicio.It's nerve-racking having to wait for the trial.
trialHanover debe declararlo apto para el juicio.Hanover's got to declare him fit for trial.
trialTu juicio es pronto, necesitas comportarte.Your trial is soon, you need to behave.
trialTenemos que pedir un juicio rápido.We need to ask for a speedy trial.
trialConfiscaremos sus vídeos para el juicio.We'll be confiscating your video for trial.
judgmentNo habrá juicio sobre tus intereses varoniles aquí.There will be no judgment about your manly interests here.
judgmentEl Comité Galáctico necesita terriblemente de su experiencia y juicio.The Galactic Committee is terribly in need of your experience and judgment.
judgmentProcederemos con juicio sumario y ejecución mañana.We'll proceed with summary judgment and execution tomorrow.
judgmentDebí tener mejor juicio aquél día.I should've had better judgment that day.
viewA juicio del Representante, ese plazo es excesivamente optimista.In the view of the Representative, that timetable seems unduly optimistic.
trialEl ladrón fue condenado en el juicio.The thief was condemned in the trial.
opinionA mi juicio, la película es buena.In my opinion, the movie is good.
right mindEse hombre no está en su sano juicio, dice unas cosas muy extrañas.That man is not in his right mind; he says very strange things.
senseLos políticos tienen que hacer sus declaraciones con juicio y claridad.Politicians have to make their statements with sense and clarity.
in [sb]'s opinionA juicio de mi padre, mis notas en Matemáticas no son lo suficientemente buenas.In my father's opinion, my maths grades are not good enough.
win a suit, win a lawsuitMaría ganó un juicio contra su empleador.Maria won a lawsuit against her employer.
writ of amparoEl juicio de amparo es un instrumento para hacer valer las garantías individuales.The writ of amparo is an instrument to ensure personal guarantees.
value judgmentAl describir una realidad objetiva, deben evitarse los juicios de valor.When describing objective realities you should avoid value judgements.
mistrialEl juicio fue declarado juicio nulo.The trial was declared a mistrial.
oral trial, oral hearingEl acusado fue sometido a juicio oral.The accused was subjected to an oral trial (or: oral hearing).
summary proceedingsEl acusado fue sometido a juicio sumario y tuvo que pagar una multa.The accused was subjected to summary proceedings and had to pay a fine.
take [sb] to courtEl empleado llevó a juicio a la empresa.The employee took the company to court.
wisdom toothA Mario le sacaron las muelas del juicio.Mario had his wisdom teeth taken out.
use good judgmentPablo usó el buen juicio al renunciar a ese trabajo explotador.Paul used good judgment in renouncing that exploitative work.

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